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Date Posted: 13:46:35 05/09/02 Thu
Author: chris
Subject: Re: Accelerated Reader
In reply to: Calm 's message, "Accelerated Reader" on 08:02:55 05/09/02 Thu

I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with your enthusiasm for the AR Program. I feel as if my daughter's reading progress has been stifled. More than once she has chosen an AR Book from the shelf and began to read it during Library. When she attempts to check it out, she has been told it is not within her reading level and she is not allowed to check it out. This is very dissappointing for her. She now knows not to even ask in the library, instead we will go to Enterprise to check it out. Also, regarding the Star test and the number of times she has been tested, she was tested in the begining of the school year. Her results were indicative of her grade level. Since the testing was done back at the begining of the year, her reading level has not been upgraded. She was, however, re-tested about a month ago. Her reading level had increased significantly. As of yet, she has still not been allowed to move up with regards to her dot color. I also have to disagree with the incentives program. It is not just rulers and other small tokens. What about the Ice Cream Events at the park? This was very hurtful to my child since she seems to have lost interest in the program do to the enforcement of so many rules. This is not to so that she isn't an avid reader though. The message she is being sent is that if it isn't an AR Book, it has no value. I absolutely do not agree. After all, we know the students are reading since we are required to sign a reading log every week. Don't forget, too, that a student whose teacher consistently promotes the program in class is at a distinct advantage over the student whose teacher does not.

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