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Date Posted: 17:40:11 03/29/02 Fri
Author: Diane
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Subject: Hey Marlene, that is one of my NZ cookbooks and I make it all the time!
In reply to: Marlene 's message, "Sounds a little like "Joe's Special"" on 21:54:23 03/28/02 Thu

Andrew loves it (so do I - I like it served with rice, Basmati rice is my personal favourite, with tomatoe sauce.. ketchup). I wonder if that's the original "Joe" that the cookbook mentions... I know the author lived in the States for a time. Small world! :)

PS - It (meatloaf) was a HUGE hit with the dogs and I think I am going to start making it once a week, Andrew is going to make to me a bigger pan with a lid (handy guy that he is *G* so that I can do maybe 8kg, that should do them for a week with rice added (cooked seperatly) to the basic meatloaf and they get oats and other grains in the morning too). So it'll be 8kg (that must be around 17 pounds) of ground chicken mince (it contains ground bone too so the calcium is in there), 10 eggs for extra protein and vitamins and minerals, whatever I have in the way of cheap or otherwise unusable vegetables (like the leafy tops of celery, the broccoli stalks etc and carrots because carrots are constintly cheap and very good to add to a dogs diet :) and 2 cups of rice a day (cooked seperatly) and for breakfast 2 cups of oats (plus 1 cup of flaked bran/sesame seed/linseed/slippery elm etc), a little low fat/high calcium milk and a dollop of yoghurt and a dribble of sunflower seed oil. I might also give them the occasional feed of mackeral and macoroni (mac on mac ;). I really have to get some weight and condition onto these dogs as we come into winter and I also need to be more organised regarding their food on a weekly basis plus I need to ensure that it is not causing us to go bankrupt, this works out to about $10 per week per dog (not including my labour.. that is paid for in love and slobbers. :) I'm going to keep a bag of kibble in the house but I worked it out and it is not good value for money for me and it makes the dogs fart like nothing on earth (we were nearly gassed here last night!) so I'll stick with meatloaf and rice I think. I did want to feed raw but the chicken mince just doesn't keep raw and I don't have the freezer space to stock up, the meatloaf will keep better and it's something that I can feed to Sam too when he visits.... life is all about compromises I guess.

Marlene if I ever market this here you know I'm sticking with "Mack's Meatloaf" right!!! ;-)

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