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Subject: ..::Outlaw Torn::..

Ronon Dex
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Date Posted: 14:57:43 12/08/09 Tue
In reply to: Verda 's message, "::Leader of the Pack::" on 10:31:24 12/08/09 Tue

Ronon moved down the stairs, taking the steps two at a time. He checked the platform for people, of any form. Finding none, he made his way to the far side, to the hidden door. He knew she would keep it locked, if only to keep nosy humans out, so he leaned a shoulder against the wall and wrapped his knuckles lightly on the door. His voice carried easily to sensitive ears as he spoke her name "Lyla... You ready?"

He settled back against the wall and waited for her to open the door. He should have scented the door, checked for danger while he waited for her. He was getting too used to being one of two were's in town. Hell, he hadn't even known there was a pack in this town! Figured thats why his father had settled down here, pretending it was his own territory... He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it from his gaze with a passing thought that he should get it cut again. He'd have to ask Lyla what she thought...

He gave a snort to clear a stray peace of hair from his nose before taking a deep breath through his nose to refill his lungs. His body went still, muscles tightening as the stink of Wolf filled his nose. It was fresh, no more than ten minutes past, and had stood right where he was now. A growl formed deep in his throat and he stepped away from the wall "Lyla, open the door now" There was a dangerous edge to his deep voice, a seriousness that wasn't normally there when he was speaking to her.

Though it wasn't nearly enough time for her to get over to the door to open it, his brain felt like the seconds passed too slowly. He grabbed the door handle and yanked, expecting the door to still be locked. Instead he nearly over ballanced himself with the pull, swinging the door wide. His green eyes scanned the room before him, spotting the Wolf standing in front of Lyla. "Touch her and I'll shred you, Mutt" He growled, baring his teeth slightly as he stepped into the room, advancing on the Wolf.

Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still tryin' to make a name
Knowing nothing's gonna change what I am
I was a young troubadour
when I rode in on a song
I'll be an old troubadour
when I'm gone

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.:.nobody special.:.Lyla05:56:35 12/09/09 Wed

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