For the smell of fear tonight
Wakes an ancient lust that will not be denied...
You're mine
The sun had not yet crested the rooftops of the homes and buildings of the city, suspending the world in a few moments of eerie pre-dawn purplish light as Erich silently trekked the walkway that led to the apartments. While sunlight did not hurt or phase him, he didn't appreciate the daylight, either. More humans came out in the waking hours, making temptation a constant risk, one that he preferred to avoid. It was for this reason he had slipped away from Sabrina far earlier than needed...simply to wear the cloak of darkness on his trip. Since his change, Erich rarely drove to his destinations, and this morn was no exception. There were a few hours until the agreed upon meeting time, but that was acceptable. In the span of eternity, Erich had found that waiting became less of a nuisance.
His leaned his broad back against the brick siding of the place, not quite on the property he'd shared with Cammie, but close. The nook in which he'd settled in was still dark, still cold...things which brought him comfort. It was an odd thing, to view this apartment with the knowledge that within it's walls, Cammie rested. Just like the times of old, in that way...even though everything else had changed. Had in fact fallen down around them. As he surveyed the apartment, he was slightly taken by the fierceness in which he missed those days. Coming to America had not been among Erich's most anticipated missions, but had done so without complaint...as always. He'd not expected to come to enjoy the lands in which he worked, as had happened. He'd not expected to come to enjoy his partner in the the carnal way in which he had, either. If ever he had known happiness...he supposed it had occurred here, within these mountains...and usually, within the bed he'd shared with the blond that slept not far from his current location.
To be nostalgic was a waste of time and energy, he presumed, so he focused on honing in the control that he would so desperately need when it came time to knock upon her door. The woman was unaware of just how delicious she smelled to him...of just how badly the beast wanted to drain her of the blood that sustained her, and of the very soul that breathed life into her. He'd never encountered a scent so invigorating, so luscious...even thinking of it as he sat, crouched in the darkness, had the beast rearing it's ugly head. Erich had gorged on blood and had debated on finding a soul to steal before this meeting--it was better a stranger die by his hand than the partner he'd held dear--but in the end, had been unable to justify such an execution. Cammie was stronger than the humans he so normally took off guard. She was perhaps the only one that could stand a chance in defense against him.
When the sun finally sat situated high enough in the sky, the broadly muscled male rose from his position. It could not be later than 8:00 am, but Cammie knew full well his tenancies to be early to engagements. He moved to the once-familiar door and rapped upon it with large knuckles twice, in rapid succession--the way they'd always done in the past to let the other know whom it was. He waited, steeling himself against the rush that would undoubtedly come the very moment she opened the door.
For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight