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Date Posted: 08:06:23 05/23/02 Thu
Author: Kris
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Subject: Would anybody use...

I messing around with some soap scents. Here are my grand ideas: A kitchen soap scented with tomato leaf and bits of sun-dried tomato and basil. A kitchen soap made with coffee (to cut strong odors) and scented with hazelnut coffee. Margarita scented soap - three parts lime to one part rosemary - thought I'd add that in in case you like Margaritas, Diane, and had the oils around the house. They mix up well for diffusing. A gardener's soap with either ground pumice or sterilized sand packaged in little clay pots, no scent yet. What do you think? The margarita smells heavenly, but I'm not sure that people would want to wash with it.....

Hope everyone is having a nice spring, where it's spring that is....it's been downright cold here the last two weeks. Down to almost freezing at night. Lots of rain which was unpleasant, but we ended up with a pair of Mallard ducks swimming in the back yard. Pretty cool! Also, does anyone have a remedy for ants? With the weather warming up we've ended up with a lot of ants in the house. I don't want to have to bug bomb the house again so am looking for a more natural alternative. I know there is one, just can't seem to remember it....

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