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Lousiana Scholars' College Forum Council Forum
Welcome, this board is for discussion of forum matters. As such, any scholars student will have access to it (i.e. the access is not blocked), however,lets try to keep the messages to the topic of Forum business. There is another message board for recreational use for the Scholars' College.

Subject: Welcome

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Date Posted: 05:38:36 06/04/01 Mon

Welcome everyone. As per Bess' request, we now have a convenient message board to use as a vehicle for discusion of the constitution and other forum matters. I believe the same Fourm council decorum should prevail here as it does in the meetings, no anonymous slander or non-constructive criticisms. Lets get this party started.


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Subject: Swim Party

Mike C
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Date Posted: 15:21:37 06/06/01 Wed

Guys, I don't really have a problem with the council buying food for the party, but how much will it run. Bess, do you remember how much the food was for Thesis BBQ? Also, if we do this, will the council be scrapped for cash later?

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Subject: food fair

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Date Posted: 08:23:20 06/07/01 Thu

i believe the meat and all cost us $80 at walmart the previous year. this year we bought all of the meat and extra cups, plates, etc. to last us the year for that amount plus drinks. i can find out for sure in the check book, but it shouldn't cost us more than $50 to do it this year. we could save money by using ice chests and having canned drinks too. i think for an outside event, this may be the way to go. we also need to see if what we may want to provide for the freshmen food fair to ensure that there is enough food.

also, i figured for constitution discussion, each point should be a new message so that people can respond to each one individually and it will be easier to follow. what do you all think? i'm going to post the constitution next so that we can all look at it too.

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Subject: the constitution

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Date Posted: 08:29:39 06/07/01 Thu

Louisiana Scholars College Forum Council
Of the
Louisiana Scholars College Forum

The Louisiana Scholars College was developed in 1987 as an experiment in higher education. In contrast to university norms, it is structured around a seminar format and embraces a rigorous liberal arts core curriculum aimed at giving bright students the skills they need to self-educate. In reviewing the development of Western thought both in science and the humanities, it welcomes students into this progression with the tools needed to excel. Central to this learning method is the seminar format. It allows for a free exchange of ideas between students and professors, and it teaches students how to work together toward understanding, how to present and defend ideas clearly, and how to accept other peoples views and opinions in a professional manner.
In the spring of 1994, students became concerned with the lack of student-professor activities, student apathy, a lack of college community, and inactivity in general. In response to these concerns, a series of student initiated college forums were called. At the end of the semester, the students decided to restructure the student government so that the needs and concerns of the college could be better communicated and resolved.
Thus, in continuing the vision of a living and learning community, this Student/Faculty Government Forum was created as the student governing body of the Louisiana Scholars College. This governing body operates through forums and all decisions are made by majority votes. A central Forum Council organizes forums and acts as a liaison between the students and faculty. The main power of the Student/Faculty Government Forum comes from the participation of students and faculty in the forums. In this aspect it is much like the seminar based Scholars College.
Yet, as the times and demands of the Louisiana Scholars College have changed, so has the organization. These students decided to form the Student/Faculty Government Forum, which has now become the Louisiana Scholars College General Forum. The Louisiana Scholars College Forum Council is the representative body of the General Forum and this is its constitution.

Article I-Name

The name of the organization shall be the Louisiana Scholars College Forum, which is governed by the Louisiana Scholars College Forum Council.

Article II-Purpose

The purpose of the Forum Council shall be to maintain and facilitate the forums and other activities of the Louisiana Scholars College Forum Council, which is to consists of all full-time Scholars students as determined by the official Scholars College roster on record with the Director of the Scholars College.

Article III-Authority

The Louisiana Scholars College Forum Council will not limit the authority of university faculty members and advisors, nor will it supersede any rules and regulations specifically governing Louisiana Scholars College or Northwestern State University.
Rather, the forum will exist within these limitations as specified by the constitution and by the subsequent amendments ratified by the Louisiana the Louisiana Scholars College Forum Council, so long as those decisions do not interfere with those governing bodies fore mentioned.

Article IV- Membership

The Louisiana Scholars College Forum Council shall consist of two representatives from each class elected by their respective classmates and one at-large member elected by the entire College. A Forum Council member must be a full-time student in good standing with the University.

Article V- Forum Council Faculty Representative

A. The Forum Council Faculty Representative will be a permanent appointment until such time as the faculty representative resigns or is removed. A faculty representative may be removed for not doing his/her prescribed constitutional duties. The removal must be approved by majority vote of the entire membership of the Forum Council.
B. The duties of the faculty representative shall be:
i. To attend all forum-initiated functions.
ii. To act as liaison between the faculty and the Forum Council.
iii. To add to the Forum Council meeting discussions and represent the faculty at these meetings.

Article VI. Elections:

A. Nominations will be made on the first Wednesday of September. Each Scholars student is entitled to one nomination of a person within his/her class. Nominations for Forum Council Representative must be accepted before noon of the following Tuesday. Any nominations not accepted by this time will be left off the ballot. All accepted nominations will be placed on the prospective class Forum Council ballot, and elections will take place on the second Wednesday of September. The two candidates with the highest vote tally will become their classes representatives. These newly elected representatives take office exactly one week later.
B. Each Scholars student will be given a ballot with all candidates from his/her class. A total of ten points must then be allotted to the candidates in any combination. If a ballot has more or fewer than ten points, it is null and void. The two candidates with the most points become Forum Council representatives.
C. At-Large nominations are to be accepted on the Friday after the class elections. The deadline for accepting nominations is the next Tuesday. On the following Wednesday, all Scholars students and faculty vote to elect the At-Large representative from the list of nominated candidates.
D. All Forum Council members take office during the weekly meeting after the At-Large election.
E. All ballots will be counted by two Forum Council members of the Forum that are not running for any elected position and the Forum Council Faculty Representative.

Article VII. Duties of Each Representative:

A. To attend each weekly Forum Council meeting.
B. To stay informed of the needs and desires of the Forum members, especially but not limited to ones class.
C. To attend all Forum Council functions.
D. To organize and supervise at least one Forum Council event per year.
E. To help other Forum Council members prepare for all events.
F. To attend one leadership workshop per semester to be given by the outgoing Forum Council.
G. To inform other Forum Council members at least one day in advance if one cannot fulfill a specific duty or must miss a meeting.
H. To resign if one cannot fulfill his/her duties as a Forum Council representative. See Section IX.

Article VIII. Officers:

A. The Forum Council shall elect from their own membership a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and a university representative if needed. Each officer shall be required to do the following duties in addition to his/her other responsibilities as a Forum Council representative:
i. President:
1. To provide an agenda and preside at all Forum Council meetings and general forums.
2. To communicate the Forum and Forum Council needs to the SGA and SAB if no university representative is appointed.
3. To insure the Forum is participating in University activities such as Homecoming nominations and Homecoming week activities.
4. To maintain the paperwork necessary to the continuing existence of the Forum.
5. To assure all members wishing to speak are afforded the opportunity to present their ideas.
6. To call for a vote on any motion after it has been discussed.
7. To list the resolutions at the conclusion of the meetings for the secretary to record.
ii. Vice-President:
1. To oversee and appoint a representative for each Forum Council activity.
2. To take the place of the president in his/her absence.
3. To oversee the publicity of all Forum Council events.
4. To maintain and post an event calendar and oversee the assigning of events to other representatives.
iii. Secretary:
1. To take minutes at all Forums and Forum Council meetings.
2. To post minutes on the Scholars College homepage and Forum Council bulletin board, and email announcements to all Scholars students.
3. To be responsible for a Scholars student directory to be published at the beginning of each semester.
4. To maintain the email account and web page.
iv. Treasurer:
1. To keep a current balance of all monies in association with the Forum Council.
2. To be responsible for petty cash.
3. To maintain records of all financial transactions and to provide a monthly report of all financial transactions during the previous semester.
v. University Representative (if needed): The University Representative may hold another executive position.
1. To communicate Forum Council needs to the SGA, SAB, and other organizations on-campus when the need arises.
2. To inform the Council of up-coming campus events.

Article IX. Resignation:

A. If a Forum Council representative intends to resign his/her position, he/she must notify the Council at least one week prior to said resignation. The Forum Council shall then propose replacements from that representatives class to be voted on by that class within two weeks following the announcement of the resignation.
B. If the resigning member is an executive officer, the position will be voted upon by the remaining members of the Council prior to the nomination of a new representative.
C. If the president resigns, the vice-president shall assume the role of president. The vice-president will be elected from the remaining non-officer member in the Forum Council.
D. Replacements for an At-Large representative will be nominated by the Forum Council and voted on by the student body.

