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Date Posted: 23:20:45 08/16/16 Tue

CC - Flexi Color Picker (nulled) - Rip -> http://tinyurl.com/zy47qns

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Date Posted: 05:40:03 03/20/14 Thu

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Date Posted: 05:38:34 03/20/14 Thu

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Subject: Decided

Michael Chui
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Date Posted: 23:57:25 06/17/03 Tue

Guys... I'm going on the trip for sure... Thank goodness things worked itself out. I'll talk with you guys about it later. In the mean time... packing, working for my folks and figuring out things to do during my idle time.

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Subject: Backpack

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Date Posted: 11:22:14 06/15/03 Sun

James congrats on graduating yesterday from UCLA.

Hey Guys, I just got my backpack, it's 4000 cubic but still seems like not enough storage. i'll tyr to go lighter. getting a new backpack is exciting, it's so complicated that i don't even bother figuring out how to use it (like i really need 20 different compartments..). anyhow...., can someone find out about the insurance regarding traveling? I was talking to ron yesterday and i guess one of us should at least bring our laptop, let me know what you think. also, we do need an adaptor convertor since they use different frequency right?

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Subject: packpack

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Date Posted: 22:42:23 06/06/03 Fri

okay thanx james. I checked the site and this one looks good to me. How was the rest of your trip here in the east coast? Sorry I couldn't spend more time w/ you when you were over, but i really had to prepare for my finals. I did decently well on that one btw.


it's 4000 cubic inches if i pick the large one, it's about 30 bucks cheaper than the site you gave me. Let me know what you think.

For the price, this bag will also double as my lover.

Btw, are the traveling plans (ie, countries we are gonna cover) set yet?

School almost over, over more cramming, laters.

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[> Subject: Re: packpack

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Date Posted: 07:12:35 06/08/03 Sun

Ricky -- that one looks good. Yeah, get the 4000 cubic inch one if u can, cause you might want more room for stuff you'll buy while there. my pack is like 3950 cubic inches.

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[> Subject: Re: packpack

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Date Posted: 16:20:13 06/08/03 Sun

England, Scotland, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Germany..

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Subject: backpack

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Date Posted: 12:36:12 06/05/03 Thu

hey guys... i just looked at backcountrystore.com and it seems they have a good selection of the types of packs you'll be looking for.

if u go to that website, click on "camp/hike" on the left side, then click on "weekend packs" under backpacks, you'll see a long list of suitable packs. my advice is to get an internal frame pack with ~3500 cubic inches or more... you can get a good one for ~ $100-150... other than the space the pack has, it's up to you what style you want or whatever else... good brands: kelty, north face, jansport, alpine.

mike, i'm sorry that you might not be able to go. i hope you get the offer, even though i had hoped you could come with us.

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Subject: trip

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Date Posted: 02:19:48 06/05/03 Thu

there's a 20% off coupon right now from ebags.com
can someone find me an ideal backpack for the trip so i can just order them online??

Hmmm, well mike whatever you do is alright, a job is hard to get nowadays, but we hope everything works out.

I finished all my hard courses, now I only have a couple more classes, still have to study like mad, but i am basically home free. Some of my friends are gonna be staying here for the summer, quite a few people failed, very unfortunate since they also made plans for the summer.

Hey do you know which countries we are covering yet? let me know our schedule and please also let me know if there's something we don't know about, i have some friends here that backpacked in europe last summer and he said he could help us out if we have questions.

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Subject: I'm have some bad news...

Michael Chui
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Date Posted: 00:53:36 06/04/03 Wed

Guys, I might have some bad bad news for the trip. I've recently been in consideration for a consulting job in LA for BearingPoint and it would require me to start ASAP if I get it. If I get it, then I'm really stuck between the trip of my life or an ideal first job. I'm contemplating giving my ticket to Ron for the amount I paid and then taking this job if it's offered to me this week. I really hope God will work things out for me... In the mean time, 1 midterm and 2 finals away from graduation. BTW, I just got initiated to the Phi Beta Kappa of UCSD today... I'll update my trip condition asap. I hope you all can understand if I have to do the unspeakable. It's like life on limbo... =(

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Subject: eurail update

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Date Posted: 00:09:28 05/28/03 Wed

i think the consensus is that 21 days of unlimited traveling sounds the best and sounds the safest. Also, since we will be spending a lot of time on the trains and will be sleeping on them too, it will be worth our while to pay an extra hundred for 1st class. That means that on day trains, the seats recline, and on night trains, there are sleeper ROOMS (rather than simply beds) and more amenities (better sleep + less chance to get robbed/burglarized)... i think $568 (Eurailpass Saver) is worth it for the peace of mind and because we'll be traveling quite a bit on trains.

once Ron confirms his plane tickets (so we know 100% that he's going) we should book the eurail tickets -- we have to book together because the eurailpass saver is for groups of 2-5...so we will have to order in 2 groups of 3 or something since we have 6 ppl in all)...

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Subject: My packing list

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Date Posted: 23:59:32 05/27/03 Tue

here's my packing list, in case you guys needed some suggestions:

-internal frame backpack ($80 at costco, kelty... jansport also makes good hiking backpacks...)
-4 changes of clothes including at 2 pairs of shorts and 2 pairs of pants, 1 button down shirt and the rest are t-shirts (no blatantly American shirts though)(I might bring extra t-shirts and SOCKS, too)
-COMFORTABLE pair of walking shoes (personally i'm going to buy a good pair of loafers but hiking boots or crosstrainers would work) and flip flops (for the nasty showers)
-pair of shades
-a roll of TP -- just for emergencies
-hygiene kit
-small flashlight, pocketknife, personal first aid kid (bandaids, moleskin (for the blisters), antibacterial cream, gauze)
-1+ quart waterbottle
-waterproof jacket (optional) and a poncho (plastic raingear that covers ENTIRE body and your pack
-money belt (oh, and it's probably a good idea if we bring travelers checks as opposed to US Cash or other currencies -- that's in case they are stolen)
-litte notepad and pen to jot down contact information, hostel addresses, flight info, etc.
-photo ID, passport (duh)
-if you guys have GSM phones and aren't afraid to bring them, they will be useful in case we are separated (emergencies)...i'm going to bring my tmobile phone
-and of course, any extras, such as cameras, video camera (should i bring mine?). i think bringing a laptop may not be a good idea!
-as far as money, most cities will have ATMS that accept your cards and will automatically convert into the local currencies, but it will be a good idea to have travelers checks as well, i think

that's all i can think of for now... if you have any other ideas or questions let me know.

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Subject: Eurorail

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Date Posted: 23:53:41 05/26/03 Mon

James, I think the 21 days pass is the safe bet... since that way we won't have to calculate exactly(Until the week before) what we have to do to get to Frankfurter. Otherwise, there's the eurail selectpass... it's listed as any 10 days in 2 months and 4-5 countries for upper $300's. That's the other option... But personally... I would prefer that we're not limited to given country numbers and plus, the flexibility will come in handy as we won't have to buy last minute passes in the event we end up surpassing the days or countries. I just listed the option in case people think things are getting more expensive(I'm personally comfortable with forking $400+ for travel). As of now, James, just book the 21 days for me if possible. Or I can get it for you guys at the SD STA, since I pass it everyday... Just call me up James.

