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Date Posted: 14:34:13 04/25/02 Thu
Author: Diane
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Subject: I've been thinking about this so here goes...

Some of you know that there is a group of us here working on starting up our own rescue group for Boxers and I've been pondering the possibilities of slightly off the cuff fund raising ideas as part of this. Now one thing I know is that if someone does just ONE MORE sausage sizzle I might well scream and dump water on their cooking equipment! (Truly I'm a mad woman at heart. ;) But of course we all know that food does have the potential to raise those much needed $$$$ on fun days etc so how about I design a very unique "Boxer Burger" with a *special secret sauce* that is only avaliable on our Very Special Boxer Burgers! How does that sound? Maybe if we can hit on one that is good enough we can even sell the sauce (shades of Paul Newman) in bottles on fund raising days. :) So...... I need a little help please. I'm willing to do the cooking, Andrew will, I am Very Sure *G*, happily take on the ardorous role of "official taster" but I need some inspiration. Anyone have an out of this world BBQ type sauce they would like to share (I reserve the right to modify as may be needed). C'mon ladies, it's for a terrific cause. :)

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