Subject: .:|:.H.u.n.t.e.r.:|:. |
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Date Posted: 20:54:27 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "(thanks, I really appreciate comments like that--I worked hard on that :-P)" on 17:02:50 07/25/03 Fri
[yes well done, you always RP well. for instance i liked that one post of Khastins that you did long, it was about the true meaning of RPing i believe. i'm not sure. it was too long so i didn't have time to read it all, lol.]
she expected no less from him, for she was much the same. perhaps one reason their speeches were so short and to the point. oh she could pour open her mind when she wished, but she only desired to do that upon occasions. her mind was the only safe place to store information, for she could trust her mind, it was after all what created her opinions. then again, with all the telepaths scuttering about her safe could be unlocked. that was one reason she held no important information, only her own ideas, dreams and hopes. yet all her life she had been alone, keeping her distance and staying aloof. she prefered to watch and observe. if you study a puzzle, you will be able to find where every piece goes without making a mistake. perhaps it was faster to try every slot with a different piece, but minds could be trained while guesses would always be different.
skull tilts slightly to the side, occuli swirling with countless colors from shine of the fire lord's burning flames. pelt lays dully across bony figure, no sheen detectable, yet no grime either. mug parts once more, daring leap into convorsation taken.
pondering the meaning of life, or the reason the sky is blue perhaps? what better to doddle on when one's alone with only their thoughts as good company? it's amazing how deep one can pry into mysteries when given the time and solitude. loneliness is by far an ally, yet also impossible to live by. i wonder if we all lived on our own, how advanced we might become...
she allowed her voice to trail off, realizing she was talking far too much. life on foot left her empty feeling, for all held an internal desire to be accepted by others.
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