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Subject: Serve,

K9 Kriegan
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Date Posted: 22:08:40 08/02/04 Mon
In reply to: Death Toll, Bloody Sunset 's message, ":: Hell's Bells ::" on 19:33:20 08/01/04 Sun

He stood confidently, brown eyes watching the duo carefully. His growls calmed into silence. Now it was time to talk, not fight. However, the sable wished the Malinois would hurry up and get here. Things could get ugly if Kriegan did not successfully quell the two street dogs. He'd seen alley fights before. They were dirty, violent, and bloody. At least this wasn't a Cane Mafia pair.

"I'm not siding with anyone." The dark dog spoke in a quiet, even voice. "I just don't want trouble in this alley. It's rough as it is.. without street dogs snarling at the humans' and eachothers' throats."

The K9 paused. He looked from Toll to the one that must be named "Sunny", according to what the Elkhound had said. Kriegan knew well enough that he wouldn't stand up against the strength of a Mastiff. The German Shepherd Dog stood still and hoped brains would rule over brawn in this dispute.

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