Article X. Replacement:

If a Forum Council representative does not fulfill his/her duties, as determined by a majority of the entire membership of the Forum Council, or misses three unexcused events, whether it is a weekly meeting or other Forum Council event, then that representative shall no longer be a Forum Council representative. The position shall immediately be filled by the procedures set forth in Section IX.

Article XI. Forum Council Events:

Forum Council events consist of all of the following but not limited to:
A. Orientation Food Fair
B. Halloween Food Fair
C. Winter Food Fair
D. Valentines Food Fair
E. Scholars College Formal
F. T-Shirt Sales
G. Scholars College Film Festival
H. Senior Thesis Bar-B-Q
I. One General Forum per month
J. One Leadership Workshop per semester
K. Forum Council Fall Elections

Article XII. Quorum:

Quorum at all Forum Council meeting will consist of five Forum Council representatives.

Article XIII. Ratification:

A. Upon approval of this constitution all previous constitutions will become null and void; this constitution will become the only constitution.
B. Upon ratification of this constitution any amendments must be approved by two-thirds of the Scholars College Forum.

This constitution was composed by:
Charlie Penrod, President
Bess Vincent, Moderator
Michael Callac, Secretary
John Birch, Treasurer
Matt Comeaux, Senior Class Representative
Sara DeBroeck, Junior Class Representative
Brett Chiquet, Freshman Class Representative
Valerie Broussard, Freshman Class Representative

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Subject: Notes from meeting

Mike C
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Date Posted: 14:34:53 06/07/01 Thu

Bess or Mike,
do either of you have the minutes from the meeting with Dr. Wolffe. That's where we discussed the things that need to be changed.

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Subject: soon

john birch
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Date Posted: 08:04:11 06/18/01 Mon

hey everybody,

sorry that i haven't let any comments or recommendations for the constitution as of yet. ADVANCE is consuming all of my time. So, in two weeks I will do my best to get some stuff churned out for your eyes to peruse. Later.


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Subject: Guidelines of Conduct

Alex Billioux
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Date Posted: 10:39:23 06/11/01 Mon

As we discussed in the meeting at the end of the semester, we should construct a Guidelines for the Conduct of a Forum Council Member. This would fit under Article VII perhaps as section J. That can be decided later. Anyway, I believe we should all try to draft a list of rules that should apply. I do not think that anything too stringent should be applied, but the areas to stress are attendance of meetings, perhaps a description of what is a reasonable excuse for an absence and what is not, and also perhaps an antidefamation clause or two. I do not know how many things we want to have down, but I think all these heads working together can come up with something. I, myself, will post my recommendations later in the week. These rules would also apply to Article X as a reason for dismissal formt he Council.

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Subject: Definition of Majority

Alex Billioux
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Date Posted: 10:11:23 06/11/01 Mon

My first point is on the definition of the term Majority in the constitution. I fell that it may be more beneficial to define the majority as having to be at least 2/3 of the forum council. This would make it necessary for at least 6 members to be in agreement on a vote rather than just 5. It seems like a small difference, but I think it would show more solidarity on a the part of the forum council if we could say everything we pass is at least two thirds agreed upon. 4 out of 5 is almost a tie. If the council is that divided, more discusion is needed before the topic in question is decided upon. Tell me what you think. This applies to Article V section A and Article X.

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Subject: absences

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Date Posted: 19:31:41 06/17/01 Sun

as far as absences, whether they are excused or not, i think we should add in a clause for Article VII G, duties of the representative. it should relate to informing the secretary before missing a meeting and filling out an absentee slip, where it can then be categorized as excused/unexcused (if we decide to keep this system)and signed by member and secretary and provided for proof at the meeting. then we run into the problem of what if the person didn't contact the secretary and fill out an absentee slip? any suggestions?

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Subject: Duties of Council Members

Mike C
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Date Posted: 09:30:07 06/18/01 Mon

In Article VII, Section D,
We need to change this to say that each member must attend 1 leadership workshop per semester. In the fall, this will be given by the outgoing Forum Council. In the spring, it is up to the discresion of the Council to decide what is a valid leadership workshop.

Also, I think we need to add a duty saying that it is the responsibility of each member to give a weekly update on the progress of any event that is being planned by said member.

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  • duties -- Mike C, 09:31:37 06/18/01 Mon
Subject: Constitution

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Date Posted: 09:43:54 06/18/01 Mon

I should have some of the information regarding constitution changes, which pertained to absences. I will have to search through my storage shed. I am busy finishing Spanish three, so it may be two weeks or so. Bye for now. :-)

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Subject: Unexcused Absences

Alex Billioux
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Date Posted: 10:58:50 06/11/01 Mon

I believe we should drop the distinction between excused and unexcused absences. In a fifteen week semester, 3 weeks is a pretty substantial amount to miss (1/5). If you know you will miss more than 3 weeks, you whould reconsider membership in the Forum Council.

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Subject: Resignation Clause for Officers

Alexander Billioux
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Date Posted: 10:43:42 06/11/01 Mon

I believe there may be a need to put a resignation clause for officers in the constitution. I noticed there was not explicitly defined maner by which an officer may step down from their position within the Forum Council without leaving the council altogther. Is this something we need to add, or is it another one of those things that is just unspoken? This would apply to Article VIII I believe.

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Subject: additions and such

michael Thomas
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Date Posted: 15:17:18 06/20/01 Wed

hey all,
I've ben attempting to recap on the discussion so far and perhaps now I am able to provide some imput as to changes to the constitution. I'll be able to do a bit more in a couple weeks when I'm back in LA. the only issues where I have an idea on possible changes are attendance and perhaps resignation. As far as attendance goes I don't have a problem with the distinction between excused and unexcused abscences, even if the abscences themselves are bad, they still force the memeber to be accountable for what they are doing (that is, they have to tell us where they are and why they are going to miss.) I would be down for a clause that if the member does not inform the council in advance of an abscence then it is unexcused (i guess this means that I go along with the idea of the forms to be signed). Also along with the distinction of the different abscences I believe that there should be a clause perhaps in the council memmber duties to have a certain amount of attendance. I like mike's idea of after a certain amount of abscences having to discuss any repercussions (sp?) that would be involed.
As far as removal goes. I believe we should perhaps work with an official process. And also with the removal of memebers. I remember that when we discussed this, the actual process was sketchy. It creates more beurocracy, but allows a guideline for what the council should do. It should perhaps have to be brought up during a meeting, there should be a raising of reasons, then defense, and then a vote. I go along with the 2/3 majority for the vote on this issue. Either way, that's just a sketchy and perhaps banal (usage) telling of ideas on my part. I'll try and get more together when i make it home. Now back to servius.


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Subject: Various Things

Mike C
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Date Posted: 08:18:37 06/22/01 Fri

Hey guys,
I'm not going to be able to post for a while as I will be in Spain. I think we should try to have a meeting like the week before classes start so that we can actually hammer out the exact details of what we are going to propose as amendments. I think this board is a great idea for generating ideas and doing some preliminary discussion, but we will really have to have a meeting to formulate the final version. Plus, we really should have Dr. Stave's imput on all of this. By the way, does anyone know if she got tenure? Well, I'll try to stop by here every two weeks or so, but I can't promise anything.

-Mike C

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Subject: stuff

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Date Posted: 19:57:16 06/24/01 Sun

alright. the pool thing is reserved. you should all have recieved a copy of brett's email. we need to decide something definite on the pool thing. food or no food? we can get the aramark pit no problem . we just need to decide. good job on getting some ideas out. and stave is aware of this board, she has tenure and she's in england right nwo and then on her way to russia with the rest of the scholars crew. just to let you all know... email me if you have any questions. by the way, i'm going to meet with cochran tomorrow and talk to her about morrison and send out another mass email thing. when i do, i'm going to include the address for this message board. any objections?

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Subject: Dismissal

Paul Jannise
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Date Posted: 18:11:57 06/25/01 Mon

To prevent the complications that arose at the end of the semester, I believe that a more definite procedure for the possible dismissal of any member should be added to the constitution. I suggest that a member in question be given advanced warning and placed in a probationary period. If the member continues to fail in his/her duties a vote should be called at either an emergency meeting or the next weekly meeting. In the matter of unexcused absences the constitution is clear.

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Subject: One Member from Each Class

Alex Billioux
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Date Posted: 10:56:35 06/11/01 Mon

I was wondering if we should make an additional requirement for quorum that at least one person from every class must be in attendance as well as the total number of forum council members must be 5? Also, and just throwing out ideas here... What if we made it possible to send a representative from your class in your place if you know you will be missing in advance. This would still count as an absence for you. I know you may say "Any general forum member may attend our meetings" so it would be like just asking a friend to fill you in on the information that was discussed at the meeting (something you should be able to do thorugh the minutes). However, what about if you have some information you were supposed to report to the council and you have this person do it in your stead. Still nothing revolutionary... but... and here is the sticky part, what if we gave these replacements proxy voting power for the day of the abscence. Since the forum should know what votes are coming up from the meeting the week before, you should be able to anticipate the vote and This would allow the representative to hear the discussiont he day of the vote and either vote as they were told by the absent representative, or vote as they feel they should with respect to the debate the day of the vote. For this to opperate correctly, the representative who is going to be absent would have to resent the president and vice president witha written explanation for abscence, the name of the person to represent them, and both the representatives name and signature and the name and signature of the proxy replacement. The actions of the replacement would be the responsibility of the person who is absent (i.e. if constituents are upset, they should point their complaints at the person who chose the replacement due to absence, not at the forum council proper).

Pretty outlandish I know, but I think it could work. Why take these measures? Because, though it still counts as an absence (thus this cannot be done more that 3 times by any one member), this would allow the forum council to continue with business as usual without being crippled by a missing member. If the member is responsible for a report to the council the day of a meeting and sends a replacement , it is the representatives job to make sure the replacement has been given the report and understands it well enough to answer questions on it. MOre discussion on this topic s needed, but I think the idea may work.

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Subject: All my thoughts (as of now)

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Date Posted: 19:18:49 07/02/01 Mon

Hey, everybody. Sorry it's been so long. We've had some aggravating internet troubles this summer. Anyway, I have read everything posted thus far and here is my input on as much as I have retained. For the duty changes: I personally like the idea of 3 unexcused being dismissal and 3 excused being discussion if necessary. I don't really like the idea of specifying how many meetings we all must attend because then some slacker could come along and go to 4/5 meetings or whatever and still be ok. That's not fair to the dedicated members who try to attend everything possible or go above and beyond (as well as those who do what is necessary to get the job done). I also like the slip-signing idea. It is kind of high schoolish, but it seems as though steps like these are somewhat necessary to keep everyone in check. With the senator at large ideas floating around, I still prefer the way we do it now, voting within the council. Even with posting a list of 2nd or more year members for everyone to vote on, some rather worthless members could be on the council for a number of years. Who's to say said person would not be elected to an officer position? All things are possible. Also, the way we run things now seems to be efficient in having a fairly decent officer setup. From what I have seen in my year on the council, officer duties don't really seem to be a problem as big as member duties in general. I know I would like to think that a member who did not feel he or she could handle an officer position would decline a nomination, but we all know that people do exist who like to be in charge just for the kicks of it. Like I said before, these are my thoughts and opinions. Let me know likes/dislikes or whatever you feel. Now that my internet is back when it feels like working properly, I should be online more.

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Subject: constitutional amendment

Jeremy H
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Date Posted: 19:38:42 06/26/01 Tue

So this is my 2 cents. I think the senator at large is a fantastic idea, but must be improved. I think that the senator at large position should be the FIRST of the elections and the winner should be president of the forum council. The way it is set up now, the council picks the president from among the ranks and I have a problem with that bc the entire forum should decide as a whole who leads the group. I think the freshmen should not be allowed to be nominated for the position bc of the consequences if they win, but other than that, i don't really see any other problems. Feedback feedback feedback. I know we are all very opinionated and this is no time to be shy. Take care all,

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Subject: Requested Changes

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Date Posted: 13:29:53 07/09/01 Mon

Here are the suggestions I made in the spring:

1. Written excuses (which has been discussed by everyone and seems like a good idea).
2. Minutes and absences need to be posted so members and students are kept informed.
3. The secretary could notify members when they have reached an absence warning zone.
4. A clause could be added pertaining to extenuating circumstances (illness, etc.) (A student who already has two illness would not be penalized if he misses two more meetings due to surgery).

One outside suggestion: We should keep our own personal phone list handy, in case someone needs to be informed about emergency meetings, meeting changes and the like.

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Subject: member at large

mike c
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Date Posted: 14:07:32 07/10/01 Tue

okay, i dont have time to read every coment about this nor expound much on my thoughts but here is just my quick observation. the president has no power over the forum as a whole. the only reason for the president to be chosen is to have some sort of organization within the council so that things may get done. after all, as far as the forum is concerned, everyone is equal and the council is only in existence to facilitate things and make sure they get done. The students elect members to this council whom they think would best get things done. Then within the council, duties are organized to make best use of the people avaiable. to have the entire forum elect the president would insinuate that the president has some power over the forum, which is not the case. Okay, thats my spiel. And bess, i said I didnt know if I would be able to update or not as i am in SPAIN right now. So dont expect much from my direction.

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Subject: stuff

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Date Posted: 21:23:43 07/07/01 Sat

ok. so i haven't posted in a while. reason being: i'm not sure how i feel about the latest proposition about the atlarge position. it has it's attributes, such that the college gets to vote, but i'm a realist and i simply cannot believe that people will vote for the "right" person simply because they are a scholar and they are supposed to be above it. aside from the last class, the number of freshmen is reduced by half after their first year, which may indicate that not all scholars are scholarly material and if the freshmen vote could slam a victory one way or another... i just don't know. it sounds good in theory but it scares me. so i guess i'm still undecided. We still haven't heard from alot of members on most of the issues. Paul, Marie, Mike C, (Mike T is away), Kelly, John? hello???

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Subject: at-large idea

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Date Posted: 11:11:59 07/14/01 Sat

Ok. I'm agreeing with Bess and Mike on this one. I don't think the whole college needs to vote for the president. If you read the president's duties in the constitution, the job really doesn't hold any powers so important that the whole college should decide who gets the position. I think it is best left done the way it has been in the past. It seems to be a working deal, why mess with it?

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Subject: Boozman

Jeremy Thomas
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Date Posted: 09:49:29 07/23/01 Mon

Hello everyone,

I hope your you are having fun this summer! I need everyone's help.

As you know space in Boozman is always limited and again this year we are overflowing. This message is for anyone who turned in a I am returning card, but has decided not to live in Boozman or you know of someone who is not planning to return.

If you do not plan on living in Boozman or you know of someone who does not plan to live in Boozman, PLEASE call or E-mail me at 357-4578 or thomasjr@nsula.edu.

Thank you,
Jeremy Thomas

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Subject: The opening of the semester

Mike T
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Date Posted: 14:50:38 07/26/01 Thu

Hey all,
noticed the board had slowed down, just wanted to ask if everything was in order for the get together at the rec center and what the tentative plan was as of now.Also, are we still going to try and meet before classes start?


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Subject: the senator at large idea

Michael T
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Date Posted: 19:05:59 07/20/01 Fri

This will be a redundant message but I share the view that it would be unnecessary to have to Forum as a whole vote for the president. I like the idea of the enitre body having that power, but it all lies under the assumption that the president has a power over the Forum. Even Jeremy says, andd I quote, "The way it is set up now, the council picks the president from among the ranks and I have a problem with that bc the entire forum should decide as a whole who leads the group." My other question is should the senator at large election be held first, was that simply so that we'd have that initial person elected and given the presidential position, or is there something else there?

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Subject: The President's Position

Alex Billioux
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Date Posted: 09:50:19 07/30/01 Mon

This post is in response to the numerous posts regarding the forum council presidency/senator-at-large position. First, I will address the powers of the president which are explicitly outlined in the constitution above (care of Bess). The President, as has been said before, is very much like the chairman of a board of directors. This person has been chosen for their leadership ability as well as their proven ability to get the job done themselves. The president must make sure everyone is on task, that the meetings run smoothly, that the council is keeping in close touch with the general forum, and that the council is keeping in touch with the university at large. The president does all these things because he/she ultimately bears the responsibility for the forum council's actions (within reason). On the otherhand, the president also gains praise when the council of their administration performs well ( and rightfully so!).
Right, now onto the meat of the matter. The President has no "power" over the forum council. If the council as a whole votes against every action the president wishes to make...none of the president's wishes come to fruition. Every council member has the same implicit ability to vote and call the shots. So then, to answer a previous question, what is the point fo the president if not to have power over the council. Well, as stated earlier, the president is to guide the council (something more subtle and yet with the possibility of more power than direct rule by force). Remember, we are a liberal arts college... we are uneasy with those who exercise absolute power over us. Sic semper and all that;)

Alex Billioux

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Subject: Just wondering...

