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Date Posted: 07:18:20 07/16/24 Tue
Author: Kathy
Subject: Re: Bulb enema given on table…
In reply to: Carol A 's message, "Bulb enema given on table…" on 08:30:13 06/16/24 Sun

Enemas on top of a table brings back many memories.
Typically, mom would mix a bowl of water with Ivory soap and get the red bulb and Vaseline out of the kitchen cupboard.
Once everything was ready she would hold my hand and lead me to the table where my pajama bottoms and panties were removed.
Mom then lifted me on top of the table and placed me on top of a diaper and placed me on my back. I could see mom lubricate the thermometer then raised my legs and inserted the thermometer into my rectum. After 5 minutes the thermometer was removed and read.
I then heard the syringe being filled and black rectal tube lubricated. Grasping my ankles mom lifted my legs and slowly fully inserted the tube and began the slow squeezing the soapy solution into my constipated bowels. The enema continued until the bowl was emptied no matter how much I complained. The cramps were terrible as the enema took 20 to 30 minutes to administer.
After the enema mom placed me on a potty chair where I emptied my bowels which was normally noisy and smelled.
On occasion my aunt or next door neighbor mom would hold my legs up as mom administered the enema.
The table top enemas continued until age 7 where the enemas were given over mom's lap.

>Growing up in the 50s I remember enemas being given on
>a table.
>My aunt was a nurse. She would give bulb enemas on
>the kitchen table. Many moms did this.
>Everything removed from the table. Towel put on
>table. Enema bulb , pan of mild soapy water (made
>with bar of ivory soap). Vaseline jar out.
>Blinds …curtains closed. She came and told me was
>going to get an enema.
>On table. Laying on back. Legs held up getting a
>bulb syringe .
>Complaining, fussing, resting and a good spanking was

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