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Date Posted: 10:17:41 04/06/11 Wed
Author: Toby
Subject: --Never Say Never--
In reply to: Laurie Ann 's message, ":Love Experience It:" on 20:50:38 04/05/11 Tue

Her question was valid. His dark blue eyes shifted to the rain falling just outside, listening to it hit the roof her car. "I came back because you deserved to know the truth. Even if it's late in coming...you deserved to know I didn't just walk out because I'd stopped loving you. That was never the case." He faced her again. "I've missed you every day since it all went down. I've thought about you, too. Always hoped you'd found a way around what happened, and got happiness." It seemed she had...the nice ride spoke of success in her life, and he was happy for her. "Hell, I thought you'd be married with kids of your own by now. That I'd just be some dusty old memory that didn't matter much anymore." A part of him had hoped for that, if it meant she had gotten all she deserved. The selfish part of him that wanted her all to himself, even now, a decade part--prayed differently. "You aren't married with kids, are you?" He asked suddenly. He had assumed not, because his ring still rested on her finger...but he had to be sure an angry husband wasn't going to come gunning for him for coming into his wife's life and and professing his undead feelings to her.

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