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Date Posted: 16:57:10 07/02/03 Wed
Author: Aduuni, Hashe, Hora, Eliqui
Subject: The Cat scent, meanwhile, is following you...
In reply to: Heki and Mayah 's message, "Boredom is dangerous. =O,O=" on 09:13:36 06/30/03 Mon

Hashe is still weak from her brush with electrified death on the battlefield, and her subsequent sojourn in the rain barrel. How could she have let it come so close to her? The burns have healed, and the fur is beginning to dry, but the memory of the pain is enough to make her legs buckle under her.
"Hashe, do you need help?" Aduuni asks, her emerald eyes filled with concern. As the white-furred one falls, the Olde Phia Eliqui lowers herself to the ground as much as her nine feet of height will allow. Hora has forged ahead, ever alert, Grunting with the exertion, Aduuni lifts her comrade up onto Eliqui's broad back, where she lies limply, her ring-covered hands folded on her chest. With utmost care, the big Jaguar adjusts the vine harness that holds the barbed spear with which she had ripped out the Tokathe's heart. That gruesome trophy now dangles from the sinews that hold on the spear's steel-hued head, though by now it has ceased to drip blood. It is accompanied by several plucked out eyeballs, ripped off claws, and purloined ears, testament to the results of Aduuni's other battles. The four begin their progress again, footsteps barely audible, until Hora holds up her hand to halt the others, her nose twitching. This causes her nosering to flip back and forth a little, but she does not heed it. What she smells has too many implications.
"Stop. There's a Wolf scent coming from the lake."
"We'll go to them," says Hashe in a weak voice. She fingers the prominently displayed, golden Wolf-ring. "Maybe they got shoved out here the same way we did. Perhaps I can help them, or convince them to join the revolution while they're here."
"What is with your obsession with helping people?"
The white-furred Cat draws herself up to a sitting position and Eliqui grumbles about being used as a mount by anybody who wishes it, even the pointy ones."Hora, if you recall, the Wolves who lived in the neighboring territory were the ones who first recognized me as having the same dignity as you normal folk. They were peaceful with us, too. Perhaps these ones are of cut of the same stone."
"I know, and you risked life and limb to save their cubs from the wildfires in return, but still..."
"That was the lest i could do. Listen, it can't hurt to take a look. At least, not anymore than those things hurt."
"Rjin," Aduuni mutters.
They continue their trek, and the lake comes into view, With it, the two Wolves, easily recognizable as different from Earth-wolves to the discerning eye of Hora. She points. "There they are."
Hashe whips around, sending her loose hair flying in a silvery cloud around her head, and promptly sending herself toppling onto Eliqui's back again. "Help me get down and over to the lake. I need to drink some water, not just sit in it and steam."
"Wolves or not?"
"Wolves or not," confirms Hashe. Aduuni lifts her friend down, and Eliqui pads over to the lake and drinks, pausing only to lick the blood off her fur. Hashe puts an arm around each of her friends' shoulders, and supported by both of them, staggers toward the lake. She removes the arm-pieces of her blood-painted leathers and scoops the refreshing water into her hands to drink. Seeing the Wolves sniffing around nearby, Aduuni stands tall, an impressive figure in her black cloak with its green embroidery, but her voice is not cold nor harsh as she calls out to them. Her double-bladed swords remain sheathed. The words are somewhat alien to her, as Wolfin is most certainly not her mother tongue, but she does speak her greetings in their language out of politeness sake. "Hail both of you. What brings you to Etreus?"

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