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Subject: Newsflash!

The Marketing Manager
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Date Posted: 07:31:28 03/02/06 Thu

To Sussex Swans 'The Next Generation'

Well gents most of you proably don't know me...and that's a positive...anyway I was proabably one of the best players for the Swans the fastest runner, longest kick plus I think I won the league's goal kicking and a couple of B&F's. I also used to pull all the birds....

For those who do know me....shhhhhhhh

Anyway i'm back over for a holiday in June and would love to pull on the boots for a game with the Swans if there's an opportinity.

Bit of an update, still playing footy, still in WA and AG has also come to his senses and now lives in the West...about 1 mintue way (yes there are drawbacks) he also plays for the same club.

I also have a little bambino called Keira who is 5 months...AG is trying to have a son so he can be her first shag....he is a sick mother.

Anyway all the best for the season boys!!



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[> Subject: Re: Newsflash!

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Date Posted: 07:50:31 03/05/06 Sun

make sure you bring the salads............... haha

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Subject: Pre Season Training 25/02/2006 @ 1.15pm

The President
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Date Posted: 13:37:03 01/18/06 Wed

To All Players

Pre Season Training Begins Saturday 25/02/2006. We are meeting at Speaker Corner at 1.15pm Sharp!

Please bring your Trainers and Boots!

It will consist of Running and Drill followed by some refershing drinks at the Club house in Covent Garden.

Spread the Word.

If you can't make it please contact Bussy on 07711 060 876

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[> Subject: Re: Pre Season Training 25/02/2006 @ 1.15pm

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Date Posted: 12:47:47 02/20/06 Mon

Get down there slack arses!

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Subject: Extra-ordinary General Meeting

Swans Executive
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Date Posted: 08:48:32 02/08/06 Wed


We'll be holding the EGM this Saturday, February 11th at 4pm sharp at GJs Pub Wandsworth, which directly across King Georges Park in Wandsworth where we will be playing touch rugby at 2pm.

The following link shows the location of GJ's Pub. Directly across onto King George's Park is where we'll have a run.


Please do your best to get down to this meeting.

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Subject: WTFRU Ty Hallam?

Joel & Hilly
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Date Posted: 10:33:37 02/03/06 Fri

Ty & any other ex-Swans, there is a "get together" in Melbourne this Sunday and your attendance is expected. Give Hilly a call on 0423 647 722.

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Subject: Horses for courses?, Bugger that, I'll take clits for tits...

Lisa von Dyke
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Date Posted: 14:56:46 01/13/06 Fri

im a dead good nettie player, (all me dyke mates say so at least)
anyway, just a wonderin,
do the swanettes have a fiercely pro-lesbo scene?
if not, i'll take my tongue elsewhere
heres lickin
Lisa von Dyke

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[> Subject: Re: Horses for courses?, Bugger that, I'll take clits for tits...

Plastic is best
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 11:27:25 01/17/06 Tue

Saturday afternoon Strap on's!
We watch highlights of the female body builders comp from Eastern Europe then bang on th plastic for some added titsatic fun!
Give me a call on me mobile and we can watch together

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Subject: Banana's taste Good!

Fat Cat
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Date Posted: 13:00:10 01/09/06 Mon

Hey Fat B*stards

Fat Cat here, well I'm skinny Cat now and with 20kgs off my guts you could say that I am flying Chopper!

Good to see the two old west Oz diggers going through the Antipodean Fit club! Problem is fellas it's a bit like your state 2hrs behind the rest of us! By the time you firing the season will be over!

Maybe those Orange shorts may look respectable! May be not but I can say my red hair looks good and I've still got some!

I hear that there's been a clean out on the coahing side and that the Drill sarge has been given perm AWOL orders!

Who's gonna wear the orange beanie from now on? I can, cause I'm skinny Cat!

Remember that catch my red mate Vautin does!

Catch youse later maggots!

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[> Subject: If only succinctity were a word...

The Ed
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Date Posted: 17:20:16 01/12/06 Thu

What, once werent enough?
Mumsy, allaways told me, if u cant say it right the first time,
pipe down!

although, them was different times, i stand by her wisdom...
accordingly, wisen up, cob
besides, ur wasting ur breath/fingers

good luck to u, nonetheless
(figure u'll need it)

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Subject: Banana's taste Good!

Fat Cat
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Date Posted: 13:00:11 01/09/06 Mon

Hey Fat B*stards

Fat Cat here, well I'm skinny Cat now and with 20kgs off my guts you could say that I am flying Chopper!

Good to see the two old west Oz diggers going through the Antipodean Fit club! Problem is fellas it's a bit like your state 2hrs behind the rest of us! By the time you firing the season will be over!

Maybe those Orange shorts may look respectable! May be not but I can say my red hair looks good and I've still got some!

I hear that there's been a clean out on the coahing side and that the Drill sarge has been given perm AWOL orders!

Who's gonna wear the orange beanie from now on? I can, cause I'm skinny Cat!

Remember that catch my red mate Vautin does!

Catch youse later maggots!

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[> Subject: If the hat fits, bear it...

Humphrey B Bear
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Date Posted: 17:10:00 01/12/06 Thu

Nice one FC/SC, howevers, i dannae believe yas...
Long has been ze journey from Daytime tv to satyrdee arvo footy.
am i wrong?
no doubts, u've pulled ur finger out, but still, 20 kg's???
u were alllawayz prone to hyperbole
perhaps its network protocol, perhaps youse is just a big fat liar
who could possibly say either way or ze other?
not u!!!!
turn it up,
i'd lay honey on it!
by the by, lets just suppose u have dropped an ounce or two, howse abouts passing on a tip or two to our guns, instead of just gloating.
i knows, its the tv way, but FC/SC, surely u r beyond that
anyways, pleased to see u out of Weight Watchers and back on the skinny tins o Kitty kat
best o luck
ps: keep ur miits offa me honey
Humphrey B Bear

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Subject: Dane's Departure

Dane's Dad
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Date Posted: 00:27:53 11/23/05 Wed

Now that Dane has departed for the US, and hopefully for your sake won't be coming back, is there anything we owe you for damages, law suits, bar bills or paternity suits? My sincere apologies for anything he said, did, performed or tampered with, but, as I told him many years ago, his mother and I refuse to take responsibility for anything he does ever again. We are sure that your club is now a much better place without him and you may even now have an opportunity to win a few games. By the way, if (heaven forbid) he does come back to London, would you be kind enough to tell him that we've moved and haven't left a forwarding address. Good luck with your projects.

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[> Subject: Re: Dane's Departure

The Delectible Donna
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Date Posted: 17:20:30 01/06/06 Fri

Your son "said, did, performed or tampered with" me, on two separate occasions, and I loved every minute of it.

I'll let you know in about 7 months time if there will be any "damages".

PS: I think it's his
PPS: Please tell that Sambo character that we've had to sterilise the gymnasium.

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Subject: Looking for a Run

Shane Woewoden
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Date Posted: 10:01:55 12/21/05 Wed

Yeah, g'day fellas, I know youse are probably more interested in your Chrissy dinners than the upcoming season, but just thought I'd drop the club a line on the off chance youse might need a one time Brownlow winner on your list. Giss a shout.

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Subject: What's the Difference?

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Date Posted: 01:08:15 12/06/05 Tue

Q. What's the difference between Skippy and Wayne Carey?

A: Skippy can root who he likes and still be a kangaroo!

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[> Subject: More Q n A...

The Last Remaining Dinosaur
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Date Posted: 14:20:08 12/07/05 Wed

Q: Whats the difference between an elephant and a swan?

