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Date Posted: 03:29:42 06/29/01 Fri
Author: Geoff.
Author Host/IP: ESS-p-203-54-132-190.mega.tmns.net.au /
Subject: Re: Don Grady
In reply to: Leopold 's message, "Don Grady" on 17:36:59 06/28/01 Thu

Hi Leopold,
We have discussed this issue before on the old message board and the original reason I had heard was that he left because the U.S. Army forced him to do his National Service,
but more recently Don has been quoted as saying that he left to concentrate on his Music career. A well known composer in his own right, he has a successful career writing, arranging and performing music. Not surprisingly, his Robbie Douglas character on M3S was very adept at music also. Interestingly, the reason his name still appears on the opening credits for Series 12 episodes is that the syndicators (whether it be Paramount/VIACOM or whoever)are erroneously adding the shorter opening theme song (possibly to get a few extra seconds of commercial time) that was utilised on most episodes featured in Series 6,7,8 and 9.
You will note there is also now a variation of this same music theme that omits the announcer voicing the Starring credits on most new video prints of these episodes. Here in Australia (and I don't know why you don't have this in the U.S.) all the Series 12 episodes have the longer expanded opening theme song with a more casual Fred MacMurray introduction ("Hi, Welcome to our show...") where instead of being close-up and in the library wearing a suit, he is more laid back wearing a long white sweater. I have posted about this before and no-one seems to have seen it. I can assure it exists and the theme song is virtually the same as the updated Series 10 version where Beverly Garland joined the cast, but is now an updated version very similar (and faster) like the end credits theme, although this Series 12 version deletes "Don Grady as Robbie" as the animated Chip and Ernie hands come together and then reveals alternate cast information and ends with "Ronne Troup as Polly and Dawn Lynn - spelt with TWO n's as Dodie"
I have this version tacked onto all the openings of all 24 Series 12 episodes in my privatye collection , although I have seen regional Australian prints that actually had the credits you normally see. Perhaps this answers your question.

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