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Date Posted: 19:54:11 04/19/02 Fri
Author: Jade
Subject: Where is a snake charmer when you need one?
In reply to: Tia 's message, "Snakes and chatter" on 19:11:33 04/19/02 Fri

Jade was examining the contents of the sarcophagus carefully when she heard someone call for her help. She quickly made her way over to Corum and Tia. Corum was obviously having some sort of problem with a necklace he was wearing. Jade shook her head. "You're supposed to check these things before you use them. Some of them are cursed, you know," she commented as she cast a minor Remove Curse on the necklace. It came off easily after that and Jade joined Erlic. She'd already pocketed the two rings she had wanted. The rest she left for the others to pick over.

They headed down one of the passageways and came to a strange sort of room with tiles on the floor and three large baskets against the walls. Jade was in the process of making her way toward one of the baskets, stepping carefully on the tiles, when the snakes emerged from their hiding places.

She moved back near Erlic and pulled a lightning dagger from her boot, keeping her eyes on the snakes. They were huge... and to top it off they were cobras - one of the deadliest kind. "I hope someone can cure poison," she commented as one of the snakes moved to strike.

Fortunately the others were very quick and someone had already thrown daggers at the snakes, dropping them. She saw Isobel walk over to one of the still-twitching creatures and slice it in two. She called the thing a filthy puta! Jade resolved to learn what that word meant. It sounded like a splendid curse.

She turned to Erlic with a grin. "Never a dull moment here, is there darling? I'm going to check the baskets in case there's something in them. Do you think perhaps there are secret passages in here? Three huge snakes seem like overkill to guard an otherwise empty room," she noted.

She approached one of the baskets and peered inside. There was nothing in it but a long coil of rope, which she removed and hooked at her belt. She noticed that it hung oddly and decided to check it. She uncoiled part of it and tried to make a lasso, but the rope went stiff. "How marvelous," she said, recognizing the item. "Look darling! It's a magic rope!" She said with excitement, tossing the free end in the air. It hung there hovering. "Very handy, don't you think?" She coiled the rope again and was about to fix it back on her belt, but instead handed it to Erlic. "Here you go, darling. You might find this helpful in some situations."

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  • Through the looking glass... sort of -- Isobel, 03:33:12 04/20/02 Sat
  • Strange and stranger -- Erlic Eastlore, 11:45:56 04/21/02 Sun

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