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Subject: i'd just burn it.

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Date Posted: 18:57:47 08/05/09 Wed
In reply to: Loo 's message, ".:.I still get my roommate's mail. I got tired of writing "NOT AT ADDRESS" so now I just toss it! .:." on 04:39:45 08/05/09 Wed

Tarot's lips curled back, into an irritable snarl. She was probably twice this girl's age and had seen more than the other probably would in her lifetime. Could probably do more, too. There were two things that she and her brother (and daddy, too, she guessed) had in common. One was a fondness for pretty things. The second was pride. And hell being talked down to just brushed her the wrong way. If the wife didn't want into her head, how did she know her thoughts? Her fingertips glittered softly with angry energy. She silenced them. She was a guest. And, from their exchange, Zeth was fond of her.

I never miss a thing. Tarot kissed her rings. And just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Was your mother just as terrible of a parent as you are? Didn't she teach you not to show off? It attracts fairies and then we steal you and do strange things. Fear me in my biological amazingness.

Go to hell.

Not a trustworthy name the two of you share. Tarot accepted the carmel with a laugh. Your children are scociopaths, you invade privacy and he's philandering.

What a crowd.

Discussing their marital obligations in front of her, too. Unpleasant.

stock credit


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$ Shred It $Alicia19:26:10 08/05/09 Wed

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