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Date Posted: 09:04:53 05/26/03 Mon


i think the 'eurail pass youth' is most appropriate for our needs. it offers 21 consecutive days of train travel (perfect, because we won't need eurorail while in the UK (5 days)) at a price that is lower than the 15 days in 2 months pass. the eurail pass youth costs $454 right now (summer promotion)...this pass is for 2nd class seating..

our other option is the eurailpass saver, which is for 21 consecutive days of 1st class travel...this one costs $568.

you guys, please reply and tell me your preferences, so we can book the passes.

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[> Subject: Re: IMPORTANT EURORAIL info!!

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Date Posted: 12:02:11 05/26/03 Mon

Anything is fine w/ me. How big is the difference between 2nd and 1st and how much time you think we'll actually spend on the train?

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Subject: yoad

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Date Posted: 12:02:54 05/24/03 Sat

I am so excited about this trip!!! sorry i can't help you guys out much about the planning. Exams are really really piling up right now. but let me know what's going on. Can you guys also inform me about what i have to bring? i need to go w/ as little stuffs as possible since i'll have to bring my laptop and such with me for the summer. Anything like traveling backpacks that i need? please send me a link to buy online cuz i don't think i'll go out much this month other than to the library. Any words on Ron? let's not all bring stuffs that we can share, like toothpaste, leg shavers, underwears....i am sure you guys know this kinda stuffs better than me.. alright peace, back to studying =) gotta pass my classes in order to see you guys.

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[> Subject: Re: yoad

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Date Posted: 13:34:19 05/24/03 Sat

share leg shavers (??) and underwear!!??? HAHAHAHA

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Subject: EUROPE

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Date Posted: 16:12:09 05/22/03 Thu

hey guys, hope you're all getting excited about Europe.

I'm going to research the Eurorail passes, and once I do that, I'll make an estimate of how many days we'll have to buy for our Eurorail passes. I will let you all know in about a week or so... then we can buy the eurorail passes (must buy them in the US).

Also, everyone have valid passports right? make sure they aren't expired!!

i'm hoping we can get together for a few days to roughly plan out our itinerary before we leave. we know where we want to go, we just need to decide how many days in each location and so on.

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Subject: adf

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Date Posted: 17:51:35 05/07/03 Wed

Hey guys, other than England, these are the countries i can go to w/ my visa. assuming i get it tomorrow.

Austria (A)
Belgium (B)
Denmark (K)
Finland (U)
France (F)
Germany (D)
Greece (G)
Iceland (C)
Italy (I)
Luxembourg (L)
Norway (O)
The Netherlands (N)
Portugal (P)
Spain (E)
Sweden (S)

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Subject: My insight...

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Date Posted: 00:45:31 04/22/03 Tue

My feelings is that we need to limit the number of countries we are going through. First of all, that eliminates travel time (Time is money and could be used to make more detailed adventures) Second, it cuts down expenses as the Euro pass is not cheap by any means and the more country, the hairier the situation is (Both to plan and to experience). Research, like James said is definitely worthwhile, since we need to filter out the countries with little to see, and concentrate on the ones with tons to see. That's been my feelings for a while... I'm sure the Applebee's session was no different. I hope we do our work in researching now, than to arrive there having to waste time planning. I hope my comments don't come across as negative or condescending because it's not meant to be... it's more of a reminder. Those are my biggest fears for us. I'm sure we'll get on top of it. Meanwhile, I'm just watching Stephon Marbury torch the Spurs! =)

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Subject: Europe update

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Date Posted: 18:03:56 04/21/03 Mon

okay, as of 4/21,


are going on the trip... for everyone's info, we are visiting England, Scotland, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, and possibly Spain...anyone have any changes to suggest for our country list?

Lets all be doing some general research on these countries so we will know what we want to see. Also, before we leave, we need to sit down together and figure out how many days of rail passes we will need because we need to buy the rail passes here in the US.

6/20 - 7/15...woohoo!

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Subject: booked

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Date Posted: 07:02:15 04/15/03 Tue

whoohoo tickets booked, thanx james. also bought a student something something pass. andy and ted remember to get that. study now, peace.

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Subject: tickets

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Date Posted: 15:05:06 04/14/03 Mon

alright, as of 4:00PM Monday, Chewy, RIcky and I have secured our plane tickets. Ted, Andy, are you guys getting your own tickets or what? If you want to use the reservations I made, call STA to pay for the tickets. You have the numbers in the email I sent you, Ted.

Ron is still figuring out his summer school schedule, so he'll likely have to figure out his travel arrangements on his own if he decides to come.

CAll me if anybody needs help or info... 626-825-9153

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Subject: Europe

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Date Posted: 16:27:39 04/11/03 Fri

Yeah! I got my tickets books... thanks James for the reservations. I know all of you are booking tickets very soon... I just wish for a smooth process for all of us until the trip. Where we'll have the time of our lives. =P Take care homies!

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Subject: rates

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Date Posted: 23:40:20 04/09/03 Wed

Hey Guys... I went to STA and got these quotes for flight prices... Dates: 6/21 -> 7/14
Here goes:
LAX to London; Vienna to LAX = $783 + Tax
LAX to London; London to LAX = $647 + Tax
LAX to London; Zurich to LAX = $162 + Tax
LAX to London; Munich to LAX = $771 + Tax
LAX to London; Frankfurter to LAX = $771 + Tax
LAX to London; Paris to LAX = $750 + Tax

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Subject: plane tickets...plz read!

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Date Posted: 23:06:57 04/08/03 Tue

Yo guys.

IT is time to book airplane tickets for our Europe trip. We will be flying to London on 6/21 (Saturday) and returning from Vienna on 7/14 (monday)... Does anyone have any problems/scheduling conflicts with this? Let me know quick! 626-825-9153 or AIM me

I will be going to STA travel on thursday to book my tickets, so I will let you all know ASAP what flights (flight numbers, airline) I am booking so that we can fly together (except Ricky, who will fly directly from NY). Expect to pay roughly $550 roundtrip. I would book for you guys, too, but I don't have that much money or credit. Sorry!

Please check this forum regularly for updates. How are your designated country research projects going? =) Although we don't need to plan down to the letter, we want a good idea of what things we will be seeing in each country.

ALright fellas, I hope everyone's getting excited!

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Subject: =(

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Date Posted: 22:07:52 04/06/03 Sun

Sorry guys, my fraternity business is swamping me again. I can't make it to this trip... but have some fun robbing vegas for me!

