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Date Posted: 10:02:41 10/15/06 Sun
Author: Kyrian
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Shay 's message, "inside" on 09:48:26 10/15/06 Sun

(He'd had his reservations and hell.. she'd gone and turned them into a raging case of panic. Okay.. so she had said to stay calm.. but whenever a woman started a sentence with the words 'don't panic' or 'stay calm'.. it meant that something really bad was about to come out of their mouth. He made a sound to keep her going, something between 'Uh-huh' and 'yeah' that was laced with an edge of worry, even as he pressed his foot into the accelerator a bit further. He turned his head to check his blind spot as he changed lanes to go around a particularly slow moving old lady.) Ninety minutes.. Shay.. how bad are these pains? (He couldn't believe Haylie sometimes.. she could have a nail sticking out of her leg and say she was fine, it was no big deal and she could go back to work. He furrowed his brow as he listened to Shay, trying to think and drive and swallow the fear in his throat. She was only seven months along.. barely four days past that in fact.. and Lord, it was too early for labor pains, wasn't it?) Only a couple miles out Shay, I can be there in less than ten.. keep her calm will you? (His voice had shifted into the eerie calm of an agent, he was relying on his skills to keep himself from losing his cool.. although that was going to be a battle all around. Not even seven minutes later he was pulling into the parking garage and heading up to the apartment. When he got there, he went straight for Haylie, his eyes full of concern as he framed her face in his hands and kissed her forehead.) Come on.. lets get you to the doctor.. (He murmured to her, trying his damndest to keep calm.)

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