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Date Posted: 16:32:17 08/22/01 Wed
Author: Goktimus Prime
Subject: I agree with the Seven O'Nine
In reply to: Drunkenmaster 's message, "Conclusion" on 23:33:12 08/21/01 Tue

>woops, fucked up typos, i mean to say, wing chun is a
>form of kung fu, all tiger, crane, praying mantis,
>monkey, mythical dragon, and Drunkenmaster, are forms
>of kung fu, which means there related to wing chun.

Oh okay, I getcha.

>And in conclusion with the Jackie Chan, to me,
>millions of ppl in the world, martial arts
>instructors, will say jackie chan is a top shit
>martial artist!

So you're basing your conclusion on general perception? That's hardly a logical way to come to a conclusion.
After all, millions of people in the world also believe that Elvis is alive and that Britney Spears CAN actually sing. :p

>Arn't fighters aloud to chuck in acrobatics to there
>fights, what the hell is an aerial kick above your
>head supposed to be, i think it's rather acrobatic.

Yes, but what is the PURPOSE (re: practical application) of doing that?

Sure, it looks fancy and everything, but *why* would you need to do that in a fight? In most cases, these fancy moves just waste time and give the opponent ample opportunity to just get out of the way or deck the other guy out. Of course, in MOVIES, the bad guys are always stupid and tend to just stand there like a stunned mullet while the other guy pummels them.

Most practical fighting moves (i.e.: the type you see in self defence videos) aren't very fancy looking. Real martial arts are (at least, they ought to be) primarily concerned with what WORKS, rather than what looks good. When fighting to defend your life, who CARES how good your moves look -- personal survival is what really matters.

>Anyway, keep thinking Jackie aint no martial artist,
>it makes a fun discussion with others when you mention
>utter nonsense to other fellow martial artists;P

How is my argument utter nonsense?

If anything, your argument seems to be the less plausible one, as you persistently fail to provide any real evidence behind what you're saying. Watching movies (which is just all ACTING; so everything is fake) and quoting a general public opinion isn't really forms of evidence for this discussion.

Saying that "a lot of people believe that Jackie Chan is a good martial artist," isn't any more credible than if I were to say, "a lot of people believe that the Aryans are the superior race." -- a lot of people believing in something alone isn't really a credible form of proof.
The reasoning (rationale) behind that belief, on the other hand, is what really counts when proving/disproving a notion.

Thank you.

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