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Subject: GOGOGO

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Date Posted: 21:28:15 04/06/03 Sun

go go go GO@fnD@@D@@@@@@@D@just make sure i leave with at least my shirt on. im trustin you guys on this.

oh im sure some of you kno that i've gotten a new gf. been pretty stoked the last few wks just chilling with her. not sure if she can make it but just wanted to ask whether or not it be ok if she came too. if not, im sure she'll understand its a guys out thing :]

time to go get more food. think i've packed on a good 10 lbs since i've been back. late guys

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Subject: Vegas 4/18-20!!! Be there!!!

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Date Posted: 00:15:34 04/05/03 Sat

hey boyz...it's time to go to Vegas again...

TO all those who can make it...

Davy, it's time for that bellagio buffet again (my treat)...Ted, I know you wanna chill with your homies more...Ron, you have that thirst for adventure...Chewy, I know u just went, but hey...it's different with us!

Ricky, fly back!

My roomate Jonathan who is my best-bud at UCLA will be coming, and that's it so far. 18th is a friday, we'll be back on Sunday (20th). If ppl want to stay just 1 night, that's okay too. I will volunteer to drive...

AS far as which hotel, that hasn't been determined yet... please post whether or not you want to go quickly so I can get crackin!

Peace bros!!!

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[> Subject: Re: Vegas 4/18-20!!! Be there!!!

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Date Posted: 00:24:20 04/05/03 Sat

please please GO everyone, it's my last time to go have fun before i get locked up behind the doors of ARTCENTER.. i'll help look for a place, a cheaper place where there it's convienient to all the places we're going to rob..muahha anyways, two letters G-O~!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Vegas 4/18-20!!! Be there!!!

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Date Posted: 00:26:26 04/05/03 Sat

haha, Davy and I know what it's like to 'rob' Vegas. $500 bucks in a keno game, need I say more...HAHAHA

yes, GO GO GO

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Subject: spam invasion....

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Date Posted: 13:44:34 04/03/03 Thu

hmmm...i just posted a msg and realized that the forum has been invaded by SPAM!!!!

i just wanted to share with you guys my opinions on spam.

ok i think that sumed it up pretty well. oh yea post count +1 :]

above post is a reflection on my boredom. we need to chill on the wknd guys. late

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Subject: feeling james' pain

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Date Posted: 13:38:06 04/03/03 Thu

sup guys.

thats harsh james...know that we're all feeling for you. i kno that nothing we say now can probably comfort you but know that we're all here for you bro. the only advice i guess i have is that if you still care for her then just offer to be there for her. that doesnt mean you have to call her up like everyday. just the occasional hi every few days and see how she's doing. if she's the one then eventually she'll realize that she's got the one shes been waiting for right next to her.

any how...EUROPE!!!~~~ we'll find james a hottie there. i've been doing research on amsterdam and i kinda have an idea on what spots to hit now...i cant remmeber the other country iwas suppose to hit up. someone remind me.

my 2 main concerns right now is about the plane tickets and the order we are going to visit the cities/countries. this way i can figure out the prices and routes to and from amsterdam.

on the plane tickets i've been checking prices daily on travelocity. the prices are pretty darn cheap. but maybe becuase it is still concidered low season right now. and the prices i've found only allows you to book up to 1 wk in advance. for example

Los Angeles Amsterdam Netherlands $361 +
Los Angeles Dublin $493 +
Los Angeles London All $423 +
Los Angeles Munich $301 +
Los Angeles Paris All $304 +

those are prices for flights leaving latest by april 10th.
anyways gimme some feed back guys. or call me up, im bored :] 6267315158 im avaliable on weekdays and weekends by appointment.

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Subject: so sad!

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Date Posted: 00:35:14 04/02/03 Wed

hello guys.

the ivy-situation sort of came to an end today. she just isn't at a stage where she can invest in a relationship, though she "likes my personality". i made my feelings known to her 2 weeks ago (and she said she wasn't interested), and since then, we had been talking on the phone almost everyday (she started it!). but, finally, today, i decided to ask her what was going on because i was confused and in emotional pain. she was nice enough to be honest and what not, and she obviously cared about my feelings, so i still respect her. i will not be calling her or chasing her anymore, though.

i have never liked a girl more than i liked her, so obviously it hurt quite a bit. i have never made my feelings so public to a girl before, either. so, this was a GREAT learning experience -- despite the pain and slightly humbling experience. this is my first taste of rejection by a girl! it is bitter-sweet, to be honest.

so now that this is pretty much behind me, i can devote my energies to the job search and to helping plan our AWESOME EUROPE TRIP!!! WOOPEEEE!!!

thanks mike for getting a headstart on the planning! alright, cheers buddies. good luck in school and everything...

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Subject: STA

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Date Posted: 18:51:05 03/31/03 Mon

I went to my UCSD STA to ask for flight quotes and some general information in regards to our trip. The price was $538. He recommended that if our trip is around 3 weeks, we should look into getting the 8-10 days(4-5 country variety) of the Eurotram passes. He said we can get them later at STA. He also told me the Channel Pass from England to France is $79 one way. My guess is that we won't return to London to fly home, so we need to piece together a place to return home from. My current sentiments are on Germany. With that in mind, I'm hoping for more days in France than we anticipated during our Applebee session. Upon looking at Ted's price quotes, Germany flights might be pretty affordable. I'm in the process of creating a preliminary budget and I'll send it to James for some confirmation. Then I'll have him send it to all of you for reference. I hope all if well with you all!!!

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Subject: Europass

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Date Posted: 10:05:31 03/31/03 Mon

This is the link to the Euro trains we'll be taking from country to country. I wanted people to get an idea about the expenses and details.

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Subject: Europe

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Date Posted: 09:46:39 03/31/03 Mon

Fellas, I'm back in San Diego now... I'm going to point out some tentative deadlines for us (so we won't be too flaky). We should book our flight within two weeks. Take the time this week to compile information about the country you're given. As of now, we're starting our trip in London and heading through France, Italy and parts of the alps. This post serves to update/remind us of our current status. I'm almost done with Italy's sightseeing outline. I just need to figure out specific transportation routes from city to city... I'm getting so excited over our trip... it's going to be a blast!

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Subject: tsk tsk tsk

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Date Posted: 14:21:34 03/28/03 Fri

How typical of Davy, posting 3 messages in one day when he could have done just one. Davy, doing 20 set of 1 sit-up doesn't mean you are excising more than someone doing one set of 20 sit-ups. Glad to hear that you had fun at the trip though. James, can't wait to meet this awesome girl you are talking about, although seems like i'll have to wait for quite a while. Mike, learning any tricks at Vegas yet? If you do i am ready to double my grad school funds. Where is Ron?

Alright about the trip, I heard from ted that you guys are thinking of getting there a few days before me and meet me there. That sounds fine to me, just let me know the dates and etc so i can get tickets and stuff. Whenever you guys have something set up just let me know alright? i'll finish my next exam on wed, so i'll call you guys up that weekend to see how everything is.