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Date Posted: 14:28:31 08/07/01 Tue

I was wondering what is going on with the Soliditas "Murder at Morrison" night. If we're not in Morrison, what are we going to do? Is this still going on? Just wanted to know where all that stood as of now. See y'all soon.

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Subject: pool party

jeff harman
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Date Posted: 16:24:51 08/07/01 Tue

i just want to know what date and what time for the pool party thing? no big scholarly thing, just me

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Subject: More posts

christopher gregory
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Date Posted: 18:50:35 10/18/01 Thu

hey you people need to write more. who all is double majoring in businesss and cis. help us freshman out!

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Subject: Scholars' Day

Jeremy Thomas
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Date Posted: 06:57:15 11/05/01 Mon

Hi everyone,

Remember that Scholars' Day is approaching and we need everyone's help. Spread the word, bring a friend, and sign-up in Watson Library Room 115. This is a very important day for the college and we need to show our best.


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Subject: LAUGH NON STOP!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 18:04:31 11/17/01 Sat

Check out <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.laughnonstop.com">http://www.laughnonstop.com</a> for some good online fun. Hella content (pics, jokes, flash, cartoons, rants, news, & much much more) without gay pop-ups and annoying banners. Join the contest and win all kinds of cool stuff. Help get this site started off...Refer your friends, family, pastors, and teachers!

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Subject: Lecture on Churchill , Freedom & Democracy

Inder Dan Ratnu
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Date Posted: 02:02:00 06/02/02 Sun

Dear Sir,
I am an author from Jaipur, India who has written two books on Sir Winston Churchill, both of which are now selling through The Churchill Center USA and have been reviewed by their Chairman, Richard Langworth, in their journal _Finest Hour_ issue106(available online). I have also been lecturing on "Churchill & Freedom" for the past 28 years in India before various gatherings of people including clubs, tourists groups, secondary schools, and colleges in an effort to highlight the work of Churchill. I work to enhance the awareness of the younger generation of the cause of freedom and its greatest defender - Churchill.
In my lectures I always make it a point to recite the pieces of Churchill's great war speeches -- his original words, which are at my command -- to emphasize his finer qualities, work, and philosophy. Churchill was not only a war leader, but also a great literary figure. His speeches are thought-provoking pieces that create the same mind-electrifying effect today that they did during World War II. During the course of my speeches, I explain to the young people how Sir Winston's work has been instrumental in shaping their own lives for the better, what lessons they should learn from his life and work -- including respect for democratic values, tolerance of all kinds of differences (e.g., political, national, regional, religious, ethnic, racial, and cultural), and promoting nonviolence. I believe that my work can serve as a good counter to those who wish to inspire young people toward terrorist philosophies for one reason or another. In the lecture I also touch upon my country and its culture .

Churchill has been acknowledged as the "man of the century" (and also greatest Briton) by the intelligentsia of the world -- the most important man of the twentieth century, the greatest century in the history of mankind. And the young people in the most parts of the world (particularly in the developing countries) DO NOT even know who this man was or what he did, not to mention his relevance to their present-day life. It is my observation during the course of my speeches/lectures through hand counts, etc. that a great number of the present day generation DO know the name of Hitler and many of them view him as a "hero" without realizing the implications of it. Therefore, I strive to "introduce" Churchill to the new generation and seek to project him in the proper light by explaining in detail the implications in terms of the freedoms they enjoy in today's world. Besides, my lecture is more oriented to strengthen and promote the concept of FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY than to build up a personality cult around the name of Churchill . He figures only as the greatest defender of these values .

If you are interested in viewing photos of me lecturing at Indian schools and acquiring more information about me, please visit my web site at :

I encourage you also to view the testimonials from the university and numerous prominent schools here where I have lectured. Please click "view letter" to see the original testimonials. You may also access my home page from the gallery page.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.SirWChurchill.narod.ru">http://www.SirWChurchill.narod.ru</a>

I must mention that I am not doing this work for the purpose of acquiring personal fame or fortune, but as a commitment to a noble cause through self-inspiration in order to pay my tributes to the man who preserved my own FREEDOM, so that future generations (as well as our own present one) may live in peace, freedom and harmony of entire mankind. Essentially, I am doing the same job in my own humble way in the capacity of an individual as Sir Winston did on the world scale as a leader of a leading nation by WAGING A WAR for the preservation of Freedom and Democracy in the world. I am doing it as a creative, constructive, and positive intellectual work. I am trying to sow the seeds of freedom in the minds of the young so that there is NO NEED for any WAR in the future to "preserve" it. My lectures are useful not only to students of history and English literature, but to ALL students in general, regardless of academic standing or choice of discipline. It is a matter of general knowledge. This has nothing to do with my formal educational qualification (Bachelor of Agriculture Science) or with my profession (Banker). I am doing this job driven by the CALL OF MY CONSCIENCE. I wrote even the above books due to this call .In fact , five years back in 1997 I gave up my well paid Bank officer's job just to do this work for the rest of my life, and it remains my life's mission.

I wish to expand my activities of educating the young generation about Churchill and Freedom to other parts of the world, particularly at schools and colleges(even to other interested groups), and wish to inquire as to WHETHER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN SCHEDULING ME TO LECTURE AT THE FORUM OF YOUR CENTER/INSTITUTION OR AT ANY SCHOOL/COLLEGE CONNECTED WITH IT ?

Please feel free to contact me at : id@datainfosys.net. I got your address through the Internet.
Thank you very much for your time and attention.

Yours sincerely,
Inder Dan Ratnu

ADDRESS : I D Ratnu , C-7 , Vaishalinagar , Jaipur (India)302021
Telephone: 91-141-350626

Author of: "Alternative to Churchill-The Eternal Bondage"
& "Layman's Questions About Churchill"

PS- I got my education at village schools under trees in one of the most backward regions of my country - Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan province. I NEVER had the occasion to study at an English medium school, and learned to speak English largely by listening to BBC. I have addressed, at times, MA English literature students. You can see their comments under "testimonials" at my website. My example can serve as a source of inspiration for novices to the English language .

PS- Churchill was awarded Nobel Prize in 1953, NOT for winning the War, but for his contribution to "English literature." And I recite(as they are at my command) the finest pieces of those very speeches which (along with his writings) won him the Nobel Prize. Churchill's speeches can serve as a great tool of learning refined English.

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Subject: Renovation has begun!

Dr. Cochran
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Date Posted: 07:53:39 06/25/02 Tue

The work began yesterday at Morrison! Rah!

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Subject: DV

Crystal Mallett
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Date Posted: 18:23:41 08/04/02 Sun

Hi Everyone!!,
Does anyone know if the reading list for DV has come out yet? What's on it? Just wondering.

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Subject: Contact

Jeremy Thomas
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Date Posted: 13:58:14 08/13/01 Mon

Hi all,

I need for the following people to give me a call. If you have their phone number or know their email address please send it to me.

Crystal Mallet
Lakisha Harris
Xiao Chen
Kathy Richards
Kelli Walker
Jeremiah Newsom
Justin Shatwell
Brittany Littlejohn
Jared Monroe

Jeremy Thomas

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Subject: TURN $6 INTO $6000

TURN $6 INTO $6000
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Date Posted: 22:00:53 10/13/02 Sun



I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little
while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now,
and came across an article similar to this that said you could make
thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of
$6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but
like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said
that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the
article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of
the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups.
(There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it
over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I
figured: "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00,
right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!?...
within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I
figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my
first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had
made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over
$10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I
have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in
rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more
than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most
importantly, WHY it works... Also, make sure you print a copy of this
article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it.
I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you
will start making more money than you thought possible by doing
something so easy!

Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or
download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come

It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus

IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not
illegal; and it is 99% no risk - it really works!

If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive
extraordinary dividends.

Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be
yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of
the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its
success by carefully adhering to the instructions.

You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business
your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in
the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are
happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made
from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from
people like you and me asking to be included in that list.

