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Date Posted: 09:26:32 10/06/04 Wed
Author: Jim St. L.
Subject: Re: new ubf
In reply to: Hannah 's message, "Re: new ubf" on 21:55:45 10/05/04 Tue

Dear Hannah,

Like Amy Y., I didn't spend my Saturday to go to the UBF-MSU conference to be a spy. There is nothing about UBF I couldn't find out there that I already didn't know. I'm just amazed at the number of unrepentant and stiff-necked people I encountered there. From this, I am more convinced than ever before that the future of UBF won't be changed as you have stated. When I talked to Sarah Barry she is admitted she received the 16 question document that several people put together. She also didn't want to answer any of those questions. I also asked her about UBF removal from the NAE (something UBF used as their spiritual sign of approval in the past) and all she said was "There are many liberal groups in the NAE." She also stated that she was a member of the PCUSA(Presbyterian Church of the USA). When I asked her about the PCUSA's own liberal stances like considering admitting gay clergy and no longer supporting the state of Israel. She was surprised and a little embarrassed that I knew such things. If I would have thought about it I would have asked her if she supported John Kerry for president like she supported Al Gore and Bill Clinton. I can tell you that the pastors at my church all support a Christian for president in George W. Bush, who studies the Bible everyday.

From this and the financial unaccountabilities, the beatings, abortions and severe abusive activities of your "leadership" I can tell you that your group is not going to change any time soon. So this is why we deemed it necessary to show up as the descenting voices against the covert and unbiblical activities of UBF. If you want to discuss this more and find a place in Chicago where God's truth is taught correctly (2Tim3:16), instead of abused, please give me a call at (312) 310-0887.

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