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Date Posted: 22:16:52 03/22/10 Mon
Author: Emmaline
Subject: Touch me and you die
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "_-It was meant to be-_" on 21:58:13 03/22/10 Mon

Emmaline stood inside the bar, pulling her black peacoat tighter around her to hide her top half. She saw Telcoltl walk into the bar and she let out a sigh of relief as he came towards her, never believing that she would feel relief over him coming closer. She watched as one by one the drunks on the bar, turned their eyes back down to their drinks so that they could swim in their remorse and drown out their feelings with the bitter drink. She turned to Telcoltl only to have her eyes come face to face with his chest. Curse her for being short. She lifted her golden eyes up to his amber ones as he spoke to her. Her choice...hmm..well she had a few options to choose from...

1) She could pick a secluded table in the back of the bar away from all the other people, but if she did that Telcoltl would have more of a chance to get a little to friendly with her, or take his dinner.


2) She could pick a seat near all the others and risk getting stared down, sexually harassed, and possibly cause a fight amongst the simple minded humans.

She cursed softly in her head so that Telcoltl wouldn't hear. "Um, okay...." She said running a hand through those dark curls again as she headed to a table in the darker more secluded area of the bar. Please don't let me die for this....She thought to herself. She smiled at him as she came to the table, well the booth, before she slid into the cushioned seat of the round booth. She kicked off her heels and curled her tiny feet up underneath her as she sat down on the booth. It had been a long day. "Is this okay Master Telcoltl?"

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