Here are the 4 easy steps to success:

STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on
each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now
get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of
paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent
thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal
them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of
paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00
bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY
LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for
it! Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried
about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S.
Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed
legal. Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:

#1) Greg Jackson
2 Fraternity Cir.
Kingston, RI 02881

#2) Kurt Neilson
401 Harrison Apt. 3A
West Lafayette, IN 47906

#3) Charles Godbey
522 Elloitt Ave. Appt #3
Cincinnati, OH 45215

#4) Florian Mommertz
Groenlaan 50
B-3080 Tervuren (Brussels)

#5) D. Johnson
Flat 3, Richmond House
The Strand
Isle of Wight
P033 1JD

#6) Chris Dawe
820 Burnhamthrope Rd. #609
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9C 4W2

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move
the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR
Name as number 6 on the list.

STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as
close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at
least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All
you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you
make! You won't get very much unless you post like crazy. : )

This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18
Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws.
Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money,
you can use it again, and again.

PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the
honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully
adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of
integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many
others have received will come your way.

NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you,
either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you.
This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might
be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk
of mail theft.)

So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed,
six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List
Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list
geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will
be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for
only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send
it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!


Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own
posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and
drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy'
from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the
computer's memory.
Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top
of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will
paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name
to the list. Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If
you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always
have this file to go back to.
Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for
various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites,
Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new
message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste
from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that
everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a
particular group, click the post message button. You're done with
your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is
jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of
it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE
YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving
money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to
rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If
you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as
the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE

Now the WHY part. Out of 200 postings, say I recieve only 5 replies (a very
example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now,
each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200
postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each
of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each
make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I
will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn
around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5
replies each, I will make an additional $625.00! OK, now here is the
fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with
my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me
$3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200
newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200
newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original
investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the
list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send
out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6
again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you
realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the
internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are
now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think
so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no
one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that
happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest
people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are
willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new
users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual
internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really
work. Don't let this exciting opportunity pass you by!!

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Subject: Check out a site that all college students can relate to!

Jane Brokedown
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Date Posted: 13:36:36 01/25/03 Sat

Visit my new web site and find out how you can get me to write you your very own personalized poem! A must for those interested in college, grad school, and writing in general! http:/paymyloans.diaryland.com

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Subject: Student groups for Scholars' Day

Jeremy Thomas
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Date Posted: 07:52:47 02/11/03 Tue

If you are in a student group (rowing, CSO, etc..) and would like to setup a booth at Scholars' Day, please stop by my office (109 South Hall) or email me at thomasjr@nsula.edu.

Scholars' Day is Saturday, February 15, 2003. Booths will be setup in room 115, South Hall from 1:45-3:15pm. If you have any questions, please let me know.


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Subject: formal

amanda breaux
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Date Posted: 22:36:49 02/19/03 Wed

hey fourm council. just wondering when the date for the shindig is.

thanks a bunch.


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Subject: About Formal

Becca aka "Quirky"
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Date Posted: 08:01:28 02/21/03 Fri

Ok-Here's the 101 on Formal-This is Kelli Walker's project, so to speak, and she is working on scheduling the photographer and finding a suitable place for us to hold our "grove-thang." The date has not been established yet, but the second it is, I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE SURE THE WORD GETS OUT. I understand how hard it is to work around schedules. For those of you who work, I will get the date to you as soon as possible, so you can schedule that evening off. We are working hard, and I'm sorry for the inconvience.
T-Shirts are now in the "run off stage." PLEASE VOTE SOON!! Thanks.
If any of you need me, please feel more than free to email me, or call.

Email addy: beck_quirky@yahoo.com


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Subject: Formal?

Jessica Boyer
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Date Posted: 10:24:35 03/28/03 Fri

Hey, I'm just wondering what's going on with formal now? Like the where and when and details? I haven't gotten the whole story yet...

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Date Posted: 11:27:14 05/17/03 Sat

TURN $12.00 INTO $12,000!!! IT'S SIMPLE AND IT'S LEGAL!!!!!!!
I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it A little while
back, I was browsing through news groups just like you are right now and
came across a article similar to this saying that you could make thousands
of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $12.00!! So I
thought yeah right. This must be a scam, but like most of us, I was
curious, so I kept reading. Anyway it said that you send two dollars to
each of the six names and addresses stated in the article. You then place
your own name and address on the bottom of the list at number six and post
the article to at least 200 newsgroups. (there are thousands) No catch
that was it. So after talking to a few people and thinking it over I
decided to give it a try. What have I got to lose except 6 stamps and
$12.00 right? Then I invested the measly twelve dollars. WELL GUESS
Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail!!! I was shocked. I
thought it was going to stop but it just kept coming. In my first week I
made $50.00. By the end of the second week I had $1,800.00. In the end of
the third week I made $10,000.00!!! It's still growing right now. This is
now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $76,000.00! and
it's still coming in rapidly. This is certainly worth $12.00 and 6 stamps.
I have spent more than that on the lottery!!
Let me tell you how this works and most importantly why it works. Also
make sure that you print a copy of this article NOW so you can get the
information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the
directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you
possibly thought just by doing something so easy!! SUGGESTION: READ THIS
ENTIRE MESSAGE CAREFULLY (Print it out or down load it) Follow the simple
directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And your
investment is only $12.00 (plus postage) IMPORTANT: This is not a rip off;
it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it
really works!!!!! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you
will receive extraordinary dividends. PLEASE NOTE: please follow these
directions exactly and $100,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days.
This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of
the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the
instructions. You will now become a part of the mail order business. In
this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You
are in the business of developing a mailing list. Many large corporations
are happy to pay big bucks for quality list. However, the money made from
the mailing list is secondary to the income, which is made from people
like you and me asking to be included to that list. Here are the four
steps to success:
STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper write the following on each piece
Now get 12 us 1dollar bills and place TWO bills inside EACH of the six
pieces of paper so the bills will not be seen through the envelope to
prevent thievery. Next place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal
have 6
sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase your
name and address and two $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a
service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service
and you are paying for it! Like most of us, I was a little skeptical and a
little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with
the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed
legal!!!!! Mail the six envelopes to the following addresses:

>>> >>>>>#1) Anthony Keathley
>>> >>>>> 7777 S Lewis Ave
>>> >>>>> Tulsa OK 74171
>>> >>>>>>#2) Sasha Klein
>>> >>>> 1600 S Joyce St. Apt. 819
>>> >>>> Arlington VA 22202
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>>#3)Laurie
>>> >>>>>> 449 Crossbrook Drive
>>> >>>>>> Berea OH 44017
>>> >>>>>>#4) Mari Rodriguez
>>> >>>>>> PO Box 15203
>>> >>>>>> Tucson AZ 85708
>>> >>>>>>#5) Jia Ming
>>> >>>>>> 2101 Cumberland Ave
>>> >>>>> Apt 2105 West Lafayette IN 47906
>>> >>>>>>#6) Kimberly Williams
>>> >>>>>> 11865 S.W. 91st. Ave. #49
>>> >>>>>> Tigard OR. 97223
>>> >>>>>STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above,
move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc) and add YOUR name
as number 6 on the list.
STEP 3: Change anything you need to but try to keep this article as
original as possible. Now post your amended article to at least 200 news
groups. ( I think there are 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but
remember, the more you post , the more money you make!**
This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to title 18 sec.
1302 & 1341 of the postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for
your self and whenever you need money, you can use it again and again.
PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the
honesty and integrity of the participants and by carefully adhering to the
directions. Look at it this way, if you are of integrity, the program will
continue and the money that so many others have received will come your
NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on
a computer or a hard copy and keep the notes people sent you. This
verifies that you are truly providing a service. (Remember to wrap the two
$1 bills in the note to prevent mail theft.) So as each post is downloaded
and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for
their participation as a list developer with two dollar each. Your name
will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1
spot you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!!!! What an
opportunity for only $12.00($2 for each of the six people listed above)
Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!
STEP 1: You do not need to retype this entire letter to do your own
posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag
your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select "copy" from the
edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.
STEP 2: open a blank notepad file and place your cursor at the top of the
blank page. From the edit menu select "paste." This will paste the copy of
the letter into notepad so you can add your name to the list.
STEP 3: Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your
postings in different settings , you'll always have this file to go back
STEP 4: Use Netscape and Internet Explorer and try searching for various
news groups (on-line forums message boards, chat sites, discussions.)
STEP 5: Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message
by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting "paste" from the
edit menu. Fill in the subject, this will be the header that everyone sees
as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click
the post message button. You're done with the first one!
CongratulationsTHAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different news
groups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take 30
seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN
That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within
days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large amount
of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a
name to use as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE THE
ADDRESS IS CORRECT** Let me break it down, say I receive only 5 replies,
so then I made $10 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now each of the 5
persons who just sent me $2 made the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my
name at #5 and only 5 people respond to the original 5 people. That is
another $50 for me. Now those 25 people make the MINIMUM 200 post with my
name at number 4 and only 5 replies each, I will make $250. Now, those 125
people post the MINIMUM 200 postings with my name at #3 and only get 5
replies each, I will make an additional $1,252! Ok, now here's the fun
part each of those 625 people post a MINIMUM 200 with my name at #2 ant
they only get 5 replies that just made me $6,250!!! Those 3125 people send
a MINIMUM 200 postings and they only get 5 replies each with my name at
#1, I will receive $31,250!!! With an original investment of $12!!!!
AMAZING!!!! . When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the
latest postings in the news groups and send out another $12 to names on
the list putting yourself at #6 and start posting again. Thousands of
people are joining the internet each day and they are reading articles
like these just like you are right now. So this can never get played out
just keep it going and you can make tons of money too!!!! Please try it
now and make big bucks in a few short weeks!!!!!!

