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Crystal blue eyes stared out into the falling rain for a while as she heard him start to talk, pause, and then try again. Turning to face him she watched, as he painfully seemed to relive those moments when the decision had been handed down to split. ”Angelina assured me no one was in the warehouse when it went up in flames that night, but other then that she didn’t say much, no one did. I was left pretty much in the dark. I think Perg and Yancy knew the most, but they didn’t stick around long either.” Plump lip was chewed on as she thought about how everyone had one by one vanished into the night, heading towards a new way of life. She’d done her best to move on, but some holes just can’t be repaired no matter how much time passed, he was one of them. She’d gone on a few dates and of course due to her side job had been forced to take chaperones to events, but they always ended at the door. Her students had been her joy, teaching them art had kept her busy though the nights had always been rough. ”Angelina told me too, but I found that teaching my students was enough, barely, but it kept me busy.” She smiled truthfully happy at remembering her students, they’d been sad when she said she was leaving and she’d gotten a few anonymous crush notes that she was sure came from two of the boys who dared to take her class. She didn’t mention anything about her modeling job, but it was obvious a teacher salary couldn’t produce the funds to buy a ride like this. He’d thought she’d move on, figured he’d done too much damage to come back, but yet here he was? She didn’t understand and voiced this. ”Why come back if you wanted me to move on?” She herself had only planned to be back for a little while. Just till she’d sold the truck he gave her and could get the funds to go to Europe. She’d always wanted to see Paris in the fall. ”I was willing to marry you Toby…you couldn’t have been that bad.” She had been young, blind, and in love defiantly…but surely her judgment hadn’t been that off? Surely Angelina wouldn’t have let her get into the relationship if she thought it so bad. Subconsciously Laurie moved her hands off the steering wheel, fingers fidgeting with the ring as she continued to chew on her lip in thought. ”I missed you Toby.” Oh how she had missed him. |