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Subject: I got my license!

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Date Posted: 17:56:02 02/18/25 Tue

Hello to Laura, and anyone else who may be interested,

Back in August, I got in BIG trouble when I had a moment of temporary insanity and decided to try driving my mom's car around the neighborhood. This resulted in me getting my worst ever spanking, and a delay before I could get my learner's permit. I'm not going to go into detail, because I posted about it before. Well, the time finally came, and I took the written test, and got my learner's permit! That means that I'm allowed to drive, if I have a licensed adult with me. My mom has taken me out to practice a few times. I swear my bottom kinda clenches every time I get in the driver's seat, even though I have permission, and my mom is right there, lol. It's gone well so far.

In the 6 months since the car incident, I've only gotten one spanking, and it barely counted. I was helping my mom with dinner, and we were teasing back and forth, and I said something that crossed the line from sarcastic to disrespectful. As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I'd gone too far. I apologized immediately and said I hadn't meant it the way it came out. She said she believed me, but figured I could use a little reminder to think before I speak. She told me to pull down my jeans, then grabbed a wooden spoon from the jar of utensils, and gently pushed me to lean over the kitchen counter. Down went my panties, and smack went the spoon on my backside. I think she gave me about 20 swats. They were fast and stingy, but it was over almost before I realized what was happening. She gave my bottom a little pat and told me to remember that a smart ass could lead to a sore ass, and that was it, lol. It really was just a little reminder.

To Laura, I hope that you have avoided the paddle and that things are going well with school, your mom, and any further babysitting with Lena.

Hugs, Debbie

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Subject Author Date
Re: I got my license!Rako08:12:06 02/19/25 Wed
Re: I got my license!Pauline10:30:56 02/24/25 Mon
Re: I got my license!Laura to Debbie11:17:15 03/04/25 Tue
A questionHanah11:45:31 03/06/25 Thu

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