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Subject: a word from Brooke

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Date Posted: 20:09:21 06/02/03 Mon

I thought I would take advantage of our technology and say a few words to my former schoolmates. To all of you who affected me positively -- you know who you are -- thank you. Though I know I must go, I also know that the people I leave behind are all one of a kind and for the most part top-notch human beings. My spirit remains.

Love you guys,

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Subject: Morrison

Jeremy Thomas
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Date Posted: 05:30:10 06/05/03 Thu

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to give everyone an update on the renovations. Work is almost complete and they are currently working on the area in front of the building. They have finally replaced the front to read Louisiana Scholars' College instead of Bus. Admin.!!!! Keep your eye on the website, because we are posting pictures.

Have a great summer!!

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Subject: Congrats Jeremiah!

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Date Posted: 19:02:30 06/11/03 Wed

MRS. Jeremiah Newsom, that is. And Mr. Newsom, too. Gettin married! Jamaican honaymoonie! Woowoo!

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Subject: I'm gonna bloom!

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Date Posted: 12:37:40 07/25/03 Fri

Hey everyone...not sure if there is anyone out there, but for those who may have not heard, I decided to join the Peace Corps instead of going to Colorado @ Boulder. I've almost finished the application process...next comes an interview...next comes a background check (nail-biting time) and then after that, well, I suppose I haven't gotten there yet. I feel like I'm in The Legend of Zelda: In order to get here, you must go there first, but in order to get through the door, you must have this item that you got from way over there...and you can't get it if your name starts with a vowel. I'll let whomever may be out there who still pays attention to these things, and knows who I am, know how things are going. Right now, I'm living in Slidell...yes kids, another alumni who has returned from college completely broke to live at home with mommy. But I'm a late bloomer, and in Double Jeopardy, I'm gonna bloom!


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Subject: just an update, cuz that seems to be the trend

Matt Saye (Te if you're down)
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Date Posted: 18:37:07 08/11/03 Mon

well, here's an update on our current situation. with a tear in my eye and a smile in my heart i waved one last goodbye to natchitoches last week. though the town may not have been much, i know i'm going to miss all you Scholars' kids. but enough sentimentality, because i'm here in oxford! well, not the one in england, the one in mississippi. it seems i've traded one small town for another, only this one is more Southern in the classical sense (read: overtly racist). actually, it's not THAT bad, although i do catch undertones here and there. the good news is, though, autumn and i are real grown-ups because we have entered the magical land of home-ownership. that's right, we've bought a house... and not just any house, one that's in a brand new subdivision. so yes, the leftist hippy in residence has left natchitoches to become a Rebel (and not the leftist kind.... the kind that refers to the Civil War....) and also moved into Suburbia. but i suppose i'll just have to make due with the fact that not only is our house brand new, but we're paying about $100 less per month than we would if we wanted to live in squalor in a comparable size house. (we pay $668 a month... three bedroom squalor is $750, and our house we be $900 a month if we rented it) so i think it was a good choice. anyhow, school starts in two days and i was just feeling sentimental. if any of my former classmates see this, give me a holler. my email's the same: tempus_fugitive@lycos.com

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Subject: People should write more

Jeff Harman
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Date Posted: 10:09:42 10/03/03 Fri

I am really dissapointed that more people (current students, faculty, and alumni) don't use this message board more often. I feel that it is a perfect tool for everyone to keep up with (well....everyone). I am currently running my own buisness and am about to open up another office in New Orleans (don't know how scholarly that is, but Dr. Picht would be proud). Still happily married, (gonna be 3 years in June). Hope all my alum are doing great (keeping up with a few, but would like to know about the rest). Peace.

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Subject: i guess people should write more

jeremy henriques
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Date Posted: 16:10:21 10/07/03 Tue

hey jeff. just looked up the message board on the off chance that something interesting was on. i'm still hagning out in atlanta helping my parents open another office. i just got done with my fourth and last med school secondary application. i'm enjoying the time off from school, but i feel like Brooks in shawshank redemption...you are conditioned to keep learning and turning in reports, papers, homework, tests, cramming, classes, etc, for your entire childhood, and when you are out you are lost. i'm seriously in academic limbo, not being able to continue on with anything until next year, so i'm just trying to enjoy the break, but it's hard to have no deadlines or work to do. the thing i'm most looking forward to is the 5th book to the dark tower series by stephen king coming out soon. well, that about does it for now, but it would be cool to hear from some people like jenny rhea (since this is her baby, i think), sally and nursing school in the big NYC, and alex, of course, abroad in the land where the only drink served cold is beer (ah, heaven on earth). so listen to jeff, for once, he's worth listening to. (jk jeff, you know i love you)

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Subject: more sentimentality

Matt Saye
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Date Posted: 19:54:50 01/25/04 Sun

Hey guys, (or should it just be ungodly silence since nobody really uses this anymore?). I'm just following Jeff and Jeremy's advice and posting more about myself trying to keep connections going. Still going to grad school at Ole Miss, and i'm enjoying it as much as is possible... i thought that scholars' was demanding as far as reading goes... oh well, that's no problem 'cause i'm making it so far. i guess part of the problem is that autumn is also enrolled now (yeah, she decided to go for a Ph.D. whether out of jealousy or the fact that she couldn't find a job quick enough and she was able to get funding...) either way, the three of us are doing well.

matt saye

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Subject: where the hell did this come from?

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Date Posted: 11:12:48 01/27/04 Tue

Well, I was simply bored out of my mind and basically fell into this message bored. I did not know that it even existed. So, I suppose it is a tool that I can encourage other students to use (alum and present students should keep better touch, it would help LSC to survive). Matt, I hope you are doing well, and good luck in Oxford. I hope that everyone (or at least the three people that have used this thing in the past five months) is doing well. Let us try to keep in touch as best as possible.

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Subject: I'm down

Abi. Watts
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Date Posted: 20:11:05 01/27/04 Tue

Message boards are boss. Roy, what happenstance that I also am bored today and come upon this HIDDEN TREASURE. I think we (the interested student body) should post tips on how to play tennis. Or how to "keep in touch."

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Subject: Lo and behold

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Date Posted: 10:10:34 02/10/04 Tue

Who is Roy? Wow. This message board really is dying. Of course, it's my duty to prolong this death. Right? For those of you that don't know, I'm working for the state now. . . getting paid to sit around bored out of my mind and do things like type this up. To save my sanity, I've joined the hoards that are going on to grad school. That is, if some professors *ahem* would ever get my letters of recommendation written. I hope you guys are all faring well. All my love!

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Kevin M.
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Date Posted: 18:11:28 02/17/04 Tue

I am thinking about go to LSC and I just wanted to know the course I have to take in high school to be able to get into the college. I have searched around the site and all I could find was TOPs requirements. Are there any other classes beside the TOPs curriculum that I need to take to be eligible to attend LSC? If so what are the required high school courses? Please let me know via e-mail or post. Thank you for your time.
-Kevin M.

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Subject: Hello from across the ocean

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Date Posted: 06:03:38 02/20/04 Fri

Just saying hello to everyone at LSC ...well, anyone who still reads this message board. Holland is fun. The Dutch are crazy bike-riders though, which makes walking around a little dangerous. But, other than that, it's great.