Oh yeah someone i knew a long time ago messaged me out of the blue yesterday, reminded me of how i was when i was back in high school. Since then I've grown to be alot colder, meaner, more cocky, and have a much more passemistic view of life. I don't know if it's due to maturity? expereince? or just lost of faith in human beings in general. I definely need to change my mental status and my attitude toward people though. Alright peace, gonna go study.

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Subject: Congrats

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Date Posted: 12:38:14 03/27/03 Thu

Congrats James and Ted for graduating college! Quite an accomplishment. Seems like yesterday that we were all graduating high school, and now you guys are done with college. Time flys and kinda makes you wonder wut all this is for. But congrats fellas!

Ricky, hope things look up for you. Keep working hard. You've got your buddies here.

Mike, don't be throwing away all your money up at Vegas! Although I've won lots of money everytime I've gone, that place will suck it up.

Remember James, its not called unemployment if you're not looking! =P

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Subject: My spring break

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Date Posted: 12:33:53 03/27/03 Thu

I had my spring break last week. I went up north to San Francisco, Redwood forest, crossed over to Reno, then back through Tahoe to LA. It was a great trip. Took us 4 days, and lots of driving! I went with a bunch of AACF seniors, so it was fun hanging out with them.

Through Redwood forest, we picked up this hitchhiker. Haha.. funny story, Ill tell u guys about it later, but she said that she was a musician who plays bluegrass and stuff like that. Also, Tahoe was so nice. We went tubing for a few hours there. Kinda wanna snowboard now.

Yup that was my spring break. Now Im back in school while all of you guys are on ur break. Looks like I won't be seeing any of you this break, seeing that tomorrow Im leaving for that retreat. Oh well, Ill probably see James the following week.

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Subject: Another post

Davy Sim
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Date Posted: 12:29:33 03/27/03 Thu

Sup fellas,

I was doing some thinking, and I realized something... I've posted more messages on here than anyone!! And that was only doing 4 posts a day!! Man... Im a postaholic!

Anywayz... I will still have to get back to u on that Europe trip. I will probably know next week if u can wait that long.

Things are going to be quite busy these 3 weeks for me. This weekend I have a retreat with one of my classes at USC. Gonna present to this company called Interface about various things. Then I've got lots of work to do.

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Subject: ball rolling!

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Date Posted: 11:54:00 03/27/03 Thu

yo yo yo fellas... this europe trip is finally in motion!

thanks for cooperating and stuff.

ricky, miss you lots! Keep us posted on your happenings.

Davy, did you fall off the planet?? I guess y'all are busy with school and what not (suckers!! j/k)

well, i'm just chilling at home, recovering from the flu, and thinking about one girl very much. pray for me, fellas...

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Subject: thoughts in general

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Date Posted: 23:33:04 03/19/03 Wed

the last post was getting a bit long so i decided to start a new one.

guys y the heck are you guys worried about weight?? we're guys!!!!! let the women worry about weight. thats what they're there for. the only thing that we should worry about when it comes to food is, when do we eat, and how well do you want your steak done. hmm this is probably y my gut is the size of texas now. oh well that just means i need to find a texas size steak to feed it!!

hmm i've talked to rick recently so i got nothing to say regarding him except gimme your old laptop!!! and good luck with your never ending exams.

im scared to imagine how davy will look like now...i'm picturing a mini chinese arnold or something. haha mini arnold with mad bball skillz. yo davy if your gonna go work in china where do you think it will be? im debating right now whether or not to go work in china. if i do it will either be in shang hai or xia men. its either that or go work in long beach agian.

hmm like james i'll be free for awhile once im done packing and moving my stuff back to la. james congrats on your improvement in chinese man. im only gonna speak mandarin to you from now on. and i want to see IVY@too!! she must be awsome if she caught james' eye.

ok its getting late i have to pack some more and get ready to move out. i booked my tix and im heading back to la this friday. i'll call you all up once i get back and we need to all chill again. i even got my cali cell phone set up. 626 731 5158. call me if you guys got anything going on.

peace guys
oh i think my 2 posts should be counted as 20 posts concidering its length :]

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Subject: thoughts on europe

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Date Posted: 22:57:45 03/19/03 Wed

ok i just spent the last 20 mintues reading the posts and catching up on what you have all been up to. hmm i'll do some mad posting tonight and try to catch up on the post count. if i beat everyoen to the 100 post can i have dinner too? j/k

spent the last day and a half packing up all my stuff. finally gonna be leaving michigan. dont feel anything yet about the whole school ending thing but then again i think im just deprived of emotions right now.

we definately all gotta go to europe this summer. like james said before, this is a once in a lifetime chance. who knows when will the next time be when we can all gather together and go on a trip. as for my thoughts on it anywhere is good. i was talking with andy tu about the trip too and he had some interesting comments. he was telling me that hes got maddd connections in london. madd connections refering to cute asian girls in school uniforms. ok besides that england doesnt really appeal to me all that much either. however, i have been in france for a wk during soph or jr year of hs. i cant remember...i think my memory has gotten worse since i've come to college. anyways if nothing else the louvre is awsome. seriously if you guys are into the museum scene that place is tite. i could spent 3 days in that place alone. the french are pretty snooty and try to rip tourists off but we can always just eat pbj sandwiches and live in gutters if we do visit france. i think the place i want to visit the most has got to be greece. just imagine the architecture and art thats there sends chills up my spines. i've also heard that amsterdam has awsome scenery.

as for plane tickets i think we should be able to get them for under 500 bucks easy. as long as we dont set a specific starting location it will be pretty easy to find cheap airfare to europe. for example these are the current roundtrip airfares from lax to europe.
prices from travelocity

Los Angeles Amsterdam Netherlands $333 +
Los Angeles Dublin $307 +
Los Angeles London All $418 +
Los Angeles Munich $301 +
Los Angeles Paris All $304
so we can just fly to some random place in europe at start from there.

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Subject: I@v`ms IN!!!

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Date Posted: 22:13:31 03/19/03 Wed

omg cant believe you guys didnt fill me in on this forum earlier!. any hoo. Sup all!! i want in on the europe trip! im pretty much done now so i just need a date and i'll pack my bags..

hmm school is supposedly out at the end of april for us. however, since i dont have finals, only final papers for my 3 classes some how i managed to convince my prof to let me out a bit early since im a senior and i need to get back to cali for interviews and such. haha. doing some mad packing right now but i'll be back this wknd. cu all soon in LA.

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Subject: Another tid-bit

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Date Posted: 22:15:09 03/18/03 Tue

Hey y'all... I'm half way through my 4 finals and I'm looking to cruise through the other two in no time. I hope everyone is doing okay with school and health in general. The Trip at the end of the school year needs to figured out... We should have some consensus with the 1) projected expenses, 2) dates, 3)location. The ticket needs to be bought soon for optimal pricing and selection. In terms of international flight, I would prefer traveling with one of you at least. If not the whole group together at once. I have some ideas with location selection in terms of making it fair for everyone after we come up with some agreement. That's just some issues we need to deal with to get the ball rolling... Cheer and best of luck!
Also... check out my new xanga - www.xanga.com/chuigum

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Subject: DONE!!!

