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Date Posted: 08:02:55 05/09/02 Thu
Author: Calm
Subject: Accelerated Reader

The Accelerated Reading program was one item discussed at the second Chat session. Once again, a pity that only three parents showed up. Thank you Mrs. Lebowitz for once again making yourself available.
The Accelerated program does in fact have incentive prizes for K-1. These small tokens are items such as rulers or other items that students can use in the classroom. All grades are on a certificate program for acknowledgement for achieving goals and points. It is important to remember that as a beginning reader building success for the student is most important. I can remember that my own daughter struggled with reading in K-1 and I chose to hire a tutor to help build her success. It was one of the best things that I have ever done for her.
Students are tested on the Star Program to determine their level of reading skill. Once their "zone approximate development" has been determined then they are assigned their "colors" (chart of colors is available in the library and show what colors correspond with what reading level.) Books are then checked out from the library for that color. This is not intended to limit a child's reading material but rather to continue to build success until they have mastered that level. Once a child has mastered that level, their teacher may move them to the next "color". This Star program testing is formerly done twice a year, once at the beginning of school and then towards the end of the year.
Students in K-5 may also earn points towards a book. What a great idea! Being a true book hound myself I wish that Barnes & Noble had such a program where I could earn free books!

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