Date Posted:14:27:52 05/09/02 Thu Author: Calm Subject: Re: Accelerated Reader In reply to:
's message, "Re: Accelerated Reader" on 13:46:35 05/09/02 Thu
You have raised some good points and I will check into the "Ice Cream" parties. I was informed by one of the teachers (not my daughters) that the incentive tokens are only for K-1. As to not being able to check out books, true, you are only allowed to check out books appropriate for your reading level. If your daughter has "graduated" to a different level then I believe that you should discuss this with your teacher to ensure that Mrs. Lee is aware of her advancement to the next "color". I believe that the key objective here is to make sure that students are reading material appropriate for their level to build success. (There are some kindergarten students that tested at the fifth grade level.) I firmly believe that every student is "free" to obtain more challenging material from our local libraries. I do this with my own daughter, Enterprise is one of our favorite haunts and we often renew more challenging material on-line. I believe that any reading program will help instill a love of reading. I do not push my daughter to check out only AR books, but to check out items that are of interest to her. As long as she is reading, she is a winner.