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Date Posted: 22:48:01 11/02/06 Thu
Author: Shay/Skeeter
Subject: inside
In reply to: Remy/Reese 's message, "Inside" on 22:10:50 11/02/06 Thu

As much as Skeeter and Reese tried to distract her, there was no way she was missing the way her husband went into immediate combat mode. Her eyes followed him, a bittersweet smile on her face as she did. He was so good at what he did, no matter what he may think of his skills and compentence now, and he was damn sexy too when he got all commander-man. Slowly, with Skeeters help, she got out of the wheelchair and handed Chase off to him, smiling at Skeeter and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek as she whispered a thank you in his ear. She was glad he was there, with the puppies, with Reese - to keep Chase occupied while she got through this with her husband. Silently, she slipped into the apartment and looked around, her brow furrowed a little as she remembered being in the living room when one man had just stepped in like he had visited ten times before and then seven other men, all dressed in street clothes, came in behind him. Shaking her head of the memories, she looked around, taking in the new computer against the far wall and she knew that was probably a part of the new security system even if Skeeter didn't say so because he didn't want to freak her out. She smiled a little at that, she'd been shot three times in her life so far, she'd been threatened, she'd seen her best friend nearly die twice, she'd seen Kyrian after he was tortured and yet these boys still sheltered her like they were afraid she would break. Squaring her shoulders, she went down the hall to where her husband was, slipping her hand into his and just standing silently next to him. He watched Shay as she went to get up and was immediatly at her side to help her. His gaze was admiring as she started into the apartment where she had nearly lost her life. Skeeter could still smell the blood, the scent had overpowered him when he finally got the door open the day of the attack, he could still see the bombs and he could still see the blood red writing on the bright white walls and he knew she could too but there she was going to stand with her husband. "You are one hell of a woman, Shaylin McLean." He murmured softly before he looked down at Chase in his arms, the baby was intently watching his mother before he looked to Skeeter. "Bad man gone. Daddy chase him 'way. No more red." He sounded so confident that it nearly broke Skeeters heart, damn it, no toddler should be that smart. He nodded a little though, smiling a touch. "That's right buddy, you're daddy chased him away. You wanna play with Reese and the puppies? Bambi missed you something harsh." He looked over to Reese, cocking a brow.

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