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Date Posted: 23:33:12 08/21/01 Tue
Author: Drunkenmaster
Subject: Conclusion
In reply to: Goktimus Prime 's message, "Re: I'm gonna be an idiot and disagree with you guys. :p" on 21:49:14 08/21/01 Tue

>for example, tiger, crane, praying mantis, snake,
>monkey and the mythical dragon, plus my favourite the
>Drunkenmaster<-- all these are kung fu wing chun

woops, fucked up typos, i mean to say, wing chun is a form of kung fu, all tiger, crane, praying mantis, snake,
monkey, mythical dragon, and Drunkenmaster, are forms of kung fu, which means there related to wing chun.

And in conclusion with the Jackie Chan, to me, millions of ppl in the world, martial arts instructors, will say jackie chan is a top shit martial artist!

Arn't fighters aloud to chuck in acrobatics to there fights, what the hell is an aerial kick above your head supposed to be, i think it's rather acrobatic.
Anyway, keep thinking Jackie aint no martial artist, it makes a fun discussion with others when you mention utter nonsense to other fellow martial artists;P

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