Capt. Jaden Smythe
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Date Posted: 06:10:49 05/26/06 Fri
In reply to:
Captain Morley
's message, "Re: The Pigeon" on 13:31:36 05/20/06 Sat
::Eyes narrowing at the sight of Ben, and the others, tired as they wore. She was about to swagger over and spit on them but then, in came...Mary. Jaden's jaw dropped:: Wha' de 'ell? ::and then it was all explained:: harr harr an' so ye is ma'am. Quite an actress indeed:: Then she considered Robert's offer. ::Wha' made ye tink 'e ::nodding to Ben:: were settin ye up in de first place? ::Before he could answer, the moaning was heard,and she was shown the secret portal between Morley's office and the room upstairs. It was quite a lot of her to take in. Jaden looked from the three tied up at the center of the room, to the resurrected Mary, to the crew, and finally back to Robert. She was torn:: Ye wanted ta listen ta me goin at it wit ol' Ben ::her cute little nose scrunching up in disgust:: Wha' kind o'sick bastahd are ye annuh ways? Why Ah oughta...::she started to raise her hand, then lowered it, as her brain scrambled to put it all together. Still, she took a couple steps away from him, to lean against the wall :: All dis ta uncovah a plot? hmm, me tinks ye oughta find who dese barnacle suckin bottom feeders be workin fer afore Ah decides wedder dey goes nice and quick er gets lowered slowly inta de water, an tore ta bits by de sharks ::an evil sort of smirk formed:: Cause dey sure 'as 'ell don't look bright anuff ta tink dis up on dere own. Ah reckon ye needs to know who yer really enemy be cap'n Morley. ::crossing her arms over her chest, nodding decisively::
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