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Date Posted: 14:27:20 05/23/02 Thu
Author: Diane
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Subject: Mould on decking.

Does anyone remember my problem with the mouldy decking saga? And I wanted a way of cleaning it that wouldn't adversly effect the dogs. Over the summer I was simply water blasting if necessary (Andrew nicely put a hose at the end of the decking for me) and that was working fine but now it's trying hard to be autumn and the mould is reemerging and causing problems despite my vigorous efforts with the hose. Sooooo... yesterday I was thinking about this and wondering if a product we have here called Sugar Soap (a liquid cleaner) would do the job. But I really didn't want to use anything that might be sudsy at all because it can be a nightmare to hose all the residue off and sometimes you end up with an even more slippery problem. But that lead to this silly sounding idea....

Take a large amount of sugar and sprinkle it liberally over the mouldy (slightly damp) decking. Then I really cheated (and yes, I guess it must have looked silly). I got out an old pair of Andrew's work socks that are nearly ready to be retired and I shuffle/scrubed my way backwards and forwards across and around the decking. Then I hosed it thoroughly. It really did help, I think I'll need to do it again and I may have to resort to some proper scubbing in some areas but this was easy, readily avaliable, cheap, effective.... all good things. :) Plus safe for the dogs!

Actually what made me think of this was trying to get an essential oil burner bowl (the ceramic type) clean the other day. It was full of ultra sticky residue and I just couldn't get it off. I tried dishwashing detergent, salt and various other things and then decided to give sugar a go - it scrubbed clean in a few minutes!

So there you go, my handy tip for the week, month whatever... hope it helps someone else. :)

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