A: An elephant wouldn't have the hide to claim a level of respectability in terms of fitness after a skin fold test in the off season!

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[> Subject: Re: What's the Difference?

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Date Posted: 12:00:40 12/14/05 Wed

>Q. What's the difference between Skippy and Wayne
>A: Skippy can root who he likes and still be a

Sorry to tell you but "Skippy" was a Girl Kangaroo.

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[> [> Subject: Re: What's the Difference?

Dumb as a Post
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Date Posted: 15:56:08 12/15/05 Thu

Yeah, I've read it a coupla tmes, but I still don't get it.
Whats the difference?

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Subject: Official WEG Posters For Sale

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Date Posted: 12:10:08 12/14/05 Wed

I have some original WEG posters for sale.
For those who don't know what WEG posters are, they are posters put out for limited sale by The Sun-Herald Newspaper, Melbourne the day of the AFL Grand Final and sold only at the MCG on Grand Final Day. They have a characture drawing print of each Grand Final team. For example, Sydney Swans had one printed and so did West Coast Engles for the 2005 AFL Grand Final. Only the winning teams poster is kept and the losers posters are all taken back to the Sun-Herald office & Destroyed.

Warren Ellis Green (WEG) has been drawing & printing these posters for each grand final since 1954.

If anyone is interested in buying one or some original WEG posters, please get back to me as soon as possible for price, postage etc. Thanks.

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Subject: Gym Regime Mooted for Marshmallow Brothers...

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 15:52:07 12/04/05 Sun

Well, hot on the heels of the veritable lambasting that "The Big Guns" copped comes the rumour (some would have it as innuendo) that the not so skinny pair have made steadfast agreements with themselves and are booked in for a rigorous regime at the local gym...
Heard it all before, I hear you collectively snigger, but the truth is, (snide jibes aside), that the lads have realised that the years no longer remain merely impending, but are in fact stacking up, and have agreed to lose a kilo each for every year they've collectively spent traipsing the midnight cafes and for all the hours accumulated haunting all night greasy spoons...
But hang on, I hear you protest, how can these two monsters lose thirty kg apiece?
Well, short of having any answers to bestow upon you, I leave it with the football loving public at large to forward all enquires to the aforementioned Marshmallow Brothers...

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Subject: Big Guns with Big Guts...

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 06:39:40 10/12/05 Wed

Marvellous to see that two of your big guns, (of course I'm speaking of, Sam the destroyer Youngs, and David Consadine Bell) gearing up for the new season, and looking as fit as I've ever seen them.
Who says drinking lager six nights a week, and regularly eating meals between snacks doesn't pay off.
Keep it up chaps, we're all expecting big things...

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[> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...

You are what you eat
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Date Posted: 03:29:44 10/13/05 Thu

Nothing wrong with Belly and Sam drinking lager six nights a week, and regularly eating meals between snacks.Just look at Chewbacca talking while munching bowl after bowl pasta between slurping ale for inspiration!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 13:18:48 10/14/05 Fri

Of course theres no shame in scoffing cereal as an after dinner mint, nor should a bloke bow his head in the street if his main source of fibre is lager...
What I do insist that the lads duly note is this: Optimum playing weight does not necessarily equate to whatever old bloody reading the scales tend to throw at you after a night on the tiles n a late night curry.
Perhaps living in such close vicinity to the allures n the charms of Brick Lane is proving a temptation proffered by the original fallen angel that these coupla footy greats are finding a shade too enticing to resist.
And, lets face it, sport is about winning, and to win the flag we need this pair of proven performers fit n firing!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...

Jenny Craig UK
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Date Posted: 06:16:41 10/25/05 Tue

Dear Drifter
You say, I quote
"lets face it, sport is about winning, and to win
>the flag we need this pair of proven performers fit n
Exactly how overweight are these proven performers?
Can it be said they are
a) Winter tubby?-nothing the first 2 weeks training in Hyde Park wont fix
b)Heathrow injection fat?- clearly enjoying time in the Walkabout & local Balti House- 4 weeks training & stict diet control
c) Suffering the English Obesity Health Epademic- Do we need to send that woman from the TV 'You are what you eat'- In which case there is no hope!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 07:02:47 10/25/05 Tue

Ms Craig, it's a delight indeed to see that in this era of global values, you for one, are casting your net beyond the bored fat kiddies of suburban Australia, that celebrity heads such as Ray Martin and Yana Wendt seem to take such unending glee in continually hounding...
As an independant assesor, I feel it pertinant to judge without fear or favour...
Therefore, it is in my opinion that the Big Guns aforediscussed fall into the Category 2 Fat listing.
(Heathrow Injection Fat)
However,if I could be so bold as to offer an intermediate category, I'd recommend these lads be upgraded to 2.5
(Mid term drizzle laden lager n kebab violations)
It is my recommendation that the Big Guns be placed on a stringent 5 week plan involving nothing but rabbit fodder, laxatives, and lemon barley water.
Lets get the Big Guns back on the park and moving with legs and abdomens that defy their rapid acceleration towards thirty!
The Drifter

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...Heathrow Fat 2.5

MS Jenny Craig UK
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Date Posted: 07:59:06 10/25/05 Tue

Dear Drifter

Ok Heathrow Fat 2.5 it is.Serious image problem for the club?

Part of coming to grips with this problem is the individual fatty's must first realised they have a fat problem.
My question to you is other than this forum do these indivduals realise they have a weight problem?

And have they been sighted recently leaving 'that' establishement in Covent Garden at 2am heading toward the nearest Kebab shop?

Are they in denial?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...Heathrow Fat 2.5

F Albert
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Date Posted: 23:43:09 10/25/05 Tue

Jenny Craig Slimfast

Review In a Nutshell
Slimfast is a weight-management program that combines its Slimfast brand meals and snacks with a single sensible meal to achieve long-term weight loss results. Like all meal-replacement plans, the Slimfast Diet, rather than focusing on the big emotional issues related being overweight, provides an immediate stepping stone toward change.

How Does It Work?
Slim-Fast centers its weight loss program on its self-created shakes, bars, and pre-packaged meals. In conjunction with the shakes, many Slim-Fast participants supplement meals with nutrient-packed bars. The goal for Slim-fast participants is to stay away from high-fat and high calorie foods, and instead, indulge in foods rich in vitamins and fiber. Through Slimfast caloric-reduced meals and snacks, combined with other healthy foods and daily exercise, more calories are burned than consumed, and weight loss is achieved.

Who Is It Good For?
Especially good for very overweight people; busy people; those who want to get started immediately.

Keys: Four Pillars
Flexible system
Personalized support
Essential nutrition diet
Stick to a lifestyle activity

Great for fat slobs
Wide published agreement on effectiveness.
Emphasis on personalized exercise regime.
Controls calories without counting.
Published evidence suggests success of plan.
Follows 2005 Dietary Guidelines.
Lower carb plan also offered.

No late night lamb kababs and chips
No Stella or XXXX for 6 month
Defers teaching positive eating habits.
Must purchase shakes and bars.
Only one meal of real food a day.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...Heathrow Fat 2.5

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 06:40:56 10/26/05 Wed

Seems to me there are a couple of issues to take stock of here.
1. In times o crisis people must stick together.
2. In order to improve the problem must be addressed at the roots so to speak. (Cause generally predates effect)
With this is mind, I propose this:
The Big Guns be taken aside and spoken to with care. It's important for our lads to know we are all prepared to throw our weight behind them, so to speak.
After this, it is a simple matter of cutting down.
Sure, I was all about the lemon barley water diet, but lets be fair. These are two proven campaigners, n there is nothing wrong with the occassional six pint supper albeit not six days a week.
So, show your support, have a word with these jets, and let them know that it is all in their hands, rather than in their collective cow like stomachs.

