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Subject: Re: Family Update

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Date Posted: 14:38:37 05/31/24 Fri
In reply to: Jen 's message, "Re: Family Update" on 06:29:03 05/31/24 Fri

Awwwwe Charlie sounds just like my lil guy! So why does daddy and the other boys have to be out for Charlie to be kept bare? My boy is either in just undies or just a diaper most of the time occasionally just fully bare. Boys love to run around like that as long as not in trouble lol

My vote for Nick, I would for sure vote to try out leaving him diapered all summer :) I've already decided on that for mine her. He could use some reminding that hes not in charge so whining or pouting wont change it lol

Which part of my process would you like to know more about? if you go back in the messages on the forum i had extensive posts talking about it in super detail :P But let me know specifically which part and I'll try to explain more!

When we are doing diapers here, its all big boy privileges revoked, i change him myself too. An even earlier bedtime, I also cant help but use the childish baby talk tone of voice, which makes him blush and me reminisce! He has a paci for these times too, I always bathe him myself diapers or not so that doesn't change.

Do you ever spank when out like either in the car or a bathroom or when outdoors etc? My mom was quick to do that, and like your Charlie, you don't correct things immediately its much worse later on!

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Re: Family UpdateJen10:42:52 06/01/24 Sat

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