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Date Posted: 2024-01-21 03:56:06
Author: Mike
Subject: Story from last summer

I’m sure lot of people on this forum are waiting for summer and time to let their kids be barefoot, so I decided to tell a fun barefoot storyfrom last year.

I am a father of a 14 year old boy and a 11 year old girl and they both are pure barefooters till the winter arrives, we live in a quite small city but we have buss connections to a much bigger one where we visit regularly, it was very warm day when we decided to take the buss there and spend some time together, the kids were obviously barefoot and got lots of looks from people when walking on the city streets and mall floors, we spend time on the mall on different shops and we went to a restaurant, when we sat down the kids took a look at their soles which were already very black, they laughed it off knowing that they can be proud of their feet, once we head home the kids compared their black stained soles, they told me to tell who has more dirtier soles and I picked the boy because he had little more dirtier ones. After that they scrubbed the surface dirt off but their soles remained pretty black, I am fine with that since the dirt doesn’t come off to sheets or anything! Overall it was very good trip

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