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Subject: A WIN!

Habbi Mohammad
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Date Posted: 07:30:08 08/26/05 Fri

A win? Habbi so proud after all the praying.
Oh how happy that makes me feel.
You shall party like the after life with 72 virgins.
Even old man with young wife has reason to celebrate.

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Subject: bulldogs photos

Anita Phillips
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Date Posted: 20:33:08 08/08/05 Mon

I would like to find some photos of the Bulldogs playing or anything. i have tried to look on all the web site and still i have no luck, can some one tell me where i can find them?


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[> Subject: Re: bulldogs photos

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:17:35 08/11/05 Thu

>I would like to find some photos of the Bulldogs
>playing or anything. i have tried to look on all the
>web site and still i have no luck, can some one tell
>me where i can find them?

If you contact Don Eastwood BARFL webmaster he should have some photos for you.

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[> [> Subject: Re: bulldogs photos

Ross Bowden
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Date Posted: 23:20:29 08/18/05 Thu

>>I would like to find some photos of the Bulldogs
>>playing or anything. i have tried to look on all the
>>web site and still i have no luck, can some one tell
>>me where i can find them?
>If you contact Don Eastwood BARFL webmaster he should
>have some photos for you.

Try www.worldfootynews.com for all news and photos regarding the Bulldogs (even the Samoan kind)and the International Cup.

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Subject: Great Work!!

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Date Posted: 22:24:38 08/17/05 Wed

Well done on the win boys!!

Also to Ben and Ty who played in the International Aussie Rules Cup. They both played well throughout the series.

Keep it up

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Subject: International Cup

Stephen Egan
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Date Posted: 23:39:23 08/01/05 Mon

All the best to Ben and Ty downunder for the British Bulldogs in the International Cup!

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Subject: State of Origin carnival

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Date Posted: 14:45:08 07/25/05 Mon

State of Origin footy is back! Aussie Rules UK is pleased to announce that the inaugural State of Origin will be held at Chiswick Park in London (nearest Tube - Hammersmith) on Saturday 30 July, 2005. Kick-off time is 1.30pm.

The 4 competing teams will be Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and the Allies. State jumpers will be supplied and the top two teams will play off in the Grand Final! The rules of Touch Aussie Rules will apply.

Register online at www.touchaussierules.com

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Subject: Coaching Staff

Linda Evans
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Date Posted: 22:39:45 07/18/05 Mon

We hear there may have been some changes in the coaching department at the Club - now a win must certainly be on the horizon - lol

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Subject: Tweed Jacket

West Coast Loser
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Date Posted: 21:59:49 07/11/05 Mon

Top Dollar

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Subject: Tip Off

Andrew Demetriou
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Date Posted: 09:24:25 06/18/05 Sat

Dea Sussex Swans,

I am acting on a tip off that you have Jason Akermanis on your books. I understand, from numerous sources, that he operates under the name of Mark Pratt while playing for the Sussex Swans. This must cease & desist, otherwise we will have no other alternative but to impose 1) a salary cap on your club 2) a ban on Mark, errrr, I mean Jason, from bleaching his hair platinum blonde. Platinum blonde & Australian Rules Football don't mix, full stop.

A speedy response would be very much appreciated.

AFL Salary Cap Board

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Subject: New recruits

Linda Evans
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Date Posted: 22:15:01 06/07/05 Tue

How are the new recruits Beck and Boults going.
We anxiously await news of a win.

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Subject: The Loses Continue

Another fan
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Date Posted: 20:04:30 05/12/05 Thu

I see the swans continued on the losing bandwagon???????

I hear on the grapevine even Reading can beat you this year!!!!!!

I hear you have around seven coaches????? Some say too many cheifs!

Will the Swans win more than 3 games....methinks not....will struggle to win even one!

Just the usual tri-hards making no progress.....time for the Swans to pull the heads in and concentrate on playing footbals and not trying in every other sport.

Methinks it's time for a change!

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[> Subject: Re: Gutless

Colin Crowley
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Date Posted: 06:41:10 05/13/05 Fri

If you want to make big statements about our club then at least be brave enough to put your name on your message.

Why are you such a coward?


>I see the swans continued on the losing
>I hear on the grapevine even Reading can beat you this
>I hear you have around seven coaches????? Some say too
>many cheifs!
>Will the Swans win more than 3 games....methinks
>not....will struggle to win even one!
>Just the usual tri-hards making no progress.....time
>for the Swans to pull the heads in and concentrate on
>playing footbals and not trying in every other sport.
>Me thinks it's time for a change!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Gutless

Another Fans Fan
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Date Posted: 15:11:39 05/13/05 Fri

Methinks you are annoyed

We'll maybe you should smell the roses and realize what your involved in......


I have good Odd's on you losing again this week

Would you like me to place 5.00 on it for you!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Gutless

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 21:08:58 05/16/05 Mon

Hey Mate

Place 20.00 on the nose for me mate. I'll be over there soon, so me and the boys will love to drink your beer, and watch my bet come to winnings......

C'mon you good thing, bring home the losses for me.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Gutless

The King
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Date Posted: 19:34:48 05/18/05 Wed

I'll have 30.00 and a jelly peanut butter sandwich. In Fact I'll bet the sandwich they lose again!

Cmon give it to me baby one more time

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[> Subject: Re: The Loses Continue- Arm chair critics

Two Arms Two Legs Two eyes
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Date Posted: 01:13:56 06/03/05 Fri

Arm Chair Critics

You drag on your fag and slurp another pint
You watch the game from afar
Never having played a game in your life
To avoid shitting yourself and dieing from fright

Pull on a jumper is more than a stunt
You piss weak little *unt

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Loses Continue- Arm chair critics

the opposite fan
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Date Posted: 10:25:15 06/05/05 Sun

many a game I have played and many a time I've seen you run
time for you to remain on your chair
and pull your boots on to help
your mob win a game, whilst the rest of us continue to lap up the spoils of victory
so we can say we stuck it up you again and again

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Subject: We reckon........

Team Cumbum
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Date Posted: 07:32:45 04/11/05 Mon

I was wondering if that ginger Luke Jones was still getting a game in the senior side, coz if that is true you guys are sure to finish up winless. As a footballer he does make for a rerasonable soccer player, and we would wonder if that dream of the five person dream team ever got a start or is it just fainting away.....?

And we also heard that Trev ( cu#t ) was at the head of the sussex swans team, is some one going to bring the ladder to each game for him to stand on during the breaks or some one just steal a soap box from speakers corner and bring it along for the little guy.

any truth in the rumour that Gowie has now been knocked back from the english fire brigade as he wants to fight fires in the nude, and the locals are frightened to grab the wrong hose in an emergency?

It was recently mentioned that Eddie, aka, hotrod, aka hollywood was seen chatting up some birds at the walkabout claiming he was chris tarrant and that he had walked away from the game again... can someone confirm?

Apparently the loch ness monster is not the beast to see in the uk at the moment. Sightings of a large sassquash type creature circumnavigating hyde park in bright orange shorts, has the locals charging 3 quid a view at speakers corner to witness the horror.

latest on the gossip grape vine revolves around a certain hippy who seems to believe that Syd vicious is his father. it is reported that he was seen playing in some snow with a didgiree doo inserted in his nose, and not making any music...