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Date Posted: 21:19:35 03/18/03 Tue


Have the flu, and the Ivy situation is a little bit on hold... the friends stage is going to have to continue for a while... but I'm optimistic yet guarded... =)

how's everyone doing?

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Subject: Hi

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Date Posted: 20:03:15 03/12/03 Wed

Hi doods, justed wanted to say good luck on finals and hope yer'all doing well.

okbye. =)

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Subject: James - you go boy!!!

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Date Posted: 18:05:26 03/08/03 Sat

James... you go boy!!! Go get that Ivy and shower her to us at break. I'm looking forward to Spring Break already... aiya... school is such a bore. I'm going to vegas with my frat people during break... but we should still figure things out and go somewhere... whether it's hiking, swimming or what not. I'm still in the works to find a job after school. So James... I'm going to consult you with your wisdom. Well... I look forward to hearing from you all... =P Good luck in your studies!

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Subject: CMON

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Date Posted: 23:01:25 03/07/03 Fri

pleeeease...post here!!! just write "hi" once in a while!!! i am dying of boooredom. j/k

anyway, just thought i'd check in to this board, seeing that i'm the one who made it.

here's an update on my dieting: i'm now officially 172 lbs -- that's down from 190 in january. woopee, and i haven't even been eating diet foods or anything. just stopped eating junk food, and my appetite has shrunk a lot.

well, i still eat fried chicken or yoshinoya or something like that maybe once or twice a week. =P

gonna hit the beach next week with my 'special friend' ivy... gotta make sure i look good..hehe

what's up with everyone else? ricky, still busy studying? davy, you bastard you, one post every 2 weeks... haha
mike, how are things? ron, you get that much needed raise yet? =P

well, here's to a good weekend -- CHEERS!

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Subject: Howdy

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Date Posted: 07:50:41 03/05/03 Wed

The trip sounds good, but i dunno when i'm free. I'll prolly find out soon right before you guys start booking tickets.

I'll be back later for a real post.
For now, peace be with you....doods.

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Subject: message

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Date Posted: 22:22:01 03/03/03 Mon

Hey James I want to go also, but I think I am looking at a 3 week window because of my summer is not that long. I finish on June 19th. I'll call you and give you more info next week since i will finally have time then. believe it or not it's the first time i've been home for the past 3 days. i spent 10 hours in anatomy lab just looking at dead bodies today, i am getting better but i still can't pick out a lot of stuff. I am bordering on passing in this class and I've been studying alot (hopefully that goes for the rest of the class as well).

About Ivy, good for you, James! i'll talk to you about it next week about that as well. Apparently there's been some talk today among some of the girls in my class about how cold and unfriendly i've been to them, which is true. I've become very easily irritated by people in my class recently. I think it's because i am uncontemp with my social life (because i don't have one outside of dental school). it makes me dread that i never got to know diane even more than usual. i really need to meet new and interesting ppl who are not just studying machines with zero personality. that or hot girls =)

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Subject: New Phone -

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Date Posted: 16:04:35 03/02/03 Sun

Hello y'all,
This is my new cellphone. (626)202-3955 ~ Call me up yo, yo, yo. I have unlimited weekends and free long distance. James, in regards to the trip - I want to go (Badly). I will end school on the 17th of June. I'll probably be free then. We should book the tickets latest by Spring Break. Oohhh... we should all have a get together at spring break. =P Alright... good luck on all of your finals as the quarter or semester is being wrapped up. Laters

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Subject: Europe Trip

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Date Posted: 09:17:28 03/02/03 Sun

okay, time to really start cementing this Europe trip. Who can go? Davy, have you asked your mom yet? Ron, can you make it? WHen is everyone available to go?

Please let me know your guys' schedules... I will do a large part in the planning since I have the whole next quarter free. (just 3 more weeks of college to go, including finals!!)

sorry ricky, still haven't written you yet...still gathering my thoughts... been busy attending to Ivy, the Taiwanese girl I like VERY much...

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Subject: Here we go again

Davy Sim
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Date Posted: 01:08:35 02/28/03 Fri

Wow, I'm posting another message. But you know, I probably still have more posts than everyone here. =) hehe...

Sorry to hear about ur tooth Ricky. And your tooth Mike. And you job Ricky. And your uncertainties James. Ill be praying for all of you.

I've been kinda busy with school and AACF. It's been a long two weeks, but things are looking up. I feel like I've learned a lot the past two weeks also, so it's all good.

Valentines day was interesting. I just went to church. But u know, I don't feel sad or anything being single. It's a great feeling, cuz before I would always feel sorta lonely on valentines day. But not anymore. It's good stuff.

Happy Birthday Mike. I have your present waiting at the store... haha. The big 22, how's Audrey? Did she do anything for u on ur bday?

What a long post, wow... I write a lot... haha... Ill talk to u guys later.

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Subject: hello

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Date Posted: 23:45:31 02/26/03 Wed

Uncertainties are good James!
Don't drink too much.

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Subject: hey

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Date Posted: 19:02:18 02/23/03 Sun

My teeth is starting to wobble again.....seems like it's not recovering, might be a sign that it's dead.... going to have it looked at in the morning...pray for me.

James, is she cute? lol. good to hear that your chinese is better now though, next two weeks are my hell weeks again..wish me luck.

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[> Subject: Re: hey

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Date Posted: 00:23:53 02/24/03 Mon

man, sorry to hear about the tooth.. i will pray for you ricky... yeah, my Taiwanese friend is very cute, and she has a very good personality... but i don't want to make any moves or anything yet... too many uncertainties. aiyah...woe is mee!!!

i am drinking pinot grigio to drown my sorrows... woe is ME!!!

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Subject: Hellloooo

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Date Posted: 15:59:41 02/23/03 Sun

What's up fellas!? Hey, everyone, my Chinese is TWICE as good as before! I met a girl from taiwan -- she's my godfather's grandniece (but she's 18), and I've been talking to her a lot this week. Yes, in Chinese! muhahha... so I actually feel comfortable using chinese in conversation now! My grandma called the other day and I was actually able to talk to her!

Also, I've been itching to make a trip to Vegas for those of you who are in CA. who's down? IT's about time to break my diet!!!

hope everyone's doing well

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Subject: Happy Birthday

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Date Posted: 11:34:19 02/20/03 Thu

Happy birthday mike, sorry my gift isn't on the way--i'm real bad at remembering dates. But maybe i'll get you next time for dinner (sometime soon i hope.)

James, your xenga rocks. I'm stupid so i believed it for like 2 minutes as i thought that you linked some other general in iraq's xenga. sigh lame o.

The movies you list are intriguing, bring them around sometime. anyhow, peace out bros.

