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Date Posted: 22:55:00 06/30/01 Sat
Author: videovet
Author Host/IP: ip-111-144-247.chicago-n.navipath.net /
Subject: Re: "welcome to our show"
In reply to: Robert Adams 's message, "Re: "welcome to our show"" on 12:14:59 06/29/01 Fri

During the course of the show, especially in its earliest years, Fred would appear on screen and welcome everyone just before the main title animation would begin. As we all know, Chevrolet was the original sponsor of the show (making it the third program on the air at the time to be sponsored by Chevy- the other two: Route 66 and Bonanza). By 1964, Route 66 was cancelled and Chevy switched its allegiance to the new Bewitched series but kept Bonanza. How I remember waiting for the season premieres just to see the new Chevys on Bewitched Thursday nights and then watch Efrem Zimbalist Jr. climb into his new Ford the following Sunday! As far as I know, Pontiac was never a sponsor but the Pontiac Motor Division supplied all the vehicles on M3S. This arrangement lasted for the rest of the series run. In fact one of Mike's first cars was a '55 Pontiac convertible. As the sponsors changed, Fred made new openings- for Hunt Wesson Foods (remember the tomato being sucked into an empty catsup bottle?); and Toni Home Perms. By the end of the series, commercial time had become so expensive that sponsors rarely held the entire show opting to buy only a limited amount of airtime. The rest would go to others and regional and local ads. So then Fred would just appear saying "Hi Welcome to Our Show" and then segue into the opening animation.

And this to Geoff- I have never seen any openings that listed Dawn Lyn in the opening credits tho clearly they were produced. Perhaps these were produced solely for abroad. I have a couple of 12th season episodes that were recorded off the air in the early 80s when the series was still being sold in local syndication. These intros show MacMurray, Demerest, Grady, Livingston & Livingston, Cole and Garland. The only reason I could think of for leaving Grady's name on (even tho he had left) was because nobody cared enough to change it and they probably assumed his absence was temporary. As it turned out the series became one of the victims of the CBS house cleaning that wiped out 90% of its schedule which they thought was attracting too many older viewers.

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