We would really like it if any of the creatures from the wilderness at The Pond could confirm or deny any of the details above.

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[> Subject: Re: We reckon........

fatness coach!
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Date Posted: 16:11:07 04/15/05 Fri

A hose is hose. People aint fussy when they are on fire!
Hotrod may have been posing as Chris tarrent, however, seems like the girls found out the truth, as he is now sporting a broken arm.
Lukey will need to train before he gets a game in seconds, let alone firsts.

The loch ness monster is scaring all the students down in kingston in his newly purchased cave.

Lastly, trev isn't allowed to stand on a ladder as the reflection of his head would blind everyone if the sun ever came out.

Fatness Coach

>I was wondering if that ginger Luke Jones was still
>getting a game in the senior side, coz if that is
>true you guys are sure to finish up winless. As a
>footballer he does make for a rerasonable soccer
>player, and we would wonder if that dream of the five
>person dream team ever got a start or is it just
>fainting away.....?
>And we also heard that Trev ( cu#t ) was at the head
>of the sussex swans team, is some one going to bring
>the ladder to each game for him to stand on during the
>breaks or some one just steal a soap box from speakers
>corner and bring it along for the little guy.
>any truth in the rumour that Gowie has now been
>knocked back from the english fire brigade as he wants
>to fight fires in the nude, and the locals are
>frightened to grab the wrong hose in an emergency?
>It was recently mentioned that Eddie, aka, hotrod, aka
>hollywood was seen chatting up some birds at the
>walkabout claiming he was chris tarrant and that he
>had walked away from the game again... can someone
>Apparently the loch ness monster is not the beast to
>see in the uk at the moment. Sightings of a large
>sassquash type creature circumnavigating hyde park in
>bright orange shorts, has the locals charging 3 quid a
>view at speakers corner to witness the horror.
>latest on the gossip grape vine revolves around a
>certain hippy who seems to believe that Syd vicious is
>his father. it is reported that he was seen playing in
>some snow with a didgiree doo inserted in his nose,
>and not making any music...
>We would really like it if any of the creatures from
>the wilderness at The Pond could confirm or deny any
>of the details above.

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[> Subject: Re: We reckon........

bbq boy
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Date Posted: 18:18:41 04/25/05 Mon

As they say at english football grounds about has beens.....your aving laugh...some swans are having a laugh!

Luke jones in the ones's your having a laugh...luke in the ones your having a laugh! Someone needs to throw that heathrow injection away and gte him back on the track!

Yeah the little c..t is coach....the swear box will be full for the end of season trip,

my god what has happened to the wookie???? he was odd's on favorite at the start of season....now he's in Milan trying to look swish!.....and seduce!

Gow's hose gets a good workout! Poor cooz I say as he has to sleep in the same room as him!

Whats happened to balls...where's he gone! Still ranting and raving methinks!

We heard that italian bloke...gino is going on his walkabout again...must have abbo in him. No going aways this year for him, he'll be back after 6 weeks....

Pratty 34...that blokes never going to grow up...not when he still thinks Perth is where the God lives!

Hot Rod is next on the wedding list from all reports...he's off to America again!

The Red Horse can't fit into his shorts, but that was before he ran 21km under 120mins.....must have taken a short cut!

The swans are still the swans.....looks as if nothing has changed......got to make it more than 3 wins this year fellas...and not the bye either!

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[> Subject: Re: We reckon........

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Date Posted: 07:50:28 05/14/05 Sat

Hello Mr Ewart and Mrs King,

Sounds like u boys are busy! A little birdie told me that Mrs King had finally grown some balls is playing midfield rather than sitting in the forward line complaining about her back! What shade of ginga is ur hair now Ewie??

>I was wondering if that ginger Luke Jones was still
>getting a game in the senior side, coz if that is
>true you guys are sure to finish up winless. As a
>footballer he does make for a rerasonable soccer
>player, and we would wonder if that dream of the five
>person dream team ever got a start or is it just
>fainting away.....?
>And we also heard that Trev ( cu#t ) was at the head
>of the sussex swans team, is some one going to bring
>the ladder to each game for him to stand on during the
>breaks or some one just steal a soap box from speakers
>corner and bring it along for the little guy.
>any truth in the rumour that Gowie has now been
>knocked back from the english fire brigade as he wants
>to fight fires in the nude, and the locals are
>frightened to grab the wrong hose in an emergency?
>It was recently mentioned that Eddie, aka, hotrod, aka
>hollywood was seen chatting up some birds at the
>walkabout claiming he was chris tarrant and that he
>had walked away from the game again... can someone
>Apparently the loch ness monster is not the beast to
>see in the uk at the moment. Sightings of a large
>sassquash type creature circumnavigating hyde park in
>bright orange shorts, has the locals charging 3 quid a
>view at speakers corner to witness the horror.
>latest on the gossip grape vine revolves around a
>certain hippy who seems to believe that Syd vicious is
>his father. it is reported that he was seen playing in
>some snow with a didgiree doo inserted in his nose,
>and not making any music...
>We would really like it if any of the creatures from
>the wilderness at The Pond could confirm or deny any
>of the details above.

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Subject: Iraq

The Lieutenant
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Date Posted: 15:40:59 04/18/05 Mon

Here I am in Iraq, clearly so busy defending our country's interest that I haven't got time to visit the swans site and you buggers haven't even posted anything about the pre season cup.

Come on Belly or Trev or whoever usually msgs whats the news!

Benny H

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[> Subject: Re: Iraq

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 16:58:45 04/22/05 Fri

the news is pratty has turned 34 and still wears skate clothes because he thinks he is in a tennage boy band like busted.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Iraq

Mr al-Fyed
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Date Posted: 13:53:20 04/28/05 Thu

Gentleme of the Swans,

I own a little high street department store some of you may have heard of called Harrods, I say some as I believe your club has links with the English Southern Italian community and I find these feckless creatures to be dumb to all and sundry bar olives and tomatoes. Anyway, I digress, regarding Mark Pratt this incredibly professional gentleman has worked extensively with us over the past few years and I have found that his dress sense perfectly emulates the prestigious and highly creative industry in which he works.
Across from my store there is a puerile and disgusting clothing (I refuse to say fashion) establishment called Zara and not only is it very big within the aforementioned Southern Italian community but is generally associated with that burgeoning British underclass known as chavs.
I can assure you that Mark Pratt would never shop at this establishment as his tailoring is always of the highest quality.
I must depart now as it is time to pray to Allah that the summer sales (running from June to July with massive discounts on prestigious goods store wide) will be fruitful and plenty.

Goodbye my friends

Mohamed al-Fayed

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Iraq

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Date Posted: 17:09:10 04/28/05 Thu

you sell "goods" to arabs, i thought i was the wog! You have undercut us buy selling to the lower classes that is just wrong.

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[> Subject: Re: Iraq

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Date Posted: 19:34:01 05/09/05 Mon

Gday Ben,

How are you mate?- yes missing an update on the pre-season footy- sad to say we were one good mobile big man and about 3 goals short of making it through to the semis- pity the paras couldnt let you stay here for the season.

Round 1 could have gone better on the field, but news is that we have a good bunch on board this year- plenty of fun and footy for all.

What the scoop over your way?- do you have a footy to show the sport to the locals?

Any chance of you sending us a regular update as did Benny rees in 2003?

