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Subject: $ Shred It $

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Date Posted: 19:26:10 08/05/09 Wed
In reply to: tarot 's message, "i'd just burn it." on 18:57:47 08/05/09 Wed

(Umm she didn’t read Tarot’s mind)

She’d hit a nerve and struck gold. Surely the woman knew that body language gave off as much if not more cues than the tongue itself? Just like Zeth could say he loved her and with the same breath still on tongue kiss another woman – the act alone would signify the love weak or false – granting him a scolding and more heartache for them both. Thankfully Alicia saw that era of time over. As Zeth rummaged for the apples she allowed the sudden outlast directed at her to fall seemingly unnoticed. Plucking a piece of apple from Zeth’s quarry Alicia shook her head. “My mother died when I was three. I did not pry nor will I. You must be more on edge then you thought.” Words spoken softly and though she wished to put ice behind the words she could tell the other was tired and most likely on edge for whatever trouble followed her. “You put up barriers. I was simply saying they were pointless. I did not pry to know you wanted me out – I didn’t need to. Your actions spoke for you.” Honestly Alicia couldn’t understand how any saw her as a threat or didn’t for that matter, she was simply a woman that was in love with a vampire and hoped to remain so for the rest of eternity – or till Ra took him and death finally succumbed her – however that maybe. “Miss Tarot. If you are going to take everything I say and do as a threat or an attack on you I fear we may find your visit troublesome for all and thanks to Zeth’s children we have enough of that on our hands.” She just wanted to get along – she’d never had a trouble with females before – and while she figured Zeth wouldn’t have minded doing their new houseguest she had trust and hope that he’d keep Junior wrapped up and their visit platonic only.

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[[she knows about the block, so she at least tried. it's not a visible thing]] (NT)deuce20:11:16 08/05/09 Wed

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