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Subject: Re: Family Update

Kristina to Jen (Proud of you)
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Date Posted: 07:06:37 05/29/24 Wed
In reply to: Jen 's message, "Family Update" on 06:21:12 05/29/24 Wed

I am glad FTO is working well for you, I was amazed how well it worked on my own and families I advise, I swear by it and its a lifesaver.

I will make a suggestion with FTO, I would be careful as far as how often Henry is appealing. If he appeals EVERY order you give then you may have to revoke the privilege maybe?
But absolutely I expect them to obey and with a cheerful attitude.

Henry, I am glad to hear he did well at school! My two did ok, oldest excelled but my son well needs improvement, but we have a long summer to work on that lol

Its so wonderful he is dry at night now! My son is too, I had begun to actually use bedtime spanking BECAUSE of it, I had him checked doctor said he was physically fine, so eventually had to say enough is enough, and hes mostly dry every night now, alot of boys I find have the wetting struggles!

Nick well, sometimes the boys who require the most patience and firm ness, are the most affectionate and sensitive. I feel truly on a subconscious level boys see a spanking as love, as they tend to express affection in physical ways, playfighting etc

Lying here like he did, I would have done the same as you, made him wear diapers, but for lying he would get a full punishment spanking after he had his mouth washed out with soap. Corner after to think about his lies of course

And Charlie sounds like a darling boy who wants to take after his brothers lol

So what I tend to do, is I will give a full punishment 2-3 times a week or so, FTO, plus I look for small issues we can improve upon etc. I also praise and reward even small positives like crazy.

I then have shorter on the spot spankings that are just 20 swats or so by hand undies down then we move on , those are so short they are able to be used multiple a day if thats needed, wont do any harm. (it often is that way lol)

And then the bedtime reminders nightly. More a loving bonding time than punishment, its brought us alot closer. Mine have chores to help out too, slightly earlier summer bedtimes, and then of course corner time, mouth soaping , ive done some of the baby treatments like you do too.

I hope we can become friends as I think we approach raising kids in a similar manner. Not enough good mom friends keep in touch with me I feel like lol

Feel free to ask me anything btw

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Re: Family UpdateJen06:29:03 05/31/24 Fri

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