Take it easy mate

keep in touch


>Here I am in Iraq, clearly so busy defending our
>country's interest that I haven't got time to visit
>the swans site and you buggers haven't even posted
>anything about the pre season cup.
>Come on Belly or Trev or whoever usually msgs whats
>the news!
>Benny H

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Subject: New Player Dane

Dane's Dad
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Date Posted: 00:50:56 04/19/05 Tue

I hear you have a new player at the Swans called Dane Bowden. Could you tell him that I told Richmond to "go pound sand" as they wouldn't agree to a 3 year contract at $300,000 per year, so he's probably better off over there practising brain surgery and getting a kick with the Swans. Tell him also not to worry and forget about that paternity suit, as two other football teams apparently had a relationship with that girl the night before he did. His mother would like to remind him to wear his mouth guard make sure he has clean underwear on. Tell him not worry about his bar bill as we have taken out a second mortage and made a decision not to retire until we're 85 so we can cover it. By the way, his sister should be out of gaol by the time he gets back next year, so it's not worth his while coming back early. That's about it, so I'll apologise in advance for anything he might do or crimes he might commit, but I don't like your chances of us paying any claims for damage he could cause, although I guess there's no harm in you sending me a bill anyway. Good luck with him, you'll need it.

Dane's Dad

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[> Subject: Re: New Player Dane

Danes Mum's friend
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Date Posted: 14:13:39 04/19/05 Tue

Well, I agree only regarding the mouth guard and the clean underwear! He will play a good game of footy, fair and tough, but more importantly Dane will look forward to the celebration or what the heck! drinks and partying after the game. Dane, when you have completed your contract over there...Moorabbin Kangas await your arrival!

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[> [> Subject: Re: New Player Dane

Danes Moum's friend
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Date Posted: 12:55:13 04/20/05 Wed

And remember Mother's Day is not too far of! Clean underwear is also important!

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Subject: AFL & GAA collaboration

Pat Keane
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Date Posted: 15:09:14 04/06/05 Wed

Hi all,
As you all may know, we are forming strong bonds with Robert Emmetts Gaeilc Football team this season (even using their grounds this Saturday) but for this to go both ways we need to have a player overlap so I'm asking if there is any of you mutt's willing to put in a run with your Irish counterparts. If so let me know and I'll give all the details. Their season has started to every Sunday there will be a game which can only help before our season starts proper.
Paddy Keane 07793562582. patrickkeane75@yahoo.com

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Subject: East vs West - Swans

The Victorian
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Date Posted: 23:07:55 03/04/05 Fri

News from the Livable city is that 6 former Swans from the last 2 seasons are carving up the local leagues. G Unit, The Fitch, Big Triceps, The Sqook, Some Rigga and a bloke called Buckets.....yes strange names; however one W. Carey look-alike is running the Amateur tracks in South Yarra with the likes of one Bustling Barry Stoneham and M. Mansfield, welcome back to reality! Time to go grab that board again we think.

Meanwhile the man who is allergic to sun is carving up the business world and occasionally meeting the Super Salesman and a Melbourne supporter, even though he is Kiwi for small glasses of of Cola.

However, the Wet is rumbling with swans of the past, a bloke called C... (names withheld, for prattys sake) is still gleaming with a smile on th preseason track as he stumbles on with out his walking stick, unlike Pratty. Yes Pratty was back in the slow zone and has decided to recreate his version of Bodi from Point Break, and grow long hair with his designer beard. The Buss driver went back home to fix up his fleet. Young Jamie was getting hitched.......well done son, now get your rear end back to sunny England. Speaking of blokes going walkabout, a Wookie has been seen cruising the slopes in Norway....the locals believe it's an alien, but we know it's not.

A little bird down in Brighton suggested there be an East Vs West game in Adelaide...yes Adelaide...no girls allowed on the trip this time Seco, in 5 years time, we most blokes would have retreated back to warmer territory by then. So don't retire yet s the swans will reunite the boat races again.

Well enough banter for now, more updates soon.

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Subject: Kismet Ducks

Habbi Mohammad
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Date Posted: 00:04:03 02/09/05 Wed

This is Habbi Mohammad very old friend of the Ducks

I wish you well in your upcoming season. I pray for you 6am every morning.
Next time you in Finsbury Park please come and visit.
Tell me is old man with young wife still playing?


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[> Subject: Re: Kismet Ducks

Jimmy duckshooter
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Date Posted: 21:18:00 02/09/05 Wed

Hey Kismit

Happy times to you and your family! Moham & Ibi are still hanging around, poor blokes can't drink so we get them naked, but the girls love it!

Yes his old man is still playing, not only footballs but every skirt that walks past!

Young Italian Boy is having a dry run and not living up to his empire, but thats about to change as he's changing sides!

Habib Habibi

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[> [> Subject: Re: Kismet Ducks

Habbi Mohammad
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Date Posted: 03:44:26 02/17/05 Thu

Dear Mr Jimmy DuckShooter

People ask me Habbi will you pray for the ducks once more this season.

Pray?, I pray every morning 6am Finsbury Park, my very good friends. But you need to help yourselves.

I say Ducks you must first think like winners! Treat other teams as enemies- wish them 1000 lashes.
Your ground needs to become a burning hell of fire. You must think like warriors. Show no pain.

And Mr Jimmy dont be distracted by the evils of vice.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Kismet Ducks

Jimmy Duckshooter
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Date Posted: 22:53:08 02/17/05 Thu


We pray for you for prying for us!

Jimmy Duckshooter prays each time his uncle Joe Bar-Bar goes hunting for prime meat! Hench why I'm called duckshooter, me was concieved in the woods when pa was shooting.

You like deer? We have plenty on our patch eating all the grass, it pays off well as the opposition don't like our Pond!

Habbi, say hello to your young sister for me!

Jimmy rocks the Sack!

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Subject: help

sleepless in ealing
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Date Posted: 05:57:28 02/12/05 Sat

Root wanted any shape size colour or creed.

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[> Subject: Re: help

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 22:47:57 02/17/05 Thu

>Root wanted any shape size colour or creed.

I'm gay, do you need me????

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Subject: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

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Date Posted: 10:30:46 01/29/05 Sat

Join one of the longest serving members of the BARFL in Britains only Aussie Rules League. We are into our 15th year in the competition!

We are currently recruiting New Players for Aussies Rules & our Netball Club. All Nationalities welcome!

Pre season for Football has begun!

Training has begun and is held at Hyde Park on Saturdays at 2pm, Speakers Corner! Come for a run and kick the footy.

The Sports Club is entering a team into the 'Reading Half Marathon' in March.

Our Netball club is into it third year and is looking forward to participating in the Spring Summer Season for Netball, which begins soon. Mixed and Ladies teams. Register now!

On the Social side, the big events return
Drink Olympics
118 Award
Ladies BBQ/Sponsors Day
Pre/Mid/End of Season Trips
Pre Season trip to Doncaster was enormous but not as big as the way Prague was torn apart last September!

New Events are being planned!

Are you Interested??????

Email the hotline: cityswans@hotmail.com

Contact President Belly on 07967610914

Look forward to seeing you on the track then for a beer!

