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Subject: ::Leader of the Pack::

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Date Posted: 05:37:12 12/08/09 Tue

There was nothing like the smell of home... Only this wasn't home... and the smell of the city was making my nose wrinkle. My pack had once again dispersed, though that was understandable. I'd had to disappear yet again, so the small remnants of my pack had probably done likewise. Then again... maybe they'd stayed in cascade. I hadn't had contact with anyone for months for a reason. Now it was time to find out if my pack had remained. My thoughts flicked to Craig, and something fluttered ever so slightly in my chest. the sensation was not a pleasant one, and i pushed the thought of the male from my mind.

The steps to the subway were rapidly approaching, and i stepped into the familiar territory with a light step. As usual, i was encased in leather, and spiky, strappy heels graced my feet. Surprisingly enough, i was light and quiet on them. Years of practice. A few humans gave me funny looks as one of the early morning trains emptied its passengers and they made their way up the steps and out into the cold. I ignored them.. let them think as they wanted... i had things to see it. It didn't take long for the loading platform to empty, and once i had, I slipped toward the back, a shadow filled wall hid the entrance to my territory. I slipped into the shadows and down the narrow service tunnel with ease, my steps quiet.

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-( a good book and a fire...)-Lyla Jones09:50:00 12/08/09 Tue

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