Wishing everyone the best,

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Subject: Wow, so this is how you get back to the msg board

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 22:51:53 04/18/04 Sun

Hey, I had lost my bookmark to this page a long time ago and just found a link to it. Seems that most other people have forgotten about it to. Too bad we all don't have more time, it'd be cool if I had time to help out with the webpage and such. Still, this is cool that it is still up.
Chris Gregory
(3rd year scholar...the few...the proud...)

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Subject: Make $300 - $500

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Date Posted: 17:13:48 04/19/04 Mon

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Subject: Golly Gee

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Date Posted: 20:35:25 04/27/04 Tue

Ever since the <i>other</i> message board died dead, I'd pretty much consoled myself in video games...

But, since people appear to be using this one (well, almost), perhaps we can bring back the wacky and zany fun that the message board can be.

But, if it's left up to me, don't keep your fingers crossed.

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Subject: i dunno

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 19:00:08 04/30/04 Fri

not sure if you can call this people using the msg board. basically it's just you and i checking it when we're board and a spammer. :\ oh well.

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Subject: tumbleweed

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 11:05:32 05/25/04 Tue

See, I don't think anyone else remembers this exist. oh well, let me know if people start writing to this again.


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Subject: nothing at all

Jeanne Gay
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Date Posted: 13:50:06 05/25/04 Tue

Hmmmm, sometimes I check this....but I never have too too much to say, in any case.

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Subject: Nothing much

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Date Posted: 16:52:25 05/29/04 Sat

Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I guess I'll be there in the fall. Also, thanks Heidi and Barret, you guys rule!

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Subject: Info on the scholars site

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Date Posted: 18:46:40 06/05/04 Sat

You have to watch out whenever you see information on the site b/c it may be totally out of date, so check that sort of thing before you go off of it :)


P.S. Who all is in the Monroe region?

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Subject: Hello everyone

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Date Posted: 19:33:58 06/04/04 Fri

Wow! We do have a board to post! And a list of books for DV in the Fall! Move up in the world! Anyway, if anyone is bored and wants to hit me up to chat go ahead. I'm just enjoying non-T&T reading and going to baseball games. . .take care!

The one and only Blonde Crazy Kitty,
Ashli Daigle

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Subject: Summer

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Date Posted: 07:44:01 07/14/04 Wed

How is everyone's summer going? Mine has been busy....very little thesis has gotten done but oh well.. If anyone wants to email me, feel free. That is my preferred mode of communication currently.
Much love, peace, and many blessings,

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Subject: where is the best place to find cheap books?

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Date Posted: 15:18:57 08/17/04 Tue

I will be there next week. Any ideas where to find some of the books for T & T or the Gender class? I know it's last minute but this has been a crazy summer. What have I let myself in for??

It would be nice if this board was mentioned to students at Freshman Connection & in newsletters/mailings. Might bring it back to life. Just a thought...

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Subject: ahhh long lost Natchitcoches

Mandy Cason
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Date Posted: 19:54:35 10/10/04 Sun

Hey guys!!!!!! God I miss that place! I'm in Richmond, VA right now. I finish up my BSN in nursing in December, and I've worked on part of my masters in nursing. I'm gonna take a break come January and work for a while. I'll finally be a real person!!! I REALLY miss you guys! If anyone gets a chance, drop me a line. My e-mail addy is casonam@vcu.edu Matt, Matt, Jeremy, Jeff, Shelly, Chris, etc I wish you all the best.
Love, Mandy

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Subject: once in a while

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 17:31:11 11/01/04 Mon

It's fun to pop back on here every once in a while...though nothing really happens on here anymore. What's up?
Chris G

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Subject: lost

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 17:36:03 11/01/04 Mon

Oh, and another cool thing about this bored is seeing people's old post and going...oh yeah, I remember them. Like, I'd totally forgotten about Brook, and now I remember. There are so many people from my freshman class that are gone now (around 60 people have dropped from my class, yes my class was huge) and I wish I had more memories of everyone.

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Subject: The End of the Fall Semester 2004

Michael Griffin, Representative at Large
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Date Posted: 08:06:47 11/09/04 Tue

Hey guys. As your Representative at Large for the 2004-2005 school year, I am here to let you the students know about some of the stuff going on at the end of the 2004 Fall Semester.

Important Dates:
2nd Annual Basket Auction -- Thursday, November 18, 2004, 7:00 pm in Morrison
Thanksgiving Food Drive -- Now through November 17, 2004
Toy Drive -- Now through the Beginning of Winter Break
Christmas Gala -- December 2nd and 3rd 2004
Natchitoches Annual Festival of Lights -- Saturday, December 4, 2004
Winter Food Fair -- Sunday, December 5, 2004 in Morrison
T-Shirt and Mug Contest -- Now through December 10, 2004 (We need all the forms in before Christmas Break so the shirts and mugs can get out soon!)

Please make sure you come to these events and have fun. It is all about mingling and creating a community. Also, ladies, we really need you to participate in the Basket Auction this year to raise money for Formal.

Well, that is about it. If you guys have any questions please contact your Forum Representatives or post a message on this board.

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Subject: Uh huh

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Date Posted: 18:58:47 11/13/04 Sat

Mike do you think anyone is actually going to read that on here? I mean I think Chris and I are the only ones that ever even look on here. At least we'll know about all this end of the year stuff.....

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Subject: yup

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 01:13:05 11/14/04 Sun

yeah, go us...we're in the know. perhaps more people will check this out...most people don't know about it.
chris g

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Subject: Alas, End of the Year

Michael Griffin (Rep at Large)
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Date Posted: 12:06:36 12/10/04 Fri

Well, it is the end of the fall semester. Everyone is ready to go home and start fresh in the spring. Congratulations freshmen for finishing your first semester of college. Senior, make sure you work on those theses over the break and spend some time having fun as well. Everyone else, just remember to keep your head up and start with a tabula rasa for next semester.
Important Dates to Remember
January 5th -- Dorms Open
January 10th -- First Day of Classes
January 10th through 14th -- Fee Payment
January 13th -- Last Day to Drop/Add Classes without a "W"
January 17th -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (No School)
Februaruy 7th through 9th -- Mardi Gras Holiday (No School)

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Subject: Breaks almost up :(

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Date Posted: 16:53:57 01/02/05 Sun

*looks around the empty borad* Well..someone needs to clean all this dirt and these tumbleweeds. Yeah. Well I guess I'll see you guys soon. Goodbye you sweet break. You were so young. So short. Fare the well. *cries*. Oh well see you guys Thursday or whenever you get back ^_^.

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Subject: ^.^

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Date Posted: 08:47:41 01/09/05 Sun

What do we read first for T&T 2 blade?

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Subject: Real Piracy

Zachary Thomas
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Date Posted: 19:34:39 01/13/05 Thu

Have you downloaded everything ever? Still wanna be a pirate? You're in luck! In the next three to seven years I should/could maybe like sorta have a pirate ship and I will need a capable crew. Willingness to learn Spanish, dueling, and all around seamanship a must. Swarthiness prefered. Declare your interest and wait a long long time. You could be a real pirate. We might even kill someone in a way that greatly surprizes them first. (think 18th century cannon vs 20 foot speed boat full of smugglers) ARG

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Subject: Boredom Breeds Nostalgia

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Date Posted: 10:28:11 01/27/05 Thu

When one seriously considers taking the vanilla Thomas boy up on some ill-fated adventure, it's time for a priority check. Anyway, was Pat O's in the quarter for a little after work piano bar time when I run into Pierre Dupleix, which prompted the question "What is the state of the Scholars' union today?"
So I pull up an old bookmark and lo and behold, its still alive! Gasping for breathe as a fish stranded on shore, but catching just enough seaspray to keep it going that much longer. Bravo. I am heartened to see old names returning and ever more so to see new ones appear. If anyone feels like dropping a line to an old dropout friend, please do.
I'm running restaurants in the New Orleans area and got Uncle Ted and the occasional Chris Owens to keep me company.

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Subject: Website

Vanessa (Byrd) Farmer
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Date Posted: 12:42:33 02/22/05 Tue

I think it's time to update the website.

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Subject: i'm still around

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 17:09:54 03/08/05 Tue

Woohoo, I'm still around during the 8th semester. I think my freshman scholars class started out at around 90 people and now we're down to like 25. Go me! :-P I'm not graduating this spring, but should in the Fall. Who all is around checking out this message board. Post the year/semester you started scholars and what's going on now.
Chris Gregory
- Fall 2001

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Subject: old scholar has a site up with old scholar pics

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 22:04:28 03/26/05 Sat

Check this out:
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.callac.com/Mike/natchitoches.html">http://www.callac.com/Mike/natchitoches.html</a>

This website is from Mike C that was a CIS major at scholars. I vaguely remember him and think it's neat to see old pics from Scholars'.