Go Swans!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> Subject: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:27:41 01/30/05 Sun

>Join one of the longest serving members of the BARFL
>in Britains only Aussie Rules League. We are into our
>15th year in the competition!
>We are currently recruiting New Players for Aussies
>Rules & our Netball Club. All Nationalities welcome!
>Pre season for Football has begun!
>Training has begun and is held at Hyde Park on
>Saturdays at 2pm, Speakers Corner! Come for a run and
>kick the footy.
>The Sports Club is entering a team into the 'Reading
>Half Marathon' in March.
>Our Netball club is into it third year and is looking
>forward to participating in the Spring Summer Season
>for Netball, which begins soon. Mixed and Ladies
>teams. Register now!
>On the Social side, the big events return
> Drink Olympics
> 118 Award
> Ladies BBQ/Sponsors Day
> Pre/Mid/End of Season Trips
>Pre Season trip to Doncaster was enormous but not as
>big as the way Prague was torn apart last September!
>New Events are being planned!
>Are you Interested??????
>Email the hotline: cityswans@hotmail.com
>Contact President Belly on 07967610914
>Look forward to seeing you on the track then for a
>Go Swans!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> [> Subject: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

Go Swans
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Date Posted: 15:29:24 01/30/05 Sun

Great Numbers on the track so far! Good times with the Swans. Big Trips planned!

Look forward to the Season!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

Rocca Brother
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Date Posted: 15:31:31 01/30/05 Sun

Hey Fellas

Heard about the plans for season 2005! Good stuff, great coach and some great recruits! Good work.

Don't think Mick will let me go, so I'll be watching via the web!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

W.Carey 3 votes
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Date Posted: 22:57:17 01/31/05 Mon

I hear that there is a bloke running round with leggings on thinking he is Me?????? Tell your girlfriends I'm on my way, this world isn't big enough with two of me in!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 23:01:44 01/31/05 Mon

>Join one of the longest serving members of the BARFL
>in Britains only Aussie Rules League. We are into our
>15th year in the competition!
>We are currently recruiting New Players for Aussies
>Rules & our Netball Club. All Nationalities welcome!
>Pre season for Football has begun!
>Training has begun and is held at Hyde Park on
>Saturdays at 2pm, Speakers Corner! Come for a run and
>kick the footy.
>The Sports Club is entering a team into the 'Reading
>Half Marathon' in March.
>Our Netball club is into it third year and is looking
>forward to participating in the Spring Summer Season
>for Netball, which begins soon. Mixed and Ladies
>teams. Register now!
>On the Social side, the big events return
> Drink Olympics
> 118 Award
> Ladies BBQ/Sponsors Day
> Pre/Mid/End of Season Trips
>Pre Season trip to Doncaster was enormous but not as
>big as the way Prague was torn apart last September!
>New Events are being planned!
>Are you Interested??????
>Email the hotline: cityswans@hotmail.com
>Contact President Belly on 07967610914
>Look forward to seeing you on the track then for a
>Go Swans!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> [> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:23:23 02/07/05 Mon

>>Join one of the longest serving members of the BARFL
>>in Britains only Aussie Rules League. We are into our
>>15th year in the competition!
>>We are currently recruiting New Players for Aussies
>>Rules & our Netball Club. All Nationalities welcome!
>>Pre season for Football has begun!
>>Training has begun and is held at Hyde Park on
>>Saturdays at 2pm, Speakers Corner! Come for a run and
>>kick the footy.
>>The Sports Club is entering a team into the 'Reading
>>Half Marathon' in March.
>>Our Netball club is into it third year and is looking
>>forward to participating in the Spring Summer Season
>>for Netball, which begins soon. Mixed and Ladies
>>teams. Register now!
>>On the Social side, the big events return
>> Drink Olympics
>> 118 Award
>> Ladies BBQ/Sponsors Day
>> Pre/Mid/End of Season Trips
>>Pre Season trip to Doncaster was enormous but not as
>>big as the way Prague was torn apart last September!
>>New Events are being planned!
>>Are you Interested??????
>>Email the hotline: cityswans@hotmail.com
>>Contact President Belly on 07967610914
>>Look forward to seeing you on the track then for a
>>Go Swans!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 19:02:36 02/02/05 Wed

what makes you stand out from the rest?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:28:51 02/03/05 Thu

Q: what makes you stand out from the rest?

A: Originally based in Sussex and now has 2 teams which have a foot in London! A home ground our competitors dislike travelling to! A great set up at our home base! One of the longest serving members of the BARFL! A Team, which holds 3 of the best British Players in the League! Have been invited to compete in the World Aussie Rules Championship in 2005!
A great bunch of players who play for the enjoyment and not the seriousness in this Grass Root League! Initiators of the Chopper Day and Ladies Day! And most of all but not least, we enjoy ourselves as we are all travelling Antipodeans and Brits!

Come down and visit to prove it to yourself!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> Subject: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

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Date Posted: 12:19:20 02/03/05 Thu

Join one of the longest serving members of the BARFL in Britains only Aussie Rules League. We are into our 15th year in the competition!

We are currently recruiting New Players for Aussies Rules & our Netball Club. All Nationalities welcome!

Pre season for Football has begun!

Training has begun and is held at Hyde Park on Saturdays at 2pm, Speakers Corner! Come for a run and kick the footy.

The Sports Club is entering a team into the 'Reading Half Marathon' in March.

Our Netball club is into it third year and is looking forward to participating in the Spring Summer Season for Netball, which begins soon. Mixed and Ladies teams. Register now!

On the Social side, the big events return
Drink Olympics
118 Award
Ladies BBQ/Sponsors Day
Pre/Mid/End of Season Trips
Pre Season trip to Doncaster was enormous but not as big as the way Prague was torn apart last September!

New Events are being planned!

Are you Interested??????

Email the hotline: cityswans@hotmail.com

Contact President Belly on 07967610914

Look forward to seeing you on the track then for a beer!

Go Swans!

[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
[> [> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules/Netball - Swans Sports Club

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:29:56 02/03/05 Thu

Go Swans!!!!

>Join one of the longest serving members of the BARFL
>in Britains only Aussie Rules League. We are into our
>15th year in the competition!
>We are currently recruiting New Players for Aussies
>Rules & our Netball Club. All Nationalities welcome!
>Pre season for Football has begun!
>Training has begun and is held at Hyde Park on
>Saturdays at 2pm, Speakers Corner! Come for a run and
>kick the footy.
>The Sports Club is entering a team into the 'Reading
>Half Marathon' in March.
>Our Netball club is into it third year and is looking
>forward to participating in the Spring Summer Season
>for Netball, which begins soon. Mixed and Ladies
>teams. Register now!
>On the Social side, the big events return
> Drink Olympics
> 118 Award
> Ladies BBQ/Sponsors Day
> Pre/Mid/End of Season Trips
>Pre Season trip to Doncaster was enormous but not as
>big as the way Prague was torn apart last September!
>New Events are being planned!
>Are you Interested??????
>Email the hotline: cityswans@hotmail.com
>Contact President Belly on 07967610914
>Look forward to seeing you on the track then for a
>Go Swans!

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Subject: Coming Season

Sussex basher
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Date Posted: 17:31:54 01/28/05 Fri

Your goin to get ya arsed kicked this yeah swannies, get practicing with the tooty youll need it.

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[> Subject: Re: Coming Season

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 18:06:48 01/28/05 Fri

I'm teaching year 7 on monday maybe you could come and we could give you a spelling test.

Get Fucked maggot

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[> [> Subject: Re: Coming Season

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 00:19:31 01/30/05 Sun

>I'm teaching year 7 on monday maybe you could come and
>we could give you a spelling test.
>Get Fucked maggot


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Coming Season

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 18:52:46 01/31/05 Mon

At least I can spell! you must feel a right tit, bet you told your mates to check out what you posted on the website to score some credit with them and now they see what a spastic you really are! How do you get up in the morning?

