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Date Posted: 05:58:56 08/21/01 Tue
Author: Fourth Horseman
Subject: Re: I'm gonna be an idiot and disagree with you guys. :p
In reply to: Drunkenmaster 's message, "Re: I'm gonna be an idiot and disagree with you guys. :p" on 23:44:21 08/20/01 Mon

Jackie Chan I think is fairly under-rated as a martial artist. I think of him as an acrobat first and foremost, but I would like to see any Olympic gymnast try to punch and fight like Jackie. He's studied a lot of fighting style and if you go back and watch movies like 'Meals on Wheels', 'Armour of God' , 'Police Story III: SUPERCOP' and 'Project A'...theres plenty of kung fu, kickboxing, boxing and judo chucked in. People just don't realise it. As for the speed and agility, Jackie Chan isn't all that fast, he is reknowned in film for undercranking the camera so that his fight scenes look super fast...so no, he's not doing it 'as is'. I still like him though and his fighting style is pretty much trademarked. Jet Li...my problem is the Capoeira that he chucks into his fights...cool, but Wushu is practically a dance. It's only forms, no down and dirty fighting like San Shou.

My Two Cents


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  • Re: I'm gonna be an idiot and disagree with you guys. :p -- Goktimus Prime, 21:49:14 08/21/01 Tue
  • Conclusion -- Drunkenmaster, 23:33:12 08/21/01 Tue
  • Re: I'm gonna be an idiot and disagree with you guys. :p -- PersonX, 20:46:03 10/09/02 Wed
  • Re: I'm gonna be an idiot and disagree with you guys. :p -- Mike Amos, 11:52:39 10/14/02 Mon
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