For anyone that wants to know what the 3rd floor lobby used to look like, look for the thumbnail with these words next to it:
Jennifer, Shelly, john, myself, heather, Brett and Stacy in 'the boat' in the lobby after heather's birthday party

That shows how people used to always be in the lobby hanging out before NSU
took all the couches. Check it out.

- Chris Gregory

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Subject: turn six dollars into one happy tony

Tony Blanco
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Date Posted: 14:56:48 04/01/05 Fri

yeah so i saw this thing on rusty's bookmarks. Happy april fools day everybody. I hope you pulled a great trick today. this is the most backwards obsolete forum i've ever seen. i like it. it's quaint. i just sent the link to myself via the email technology and i'll be checking this little hideaway out ever once in a while. though for those of us who'd like to use the internet for scholar networking purposes, might i suggest a Myspace.com group?

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Subject: Bah

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 11:14:45 05/08/05 Sun

This is stupid. Hopefully Dr. Cochran gets time to update the Scholars' College website soon so people will start coming to it again and perhaps this board. I hope to have time to talk with updates with her. Like student news, last year I got an Honorable Mention at AITP's NCC in VB.NET, and this year I got 2nd in Systems Analysis. I'd like that to be on there. Also, this semester's graduates need to be listed on the front page. Plus lots more. Who all is good at making webpages? I have to relearn COBOL and work on Thesis, but hopefully I can help with the site some.


Chris G

P.S. www.thefacebook.com now has NSULA listed as a school, so we can network that way since nobody comes here.

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Date Posted: 18:14:32 05/10/05 Tue

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sudip choudhury
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Date Posted: 18:17:00 05/10/05 Tue

Earn Rs.15, 000-20,000/- per month from home No marketing / No MLM We are offering a rare Job opportunity where you can earn from home using your computer and the Internet part-time or full-time. Qualifications required are Typing on the Computer only. You can even work from a Cyber Caf or your office PC, if so required. Working part time for 1-2 hours daily can easily fetch you Rs. 10-15,000 per month. Dedicated workers make much more as the earning potential is unlimited. No previous experience is required, full training provided. Anyone can apply.
Please send your enquiry to: ejobs2443@rediffmail.com

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Subject: I'm still here. . ..

Ashli Daigle
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Date Posted: 20:51:44 05/24/05 Tue

As per Chris G's request, I'm still here, finished my 6th semester as a Scholars' Student. . .And, I'm doing the same thing as last summer. . .reading trash and going to baseball games that is. . .this summer I'm also working on thesis, scrapbooking, and sleeping: Something Scholars can never seem to get enough of. . .contrary to popular school year belief, it does exist. . .so we've got 3 of us posting now? Yay! Go us!

The Weyrd One,

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Michael Griffin
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Date Posted: 14:37:19 05/25/05 Wed

Hey guys! NSU now has a facebook, so if all of you guys join facebook, you should be able to join the Scholars' group online. If you are an alumni and don't have access to NSU groups, contact Cassi Priser since she started the group and should be able to give you access (I think?).

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Subject: LSC Website

Roxanne Stoehr
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Date Posted: 17:54:48 06/22/05 Wed

I am a mom of a rising high school student considering LSC for my high achieving son. I came to the spring open house a year ago and was impressed by the students and faculty I met. However, I am sad that the Website is not being kept up. It doesn't reflect well on the college and I am wondering why there is no new news posted. It makes one wonder about what is going on with LSC. 0.0 Anybody know why the Website is not being updated?

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Subject: site

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 20:45:51 07/10/05 Sun

Well, there are lots of pressing issues that require a lot of attention. Many of us that have any web page experience do not have time or authority to help and Dr. Cochran is always busy with other stuff. Hopefully sometime this year we will get something up-to-date up.

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Subject: College Council Chair

North East
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Date Posted: 18:27:56 11/13/05 Sun

Hi everyone,

I plan to run for College Council Chair Elect. I don't have much time to research it because I do a thousand other things around the college. Can someone tell me what to say at the next Council meeting? I have five minutes to convince the members to vote for me. Thank you for your help.

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Subject: Nobody here

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 23:17:39 03/18/06 Sat

Well, nobody has posted here this year. I'm in Illinois now, working at State Farm. Hopefully I will defend my thesis on 4-7-06 and hopefully graduate this semester. It'd be nice or more people posted here.

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Subject: DICK

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Date Posted: 02:02:42 06/16/06 Fri


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Subject: ha

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 22:27:44 06/23/07 Sat

It still amuses me that this thing is up

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Subject: ha

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 15:36:21 12/27/10 Mon

4 years later, this thing is totally forgotten :-P

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Subject: 2012 now

Chris Gregory
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Date Posted: 19:55:53 06/25/12 Mon

2012 now and it's still completely forgotten. :-P

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Subject: By The Dawn's Early Light: The Story Of The Star-spangled Banner

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Date Posted: 05:35:27 03/20/14 Thu

<center><b><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=http://tinyurl.com/o6dw4pk>>>> By The Dawn's Early Light: The Story Of The Star-spangled Banner <<<</a></b></center>

By The Dawn's Early Light: The Story Of The Star-spangled Banner

You Never Call! You Never Write!: A History of the Jewish Mother<br>
The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating<br>
Annual Reports in Combinatorial Chemistry and Molecular Diversity (Annual Reports in Combinatorial Chemistry & Molecular Diversity)<br>
The I Ching<br>
Ruling Your World: Ancient Strategies For Modern Life<br>
Witch Finder<br>
Lectures on tropical ophthalmology delivered at the London School of Tropical Medicine<br>
Land Use and Society, Revised Edition: Geography, Law, and Public Policy<br>
Social Studies Middle School (Osat Series)<br>
Economic Development: What Everyone Needs to Know<br>
Social anxiety diminishes positive experiences: researchers also find more suppression of emotion among participants with social ... An article from: Clinical Psychiatry News<br>
First Aid for Your Health<br>
Survivors of Second-Trimester Abortions Left to Die in Illinois Hospital, Nurse Alleges.: An article from: National Right to Life News<br>
Guiding light: A 50th anniversary celebration<br>
Butterick 9195 Sophisticated Outfits for 15" High Heel Dolls such as Cassie Wedding Dress 1950s Style Clothes<br>
The Short Story (Brodie's Notes)<br>
Introduction to Law<br>
Missing (Fearless #14)<br>
<i>Jellyfish Jam - VeggieTales Mission Possible Adventure Series #2: Personalized for Majesty (Boy)<i><br>
Estancias/ Ranches: The Great Houses and Ranches of Argentina<br>
VICKERS BALLAS HOLDINGS LTD.: Labor Productivity Benchmarks and International Gap Analysis (Labor Productivity Series)<br>
Managing Research (Managing Universities and Colleges: Guides to Goodpractice)<br>
Meet Rory Hohenstein: A Professional Dancer<br>
Eating Up Italy: Voyages on a Vespa<br>
Faculty Development in the Health Professions: A Focus on Research and Practice (Innovation and Change in Professional Education)<br>
Sure Shot Ways To Lose Weight For Women: Lose Weight Dieting - Success Guaranteed<br>
Backpacking (Sport)<br>
Building Your Business Plan: A Step-By-Step Approach<br>
The Theater of Nature<br>
Global Studies: Russia, the Eurasian Republics and Central/Eastern Europe<br>
Zur Okologie Der Schule: Eine Oko-Psychologische Untersuchung Zum Einfluss Von Schulbauten Auf Lehr- Und Lernprozesse<br>
Jct: Intermediate Sub-Contract with Sub-Contractor's Design - Conditions 2011<br>
<b>Colors Around Me</b><br>
The Java Class Libraries Poster: Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition Sdk V1.2<br>
.NET Web Services: Architecture and Implementation<br>
Druidism the ancient faith of Britain.. 2<br>
<b>Network Interdiction and Stochastic Integer Programming (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series)</b><br>
Fierce Style: How to Be Your Most Fabulous Self<br>
Widow of Gettysburg (Heroines Behind the Lines)<br>
A Time for Vultures<br>
Lung Cancer: Basic and Clinical Aspects (Cancer Treatment and Research)<br>
Indian Dawn<br>
Chasing Rainbows<br>
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