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Date Posted: 10:38:50 04/04/02 Thu
Author: Marlene
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Subject: Margaret...I feel your pain
In reply to: Margaret 's message, "A weight and stress problem" on 10:13:22 04/04/02 Thu

and I have no business giving advice since I'm in the same boat (needing to lose weight.)
I have found it SO difficult as we grow older - the ole bod just wants to hang on to what it has.
I can't do it without exercise, cardio vascular exercise. But I have problems with my left side - hip, knee and foot. Most things that get your heart pumping involve moving fast and putting stress on your joints. Then I end up with inflammation in my trouble spots and I give up (and spend much too much time in front of the computer.)
One thing that really helps is not to have any of the BAD stuff (whatever is your weakness) in the house - easier to do when there are no children around.
I would think that with your problems of caring for Bill, preparing meals that could bubble on the stove or in the oven (or crockpot) for a long time would give you more flexibility - ready when YOU are. Or....very simple things that only take a few moments to cook. Think how it was when you had needy, young children at home....you probably did complicated cooking when they were napping or away from home.
Also, it is easier (I think) as Spring and summer arrive - wonderful fresh fruits that can be eaten out of hand or put into a fresh sald or quickly stir-fried and onto your plate with a quickly grilled piece of meat, chicken or fish.

Also...think ahead - make enough to freeze, so on "bad" days you can take something out of the freezer and pop into the microwave.
No recipes here, just some thoughts on managing the situation.

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