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Subject: (thanks, I really appreciate comments like that--I worked hard on that :-P)

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Date Posted: 17:02:50 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to: Shardul 's message, ".:|:.H.u.n.t.e.r.:|:." on 14:10:00 07/25/03 Fri

His eyes morphed as his emotions, and as he looked up, they appeared with an eerie, trance-like scintillation. They reflected the forest around him; protean shades of green, lustful and vibrant, but they did not mirror. Nothing could be seen in clear reflection...they were a camera to his toil within. His soul grew as the forest around him; died and rebirthed, fluctuated and fluttered. But today it was still; the leaves did not billow, and all upon the arbors hung drearily. Such was his emotion as he lifted a blunt facade, not even arching metaphorical eyebrows as he heard her approach from a distance upon the dry plantation.


He replied bluntly. He wasn't shunning her presence, but neither was he much to begin with a gambit. If she opened the conversation, he would fight it with ferocity--any deep, inset topics intruiged him; the value of life, tenacity, our souls and death, any other of the taboo topics he attacked with lust. But he wouldnt provoke her--if she was ready for them, she'd ask. But only if she was ready.

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.:|:.H.u.n.t.e.r.:|:.Shardul20:54:27 07/25/03 Fri

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