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Date Posted: 05:06:21 05/09/02 Thu
Author: Diane
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Subject: Re: Diane...if you get a minute?
In reply to: Doodle's Mom 's message, "Diane...if you get a minute?" on 16:25:42 05/06/02 Mon

Jackie my computer was down for the last 24 hours (Andrew, Mr Incredible!!! has managed to fix it :)

She's lovely, she is Shilo to a T!

Here are my thoughts;

You have Spink, bought into your home as a teenager come adult and he has a self assured attitude. You have Doodle who arrived as a baby in effect and has that kind of "life is wonderful regardless" outlook. Then you have Miss Molly who is (has been) a Mom and knows a little/lot about life. A difficult call to mix them. I can only say what I would try. If it were me in this situation I would try this - make it clear that Spink is important (this IMO would clarify to both him and Molly who stands where), I wouldn't worry too much about Doodle right now as I feel he will fit in to things as they pan out. I'd try reinforcing Spinks position in many ways while working with Molly on downs and sit etc, I know your heart is all around her right now but if you want to try and keep her then she needs to know her place in the pack as such.

What do you think? Does this sound like sense? When Sam came here I let Shilo 'deal to him' in her own way (and in her own time), I knew that was a necessary thing. Sam is bigger than her but dogs need such solid definitions it seems. It never pays to allow sympathy for a dog to undermine common sense when it comes to pack structure since dogs are simply unable to relate to our ideas of charity and kindness and the like.... in the end they will define who stands where and the sooner we recognise that and fit in with their notion of it the sooner harmony is likely to reign!

Hugs to Madam Molly from me please.

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