Btw, did i mention get a job you like? Get something that is totally fun, not something that you have to convince yourself that you like. It's superimportant. either that or get something that has a huge potential in climbing a corporate ladder. Then half the fun is competing your advesaries out of their jobs. Really, that's how it is, yknow? get ready. k lates.

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Subject: Happy b-day!!!

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Date Posted: 00:38:11 02/20/03 Thu

22, what a beautiful number! =) You beat us all to it!

pretty soon, we'll be in our 30's and we'll all still be good buddies...awwww

well, i hope your day was great!

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Subject: Happy Birthday Mike

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Date Posted: 21:46:39 02/19/03 Wed

Hey Mike! happy birthday, your gift is on the way, i think it got delayed a few days since the whole new york city was snowed in. But check your mail, don't want to lose your present. Kate Hudson....yum....

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Subject: Happy 22 for me

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Date Posted: 01:42:54 02/19/03 Wed

Hey Guys... Here I am! I'm celebrating my birthday on the web forum with all of you. I wish for the best of luck in all of our coming year in terms of school, jobs, location, family and health. With that wish, I will proceed to bed and pray for all of you "A good night!"

P.S. - Go check out "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"
Kate Hudson is such a hottie~~~

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Subject: movie recommendations

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Date Posted: 01:10:03 02/17/03 Mon

Hi folks! I just saw a GREAT singaporean movie called "I Not Stupid." It's sooo funny, yet it is also so meaningful. It's social satire about Singapore, mainly dealing with the education system as well as Singapore's preference of English over Chinese. SOOOO funny and a heart warmer. Singlish is funny to listen to! Watch it if you guys can.

Also, "My Sassy Girl" which I know at least Ricky has seen. That is a sweet romantic melodrama (Korean) that just brings water to my eyes everytime I watch it. THe movie makes me want to have a sassy girl, too! But she would have to be as fine as the girl in the movie before I would wear high heels for her..haha

Goodness, I have about 1 month more of college, then I'm done! Woohoo! It's a crazy feeling -- not really having to worry about grades, that is. Now I just have to worry about finding a suitable full-time job.

Chewy, what's ur plan for after graduation? I don't think you've told me yet.

Ron, yeah, I think 170 might be ideal for me. My muscles are probably weighing me down. =) When I play basketball, ppl try to run through the screens I set, but most of the time they hit me like I'm a wall -- HAHA -- WHACK and they're out cold... jk jk

Here's a link to some very relevant reminders about our lives and how we should be living them. It's my pastor's sermons, but I find that there's so much truth in them that everyone will appreciate the insights. I know I have.


till next time,

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Subject: James Muscleman Hsu

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Date Posted: 14:29:00 02/15/03 Sat

Hey James, i just read your message on trying to get down to 165... that's too light man, i think you just have heavy bones...for real. It's that you should try to look good and forget the weight. If you started weight lifting you could be a muscleman by April. Girls dig it. Really. Fine, don't believe me then...

I'd say aim for like 170 with muscles everywhere. Trust me, it's noticeable by girls muscles under clothes. With your huge brain there as well you'l be unresistable. Dood i am really serious, but somehow imagining the look on your face right now makes me doubt even my own honesty.

Anyhow, it's not my frat that keeps me busy, it's work. I find that jobs are easy to find if you're not raising a family... somehow i can't imagine myself in a more tiring and time consuming yet unrewarding job as i am in now. Although, technically it lets me act like the vice president of a company since i work with the boss more than anyone and change his mind on pricing and other things. What i'm trying to say is, find a really really fun job...really, that's all that matters. Money you can get on ebay. Quit your chatroom job btw james.

As you asked for posing, shall will you be poetically punished with my random rambling. Don't try to start a new room...i will find you...

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Subject: oh

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Date Posted: 07:19:40 02/15/03 Sat

oh crap...my beautiful ricky. Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

sorry to hear about your face man..

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Subject: What up

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Date Posted: 00:04:12 02/15/03 Sat

Welcome back people. Good to hear that everyone is busy (cept James who is relaxing, which is even better). I seriously recommend everyone to get a mouth guard, preferably now. If not wait another year and I'll make it for you. I was in emergency clinic for 3 hours today because as it turn out it's actually pretty serious, might have to worry about root canal. Right now they just use composite (like glue) to hold my tooth against the two other tooth next to eat and hoping it would heal. Going back for check up in 1 week, then every 3 months for like a year. Thank god i am in dental school and don't have to pay for this.

Valentine's Day, suppose to eat dinner w/ friends and go karaoke, you know, asian stuff, but I decided to stay home and sleep. =) didn't have the energy since I didn't have dinner last nite, OJ this morning, and hot and sour soup for lunch. I am making solid food now for dinner (dumplings), but i have to cut them up w/ my scissors to eat..........if you think you are having a rough V-day, top that!

I think the meal degration idea is absolutely brilliant, James.

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Subject: Hey dood!

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Date Posted: 23:05:00 02/14/03 Fri

Like the emoticons don't work...
but they sound cool though. Like, "oh shiet! look out! it's the emoticons!" has this been done already?

yes, it's busy here, but not too busy to mope around for valentine's as well. I'm glad to hear the busy-ness though, although i haven't had a chance to go through more than half of these craazy msgs. But i will...

Anyhow, it's harder year-by-year to imagine a girl that i will like. Amazingly, irony has found its way into even this seemingly adamant aspect of my life, where i thought dominion would be dictated by lust and shallow crushes (in lust). It's getting harder to get that good desperate feeling.

So i hope you guys fared well, like in the movies. Y'all deserve to find beautiful maniquins, love potions, or to create your dream girl on yer pc on a wickedly bland night as this. (um, this'l make no sense unless you watch a lot of movies)

I guess i'm just tired, to sound so weird, but i thought i should write something longer than 2 lines, and here ya go =)... happy readin'.

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Subject: Ron's absense

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Date Posted: 22:23:08 02/14/03 Fri

I just gave Ron the link to this site again, he has been very busy, mostly with his frat activities and such. i look forward to the day when he posts #2! woohoo! what a day that will be!

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[> Subject: Re: Ron's absense

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Date Posted: 22:37:32 02/14/03 Fri

#2 Oo.:-)

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Subject: whats with the teeth injuries! ouch! (and other thoughts)

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Date Posted: 21:28:48 02/14/03 Fri

man, i never knew basketball could be so dangerous. my worst fear has always been biting my tongue off accidentally when my defender jumps up into my chin. eeesh (you're welcome for the oh-so-wonderful imagery)

i'm sure your smile is still dazzling, chewy. you lucky dog you, tell us how your valentines day goes.

well, sounds like everyone has been real busy. I'm probably the only who's having a pretty relaxed quarter. School comes to me quite easily, and it helps that my major is relatively easy, too. I find myself playing computer games everyday now; this is at least partly due to the fact that my new computer rocks. so i sort of play the games to impress myself with how awesome my computer is. i know, i sound like i'm still a kid. i think i still am one.

ricky, i'm glad to hear that your situation in the anatomy class isn't as bad as we had thought. i'm sure if i was in dental school, though, i would definitely fail; i haven't studied hard since freshman year of college.

valentines day -- blah blah blah.. i had fried chicken by myself tonight. i'm at home, celebrating my singleness. by the way, i've slimmed down to 175 lbs (i was 191 at the beginning of january)

davy, if u don't post at least once a week, i'm going to slowly downgrade the dinner quality. RIght now, it's at bellagio. you mess up, it's chili's. you mess up again, it's mcdonalds. u mess up once more after that, i'll heat up ramen for you. hahaha..!! j/k sounds like you're busy so good for you.

