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Date Posted: 14:13:44 05/23/02 Thu
Author: Diane
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Subject: Re: Would anybody use...
In reply to: Kris 's message, "Would anybody use..." on 08:06:23 05/23/02 Thu

No, sorry, I think I'd have to pass on the soaps except the margarita one sounds interesting but I've never actually tried a margarita I don't think so I might have to melt it down LOL. I do like the gardening one and it would make a good mens work soap too right? Lemon maybe? Or rosemary? Bay perhaps?

I hate to tell you this Kris but it still feels kind of spring like down here ~ do you think we're hogging all the nice weather? Sorry!

Ants, me too (and you won't like what I'm about to post above very much LMAO). Me too as in.. I can't remember but is it maybe peppermint that deters them, or cinnamon? We never ever had ants till I started growing huge rosebushes up the side of the house (around the back) and then we were swamped with them. They just seem to appear from time to time and I do admit to dragging out the flyspray in desperation. Andrew is rather keen on that stuff you put out in tiny containers that they take back to their nest and it kills the entire nest off (and it does work well). I bet Kat knows a reliable natural approach to ant control, hope she pops in and can suggest something!!

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  • Re: Would anybody use... -- Kat, 08:46:36 05/25/02 Sat

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