My advice is to go to WHSmith, they do a "letterland" series,buy it! It's aimed at 4 year olds but i'm sure it would offer you a challenge. Buy it and we will give you a spelling test before the game.


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Coming Season

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Date Posted: 21:28:05 02/02/05 Wed

My advice to you is to cut back on the wanking, didn't your mama tell you that you could go blind. Come to think of it the way you play footy you must be fucking blind.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: To the D...Head who thinks he's sooo Good!

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Date Posted: 12:18:13 02/03/05 Thu

Hey D...Head!

Maybe you should name yourself and what club you play for if you think you and your club are that good! So when we play you this season, we can actually see you walk the walk, instead of all the Crap talk you! You'd want to perform or you'll be the laughing stock of your club and ourselves.

I'd suggest you shut the Fk up as we are not concerned about you or your low life ambitions! And to be honest with you, glad you never joined our club!

Do us a favour and refrain from visting this website as we are not interested in haering your opinions, as like your whole life don't count towards humanity.

Go take a long walk off a short peir!

Good Ridence.

Go Swans for 2005!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: To the D...Head who thinks he's sooo Good!

sussex basher
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Date Posted: 09:31:20 02/07/05 Mon

cunts all of you

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: To the D...Head who thinks he's sooo Good!

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:21:57 02/07/05 Mon

Big words from a small human being!

Watch your back on the field!!!!!!

We know who you are!

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Subject: Soccer AM

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Date Posted: 11:13:42 01/29/05 Sat

Chaps, long time no hear!! Hope all is well and that training is kicking off well.
Not sure who organised it but the Swans Jersey and the City Swans Jersey has been on the hallowed Sky Sports Soccer AM for the last two weeks!! Very impresed!!

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Subject: good luck

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Date Posted: 19:06:27 01/27/05 Thu

allah akbar, may allah bring you fortune this year praise him in the highest

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Subject: melbourne swans

allan hosking
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Date Posted: 02:50:02 01/27/05 Thu

hey ex swans in melb.
im living in the big smoke again, want to play footy in melb this year as i dont want to travel down to wonnie. anybody got any clubs around here to play in???
my mobile is 0437192639
cheers, good luck in london boys hope you have a big year!!

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Subject: World Footy News

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Date Posted: 02:33:21 01/24/05 Mon


Just wanted to draw everyone's attention to World Footy News, at http://www.worldfootynews.com

We're a news website dedicated to promoting Australian Footy around the world, with a focus on promoting leagues outside of Oz. Check us out. Maybe even put up a link on the Swans homepage?

Also, for our world census, we were wondering how many players played for each of the Sussex sides in 2004, with the criteria of having to have played at least 4 games? Just roughly.


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Subject: Season 2005 - Chopper Day Returns

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Date Posted: 13:23:51 01/23/05 Sun


2005 is here and another footy/netball season approaches!

Training for the Reading Half Marathon has begun with Fitness Gow, check you email updates!

Football training begins in February, London & Sussex! Big Season ahead. New Recruits welcome, All Nationalities!

On the Social Side, Steve 'Chopper' Bary has is putting to plan an events calendar with 'CHOPPER DAY' Returning! This exclusive event to the Swans was a massive hit with all involved and will sure continue this year.

The 118 award otherwise known by the President as 'Mug of the Week' is sure to be a highly fought out contest.

The Drink Olympics and lots more to come plus the famous footy trips! Check your email updates!

The new website will soon be up and running! New Photo's, new updates! Coming Soon!

Be part of the swans for 2005!

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Subject: Rhodes

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Date Posted: 00:17:39 01/19/05 Wed

Thought you may be interested to know.

Recently came across your website after a holiday in Rhodes Greece.

Your club shirt hangs in a Downunder bar there.

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[> Subject: Re: Rhodes

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Date Posted: 13:16:09 01/19/05 Wed

Hey Bulldog,

Fanstastic, thought that it may never have lasted. One of our esteemed Life members placed it up there on a whirlwind trip. Good to know that the Swans are Everywhere!

Bulldog, hope you enjoyed your trip so now you are back presumably in London do you want to play footy with the Swans? If so email our President David Bell, david.bell@anderselite.com

Training begins in Feb.


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[> [> Subject: Re: Rhodes

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Date Posted: 15:50:04 01/20/05 Thu

>theres a 2001 one left in gibraltar in the high rise flats behind the BP at Europa point, that was left as i didnt want to wake her, nina her name was, half egyptian and half gibraltarian..........

come to think of it I traded the 2002 one in morocco with a pair of sunnies and 350 dirhams in part exchange for a rug......... they get around

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Rhodes-if that shirt could talk

Fly on the wall
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Date Posted: 03:40:21 01/21/05 Fri

Hi Bulldog
That shirt in Rhodes Bar was not quite as new as the owner suspected.......
Pay close attention to detail next visit.

God Bless Euro girls on holiday.

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[> Subject: Re: Rhodes

Late notice
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Date Posted: 23:58:02 01/19/05 Wed

Ex Melbourne Swans get together at the Imperial(Steves New Bar)on Chapel st 7 pm tonight Thursday.

Spread the word.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Rhodes

stuck at work
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Date Posted: 11:50:09 01/23/05 Sun

Thanks to a phone call, I got he impression it was a big one! Getting home at 4am and going to work still intoxicated. All in all love getting phones calls when at work in London! Good stuff lads!

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Subject: Happy New Year

The Marketing Manager
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Date Posted: 04:10:33 01/13/05 Thu

Just a note to say all the best for this year. Caught up with Hilly & AG over Christmas and I missed Wacka by a couple of days...thank god!!

Keep a look out for some Whitford Players who will hook up with the club this year. They're good blokes.

I like the ideas that were put forward by the swans supporter, the best way to get aussies hooking up with the club is by keeping past players involved as they will be the best promotion for the club.

Grab the Swan Districts guy ..he'll be good!!

Hey Sam how about the comittee looking after us Life Members!!

Pratty is voer here somewhere doing a selling job on his missus.

All the best, go hard or go home (what a great song!)


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[> Subject: Re: Happy New Year

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:49:18 01/16/05 Sun

i sruggle to look after myself let alone anyone else.
how would you like me to look after the life members?

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Subject: Aussie Rules

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:39:43 01/03/05 Mon

I have recently moved to London and are an ex Wafl (Swan Districts player) and am keen to come for a run.
Let me know when training is or who to contact. I am London based.


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[> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:09:50 01/05/05 Wed

Hey Chris, Im Gowie the Clubs fitness coach. Good to hear your from the Swans. I've been on the lash a bit with Kelty and Hissy, (i hear he's a dad now) and i worked with Daws at East Perth and West Coast.
The level over here isn't high, but its great fun and a good way to meet heaps of crew. We are sponsered by the Shaftsbury Ave walkabout which means free entry and 2 for 1s all the time.The mid season, and end of season trips rock too.
We dont start the season until may, pre season training at hyde park commences mid feb. At the moment we just meet up every second saturday for a game of touch, soccer or basketball, followed by beers.
Send me an email if u want to know more, it will be good to have u down.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Aussie Rules

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:00:43 01/07/05 Fri

Hey Shane, well done on your position!!!!! I heard you retired from playing? Why was that, didn'yt like to ruin your hair...hahah! You were worried about that back in the old Perth days! Now you can work on your tan a bit more!
Will hopefully meet up at some stage during the season. Might take a wander down to watch these swans.

