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Subject: .:. I dun like cowboys.:.

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Date Posted: 04:40:28 04/30/10 Fri
In reply to: ... 's message, "should have been a cowboy" on 20:47:21 04/27/10 Tue

.:. It was a Friday night; Just a speck on the oblivion of the centuries. The rain was cold but the temperature of earth was muggy due to the cloud barrier holding in all of their hot air. Zeth was in a hurry and paid no attention to the water that shed off his body as he ascended the back stairs to his loft. He had to shower, change, and head to meet Alicia. It was their date night but the plans had slipped his mind in a flurry of passion at the studio. Running late was never Zeth’s forte. It left room for allegations of adultery. He should have left straight from the studio instead of battling the rain to shower and change. But what choice did he have? The deceit was all over him.

Just as he reached the door, the solitary light over the stairs flickered and then died. This caused Zeth to drop his keys and fumble around quietly for a good minute or two. He was unaware of the male creeping through his unlatched window or that his babies were being choked by the unfamiliar hands of another. But as soon as Zeth managed to unlock the door and shut it behind him, he knew something was there. “Must you drink the good stuff, you dog?” He turned right and headed into the bedroom, leaving the slightest scent of lilies and betrayal behind him. With his shirt stripped off, he twisted the knobs of the shower to create a more temperate rendition of the storm outside. A flash of lighting caught him in the act of burying his shirt in the bottom of the hamper. “If you want to talk, it’ll have to be in here. I’m late.”

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Subject Author Date
i love cowboys...12:17:05 04/30/10 Fri

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