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Subject: **A stifled yawn comes from the overhead trees.**

Riasa Lafaryl
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Date Posted: 01:48:25 01/08/03 Wed
In reply to: Jask Shell 's message, "*Blinking several times as he listens to the wolf speak.*" on 14:11:49 12/25/02 Wed

**A still, hunched knob on one of the towering oaks detaches itself and slowly makes its way to the ground, muttering.**

Don't go shooting at a tired beast just yet.

**Soon enough, it is revealed to be a squirrelmaid of dark mottled colours and green eyes. The cloak she wears is covered in thin patches of oak bark and the dark tunic and pants underneath are severly rumpled. Rubbing a paw over tired eyes she then begins to rub some warmth back into her forearms and then stretch. After a short space she addresses the two others standing in the clearing in the dawn's light.**

Hmph... *yawns* and a good morrow to the both of you. *She nods to each in turn.* Jask, I believe, it is good to see you again, and... *She narrows her eyes at the wolf* Have we met? I am Riasa of the Lafaryl. I must admit it's been quite some time since I showed my face around this here camp. There were a few tribal matters that had to be attended to, they took far longer than expected.

I returned late last night, it proved to be a long days travel, so you'll have to excuse me for finding the first feasable resting place. *She smiles, gesturing at her cloak.* You wouldn't believe how useful this comes in, provided that you're in an oak of course.

**She yawns once more and then shakes her head to clear it. Spying the water barrel she takes the ladle and pours water over her head.**

Well, that helped somewhat... **Looking around the deserted nature of the place suddenly seems to strike her.** May I ask where everybeast went to?

(OOC: Hey hey, gosh it's been ages since I've been around here. I lost the link and then I got too busy with school to have time for this stuff. Well, I'm back for now anyway if there's still anybody left that remembers my brief spell here. I killed a dragon, I think.)

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*Returning the nod, Jask looks at the squirrel with more than passing curiosity.*Jask Shell14:10:07 01/09/03 Thu

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