K, i'm going to shoot some ball now to shed off the craappy dinner i had. Bye!

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Subject: Happy Valentine's Day

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Date Posted: 11:10:03 02/14/03 Fri

Ricky... man, I'm so sorry about your day. It sounds so rough. Well, I had a little dental incident recently too. My tooth got chipped after some basketball with my apartment mate. It is sorta weird looking... aiya... I no longer have a nice smile. =P In terms of Valentine's day... I pray for the best in all of your romantic lives. I'm also thankful for your understand of my MIA status due to my relationship. You guys are the best... =P --> there goes that crooked smile again. Have a nice weekend ~

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Subject: Hahahahaa

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Date Posted: 03:30:35 02/14/03 Fri

Hahaha.. you guys are so funny. Now there's a bounty on my head eh? Hahaha... yeah.. I've been kinda flaking since I WON THAT AWARD! Thanks James. It was a good incentive to start posting messages, but once I won, the incentive was all gone. jk... I've just been busy with school, church, AACF, among other things.

Man Ricky, sorry to hear about all those things. Happy Valentines day though. I hope today goes better for u. Does your loose tooth mean that we will see a Ricky with a missing front tooth? That'll be great.. hehe.. jk

So yeah.. Im finally posting again. It's good to see that people are posting, except for Ron. Hey... y isn't there a bounty on Ron's head? Is it cuz u guys are jealous that I won?! haha... peace out fellas =)

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Subject: Shitty Day

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Date Posted: 21:57:28 02/13/03 Thu

This has got to be one of the worse days I spent here in New York. Almost got ran over today when i was going to the gym. and i got elbowed and my front center teeth was loose. I poped it back in the relatively normal spot, but it's not perfect, you can still tell it's a little crooked...but nothing i can do about it. going to dental school tomorrow morning to have it checked out......I can believe this, if this happen an year from now i'll actually know what to do, but came back and read books and supposely it's already kinda late to do anything, i was suppose to get it fixed w/in 30 mins......and it's gonna be inflamed and hurt like a mother tomorrow.......oh yeah happy valentine's day everyone. sorry for the negativity, but it's a really bad day today

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Subject: YO

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Date Posted: 04:08:49 02/13/03 Thu

Final Exam in an useless health promotion class in an hour. Whoohoo. I love cramming useless information in my head.

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Subject: Davy needs to watchout!!!

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Date Posted: 23:32:06 02/11/03 Tue

Davy, there's a bounty for your head!!! =P Watch out!

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Subject: YO

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Date Posted: 03:09:51 02/11/03 Tue

heys, new updates. i checked my grades finally and i am actually not passing the class currently..but i am close. Gotta study more.

I have a few more friends here that are doing a trip in Europe during summer, I am sure they are gathering information as well so i'll ask them about what they know during spring break and report back.

And from this day forward I claim this site as Ricky's Personal Diary since I am the only consistant writer. =)

One last thing, I will up the ante and the one that slap davy and takes a photo will not only be treated to dinner by mike, he will also be treated to a dinner by me. and if you can capture it in a movie file using ur digicams, I will even throw in drinks.

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[> Subject: Re: YO

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Date Posted: 08:56:23 02/11/03 Tue

HAHAHA..i'll not only make a movie with me slapping davy; i'll make a full length feature on it, including a soundtrack with inspirational slapping music.

gotta go to class now, i'll post later today.

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Subject: hi :)

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Date Posted: 19:29:40 02/10/03 Mon

Hey Ricky...Michael told me about this. Just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing.

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Subject: Friendly continuation

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Date Posted: 10:56:58 02/10/03 Mon

To a Glorious Dinner!!! Davy if you slap yourself... it doesn't count. But I would most appreciate it. =)

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Subject: I agree with Ricky!!!

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Date Posted: 10:53:02 02/10/03 Mon

Will someone slap Davy for me... I will take the next person on the board that slaps Davy for me and captures it on a photograph. =P

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Subject: yo

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Date Posted: 00:28:41 02/09/03 Sun

So I see Davy has abandon the board since he reach the free dinner limit huh? =D

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Subject: wow

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Date Posted: 22:40:58 02/07/03 Fri

yeah i wanted to get an autograph but no one brought a pen. we took a picture w. the tnt sportscaster though, even though i don't even know his name.

Good luck looking for a job, as for me, I am looking for a girl before valentines day. =) just kidding.

surprisingly about half of the class failed the midterm for anatomy, so there should be a curve and i should be able to barely pass with my grades right now, and hopefully i do better on the final, but now it looks like i won't fail that class, so i am quite happy.

Where is everyone?

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Subject: whats up

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Date Posted: 21:20:53 02/07/03 Fri

hey ricky, i am so jealous. 3 rows behind the bench! you guys should have taunted someone, get Shaq to make another racist comment. j/k

i hope things are getting less stressful for you. for me, midterms are finally done, so i'm carefree for a little while. i just bought a new computer, yummy, typing on it right now. it's a compaq desktop, athlon xp 2600. $799

not much going on with me, gotta start looking for a better job, hopefully one that can turn into a full-time job. where's everyone else??

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Subject: yo

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Date Posted: 01:51:58 02/07/03 Fri

what up guys. Some of my friends in dental school and I went to see the Knicks vs Laker game today, it was a last minute kinda thing so we were just looking for scalp tickets. we all got tricked by the damn black guy who sold us fake tickets, but it was $50 so we just looked at it as if we lost it at vegas =) anyhow, we got real tickets and the game was great, we found seats that no one were sitting in, 3rd row behind the lakers bench! Shaq is one big fella when you are 10 ft away from him. it was funny because half of the people there were actualy laker fans. everyone would yell defense, but when kobe makes a shot everyone would cheer, so basically we celebrate no matter what happens, interesting crowd.

I had another practical exam today, i won't go much into detail but basically its a drilling exam and they gave me the wrong tooth to work with during the exam (they labeled #3 as #14), took me half an hour to figure it out because it just didn't seem right, and when they gave me the right one my hands were shaking because i was so nervous and i messed up a bit. hopefully it comes out okay.