>Hey Chris, Im Gowie the Clubs fitness coach. Good to
>hear your from the Swans. I've been on the lash a bit
>with Kelty and Hissy, (i hear he's a dad now) and i
>worked with Daws at East Perth and West Coast.
>The level over here isn't high, but its great fun and
>a good way to meet heaps of crew. We are sponsered by
>the Shaftsbury Ave walkabout which means free entry
>and 2 for 1s all the time.The mid season, and end of
>season trips rock too.
>We dont start the season until may, pre season
>training at hyde park commences mid feb. At the moment
>we just meet up every second saturday for a game of
>touch, soccer or basketball, followed by beers.
>Send me an email if u want to know more, it will be
>good to have u down.

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Subject: Season 2005 - Ideas

Swans Supporter
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Date Posted: 17:25:27 12/29/04 Wed

Swan Committee for 2005,

'Ideas of which may become useful and which should be implemented'

Minimum 3 Sponsors - 1 Major Sponsor! Your club needs sponsors not only for revenue but for social, and advertising for new players.

Advertise in Australia for New Players and all free Antipodeans mediums. Advertise in the major mediums in Sussex!

Update your website and continue to update it weekly!

Proper Training venues - London & Sussex (Imperative)
This will include proper coaching of players in Sussex!
Train twice a week, Skills and Fitness is needed to compete with the bigger clubs!

Recruiting - Needs to be Centred into the Antipodean market, and also to the BRITISH & IRISH MARKET. 12 Brits per week is not viable, we need a base of 15minimum per week! Also to continually attract players all year round!

Continual Communication to all players past & present!

Merchandise which will sell!

Fund raising which benefits the club!

Continue the Netball Club, but open the club to new sports, such as Basketball, Touch Rugby, and Touch Aussie Rules etc etc. Create a Sports club!

These are some of the major areas on which the Swans could benefit if put into action. The earliest they are implemented the better for the club.

Good Luck for season 2005, hope to see more Success on & off the field.

Go Swans.

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[> Subject: Re: Season 2005 - Ideas

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 18:00:54 12/31/04 Fri

swan supporter,
thanks for you comments,
firstly the website is/will be upgraded shortly and will have regular weekly updates as has been done for the last 4 seasons, the website has not been updated regually over the last few months due to computer breakdown and the changeover of committee which has pretty much changed by 100 per cent.
Also you say sell merchandise that sells! How do you know the merchandise does not sell, best of my knowledge it pretty much sells out every season with mabye the odd items left which get sold the next season. If you have any ideas email them over.
As for the other ideas i think they are being worked on, the importance of sponsorship is probably top of the list along with recruitment.
Would you be an ex swan yourself?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Season 2005 - Ideas

Swan Supporter
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Date Posted: 20:11:15 01/01/05 Sat

Thanks Sam for your valuable reply. I am not a past player but am and have been a supporter over the last 4 years. I like to keep an eye on how the swans are going! As I have had associates inform me of how badley the BARFL league is operated. In order to promote the game it is good to know that clubs are doing more than the league. I just don't want to see tyhe club fall through and continue to win a premiership!

I look forward to seeing the changes in 2005! Go get them swans!

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Subject: Footy Adverts for Players

Player to Be
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Date Posted: 17:40:06 12/27/04 Mon

Hey Swans,

If you want to advertise for players for 2005 you should advertise on all the free Antipodean websites each and every day, noy just once a week. A friendly bit of Advice!

Also you need a sponsor who can help the club to promote the game!

Advertise in the mediums in which Antipodeans read/watch/listen to!

Keep it up Swans!

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Subject: Merry Xmas

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Date Posted: 00:03:08 12/24/04 Fri

Merry Xmas to all Swannies!!

I hope you guys get to enjoy a white xmas in London and Europe.

It's all clear skies over here.



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[> Subject: Re: Merry Xmas

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Date Posted: 18:36:01 12/24/04 Fri

I hope santa empty's his sack all over your room !!!! Lookout!!!!!!

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Subject: Happy Christmas

Rob (the tattooed one & ex-swan)
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Date Posted: 03:36:15 12/24/04 Fri

Happy Christmas & New Year to the Swans! Hope you have a great seaosn next year!! Nothing would make me more proud than to see you guys in the finals....well, maybe seeing the mighty Eagles deservedly winning the Flag again!

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Subject: Bux Night in Perth

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Date Posted: 00:33:57 12/21/04 Tue

In a couple of months time I'm taking the plunge, Michelle and I will be getting married in late Feb before I return to London for pre-season training.

Unfortunately, there is no way Michelle would allow any of you animals to come to the wedding but naturally you're all welcome at the Bux night. Any Swans who find themselves in Perth on the 12th Feb are welcome to attend. Email me and I'll provide you with the contact details of my best man .. who will fill you in on the plans.

Perhaps all of you over there on the East coast of Oz could treat yourself to a long weekend in sunny Perth?

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Subject: mark hammond

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Date Posted: 21:15:32 12/16/04 Thu

mark, I sent a refund to your pay pal account on september
i also sent an accompaning note apologising for the delay in touch with you, ie my computer was broken and i did not have access to another to check my email and pay pal account, this is also another reason that the website has not been updated.
check your pay pal account, a automatic email from them would have gone to your email account.
I have a copy of the refund from pay pal showing the refund was made in september.
hope this clear things up and once again sorry that we could not send you the jumper but as explained they are currently out of stock

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Subject: Players Wanted

James Thurlow (Retention)
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Date Posted: 12:20:32 12/16/04 Thu

Are you missing your Aussie rules and wanna get stuck in and have a kick again??

You may have never played but are interested in kicking the oval ball around with good mates??

The Swans Sports Club is looking for you

Doesnt matter what level of skill you are or even if you have never played before we are looking for players who would be interested in playing some aussie rules football.

We play on Saturdays all around London and train on Wednesdays in central London.

Even if you are not sure about it, come down and have a look or better yet come to our Christmas party on the 18th of Dec at the Shaftsbury Avenue Walkabout. We have hired out the Red Room and it is a good oppurtunity to meet the guys you would be playing with.

So if your interested get in contact with us via email or call Matt on 07981427924.

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Subject: Swans Christmas Party

Matt Ewart
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Date Posted: 12:52:32 12/15/04 Wed

Saturday 18 December 2004
Bring a Mate Christmas
A quick note for heads up of the Swans Christmas party. Mr Social himself has booked the Red Room at our Walkabout (Shaftsbury) for the 18th of December. The festivities will kick off from 6pm, entry is the right price FREE, the club will be putting on nibbles and there will be raffles and a good night to be had.

This will be a good opportunity to catch up with everybody and get the Swans heading in the right direction for 2005. So bring a mate or many! If there are any questions about the night, please give Ewey a ring 07981 427 924 or Kingy on 07906 332 496. It is sure to be a good night and it will be great to catch up with everyone. If there are any ' NEW ' Swans or Swanetts please do come along and meet the gang, we are only more than happy to invite you into the Swan family.

Also there are some photo's on the a web site of the' REP TEAM 'and also CHOPPER DAY, so take a look.
Photos are on at:
Website - www.ofoto.co.uk
Login - elgrazer2@yahoo.co.uk

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Subject: Thank You

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Date Posted: 19:47:01 11/28/04 Sun

On behalf of my partner and little B. I would like to thank Dave Bell,Swans old and new for your kind words and flowers at the sad loss of my daughter Lily.

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[> Subject: Re: Thank You

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Date Posted: 19:14:15 11/30/04 Tue

sorry to hear that mate, hope your ok, we are sorting out xmas drinks in next few weeks will keep ya posted , come and have a beer, look after yourself.

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