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Date Posted: 17:30:32 04/06/11 Wed
Author: Laurie Ann
Subject: :Love Experience It:
In reply to: Toby 's message, "--Never Say Never--" on 10:17:41 04/06/11 Wed

She listened to him, continuing to absentmindedly fiddle with the ring, thinking back over the pain she’d felt and the betrayal, but more than anything the fear. Fear of where he’d gone, if he was alright, alive, dead? She hadn’t known. Angelina had just finally told her to leave, pack up and try to move on that if he ever came back she’d call him. The fact she hadn’t gotten a call meant Angelina didn’t know he was she and for a second Laurie worried what that could mean. Was this simply a means of tying up loose ends? Finding closure before he moved on for good? She didn’t know and she didn’t want to ask. Pausing in the fiddling of her ring to look up when he paused and asked a question, Laurie Ann watched him and battled over what she should say. Finally she settled for a shake of her head, locks of gold swishing about her head before being brushed out of crystal orbs to see him when she spoke. ”No kids. No husband…” A pause as she thought about the next words carefully then stated them all the same. ”Just a fiancée.” She didn’t clarify that answer and a part of her realized he could easily misunderstand, but she was in slight shock of herself that she’d so easily stated those words and the fact of who she’d stated them too and about. She had always been the cautious one, yet here she was blurting out something that could easily change the rest of her life…again.me

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