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Subject: ::Bang Bang, You're Dead::

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Date Posted: 11:17:28 07/16/04 Fri
In reply to: Alison 's message, "|No one|" on 11:25:42 07/07/04 Wed

He'd wandered the shady side of town for a while, searching in the nooks and crannies for Tessa's daughter. He'd had no luck there. So he'd come to the back alley in hopes of finding hte runaway. Toner, barely an adult himself, still thought like a kid sometimes, he'd merely figured that if he had wanted to run away, he would have run to one of hte more dangerous places in town. He moved slowly down the alley, hands loose at his sides, though a tension vibrated through him. The fighter was coming out in him again as he stalked slowly through the once familar darkness. He spotted the dogs first, as Alison was against hte wall, cast in shadow. He frowned, his gaze flicking over the dog's forms. What were they snarling at? His gaze shifted, searching hte shadows intently, his hand going to retreive the gun in the small of his back. He pulled it out, unlocking the saftey on it with a seemingly loud click. Get outta here you mangy mutts! He snarls at the dogs as he nears, his tall frame seemingly towering over them. He knocks the hand holding hte gun against a trashcan as he moved quickly forward, knocking the can to the ground with a loud clatter. GET, GO ON MUTTS! He hollars at them, intending to get them to leave the obviously terrified girl alone.

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:: I Cry for Humanity :: ::And It's Agression:: ::I Don't Cry For Anything::Downtown Dover, Bloody Sunset, DeathToll05:17:06 07/20/04 Tue

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