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Date Posted: 08:06:28 03/24/02 Sun
Author: Marlene
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Subject: Re: Low fat Diet for Dogs..?
In reply to: Tina Swinimer 's message, "Re: Low fat Diet for Dogs..?" on 01:43:50 03/24/02 Sun

That is infuriating....the way she was treated at the Vet's office that has cared for her animals for 15 years!
Honestly...if it were me I would use the prescription diet suggested by the vet. I *do* regularly cook for my dog and the reason I do is because of a weight issue - trying to keep my food obsessed Boxer satisfied yet still losing. BUT I have seen first hand how sick a dog can get with Pancreatitis (the Lab next door has had it a few times) and if prescription food would keep it from happening, I would use it. However, if Dasiy just got Pancreatitis from too many fatty handouts (this often happens to dogs at holiday time with turkey skin, gravy, cookies, happily handed to a dog who begs for all the good stuff family and guests are having) she can probably go back to her regular way of eating, making sure she gets no fatty scraps.

This is something I make for Mack - she might want to try:

Mack's Meatloaf


1 pound ground turkey or chicken
1 cup rice
1 1/2 cup broth
1 egg
1 tsp minced garlic
1 large grated carrot
(I have also used a thawed frozen box of yellow squash. Also 1/2 bag frozen chopped spinach)
I have also made this w/brown rice, barley, fine noodles and pasta. And I have also used a can of blendered mackerel it stinks! but he LOVES it!)


Smoosh together
Put into loaf pan
Bake at 375* for approx. 1 hour
This is very "ricey* (too much so for people food, I think)
I have started cooking this in the microwave. Cover lightly w/plastic wrap and nuke for 15 minutes.
Remove and let cool. I slice it into servings, individually wrap and freeze.

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