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Subject: wo

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Date Posted: 02:24:21 02/06/03 Thu

Good to hear that you are going on a diet, now you'll be in better shape for basketball. You should first try to gain a bunch of weight, then lose them all and do a commercial like that guy on the Subways sandwitch commercial, you can make a lot of money that way =)

what else what else? oh i had my tooth practical exam today, but there will be one again in a few hours. All this stress can not possibly be good for my health. One of my dental school's friend's friend passed away a few days ago, heart attack. And he is only our age. Start eating your veges boys. I still need buddies to ball with when I am 90 alright? peace.

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Subject: Yo!

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Date Posted: 01:00:57 02/06/03 Thu

Hey everyone -- how's everyone doing? nobody's posting =(..hehe

I'm on a diet right now. I've cut down my calories like crazy -- I'm actually drinking weight loss shakes these days. YUM...really! I think the diet's working, because I've lost 12 lbs since I started! but still, I'm about 180 and I want to get down to 165. Another good thing about the diet is that I'm saving tons of money by not buying much food.

I suppose that this will prepare me for the Europe trip. hehe..which we better get cracking on!

Davy, tell your parents about the trip as early as possible! we reeeally want you to come, too. once we figure out who can go, we can decide on a schedule...

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Subject: la

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Date Posted: 13:12:00 02/04/03 Tue

nice pics mike, seem like you are enjoying yourself a lot =)

Yao's been doing much better recently, thank god. Can't wait to see him in the all star game. I really hope he doesn't have to go back to China during the summer so he can develop more game though, he can have a break out year next year if he is properly trained during the summer.

Marbury is putting up some amazing numbers, gotta give him props for that.

Joe Millionere, i watched in for 20 mins last time, yep it's quite amusing, but with my schedule i'll probably just watch the last episode.

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Subject: Laker pictures...

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Date Posted: 18:07:00 02/03/03 Mon


Dear friends... these are my laker pictures from the boxseats!!! Ignore the pictures that I'm actually red. =) In regards to James' question about Yao Ming. Yao is averaging a whooping 13pt 8reb a game. This is despite his first five games coming into this league where he averaged 4pt 3reb. If that stretch was not considered. He is about a 18pt 10reb guy. That would certainly give him an allstar spot in addition to his overwhelming popularity. His game is still somewhat raw thanks to a faster pace played by the NBA. But the trio of Francis, Mobley and Yao screening and driving creates problems for any team. Yao seems to have big games first time around on every famous bigmen. Duncan, Garnet, Shaq, Divac... I honest believe that he will be around 18pt 10reb for next year and barring any injuries. Next year, He will take the rockets deep into the playoffs. I'm not just a fan, I'm a Yaoist. =P Still... besides Yao, you got to give love to Stephon Marbury. He's my nigger!!! =) Peace

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[> Subject: Re: Laker pictures...

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Date Posted: 00:58:58 02/04/03 Tue

AMEN Chewy! Yao is the NBA's next dominating Big man! I wanna order a jersey, bobblehead, poster, etc now. he's THAT impressive.

Rookie wall? HAH. show me it...

The VIP boxes are awesome. I've been in it twice, too. Too bad I was under age when I went, though. =( Yeah, you looked just a llleeeetle buzzed in your photos.

anybody watch joe millionaire? it's quite funny, so many amusing things in that show, ie: Joe's redneck simplicity, the girls' jealousy of each other, the girls' lust for the jewelry, and the stereotypical butler. haha, butlers don't sit in armchairs and drink cognac in real life -- they're servants!

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Subject: Laker pictures...

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Date Posted: 18:05:43 02/03/03 Mon

Dear friends... these are my laker pictures from the boxseats!!! Ignore the pictures that I'm actually red. =) In regards to James' question about Yao Ming. Yao is averaging a whooping 13pt 8reb a game. This is despite his first five games coming into this league where he averaged 4pt 3reb. If that stretch was not considered. He is about a 18pt 10reb guy. That would certainly give him an allstar spot in addition to his overwhelming popularity. His game is still somewhat raw thanks to a faster pace played by the NBA. But the trio of Francis, Mobley and Yao screening and driving creates problems for any team. Yao seems to have big games first time around on every famous bigmen. Duncan, Garnet, Shaq, Divac... I honest believe that he will be around 18pt 10reb for next year and barring any injuries. Next year, He will take the rockets deep into the playoffs. I'm not just a fan, I'm a Yaoist. =P Still... besides Yao, you got to give love to Stephon Marbury. He's my nigger!!! =) Peace

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Subject: wassup

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Date Posted: 12:02:14 02/03/03 Mon

man, just had a job interview and about to take a midterm. sooo tired, i hope i dont fall asleep during the test. =P

anybody been following yao ming? the man is my hero! what do u guys think of his game? think he's gonna rule the NBA soon enough?

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Date Posted: 20:40:33 02/02/03 Sun

Congratulations Davy, you have garnered the most prestigious award given out by this honorable forum: the 20 post award!

Bask in the glow of 20-post award winners before you, all of whom have gone on to bigger and better things.

In honor of this momentous occasion, you, DAVY SIM, will be treated to the restaurant of your choosing. Rumour has it that this will be granted in the form of an express drive to Las Vegas' very own Bellagio Buffet. All are welcome, though the date has not been yet established. Please let James know of your availability and/or enthusiasm for such a trip.

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Subject: Almost there

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Date Posted: 20:06:08 02/02/03 Sun

Almost there James. I'm getting that dinner!! Woohoo!!! Hmm... Lawry's anyone?! =)

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Subject: Trip

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Date Posted: 20:05:00 02/02/03 Sun

Man, lot's of money for this trip. Gotta ask parents if I can go

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Subject: Hey fellas

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Date Posted: 20:03:49 02/02/03 Sun

Yesterday, I felt like my face was gonna melt off I was sneezing like crazy. Lot's of flem. It's not good being sick

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Subject: Yo

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Date Posted: 20:02:44 02/02/03 Sun

Dang.. I'm sick with a cold. People tell me different things as to what to take for medicine. You guys got any suggestions?

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Subject: In response to James ~

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Date Posted: 18:09:45 02/02/03 Sun

$2000 is very reasonable for such a trip. I like James' idea of being frugal and doing France and England. I'm definitely down if family issue arises. In terms of Davy's question... I'm doing great after a four midterm day last week. I'm still recovering and I aced two test out of the four. But I have to admit that Laker vs. Jazz game was awesome in those boxseat of mine. Free food, drinks, snacks, alcohol... wow, now I know what is baller!!! In response to Ricky... I know you're doing to do great despite what has past last week. It's not over till the fat lady sings and there's plenty of time and space to whoop some ass. We are all rooting you on!!! Peace to you all and take care until next time...

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Subject: me

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Date Posted: 23:38:29 01/31/03 Fri

I am absolutely terrified right now about failing the anatomy class. I scrwed up really bad today on the practical which is 25% Of my total grade, i think i only got about 6 questions right out of 40. If i do fail this class, then I really won't be able to join you guys for the backpacking trip. Pray for me, I need to study even more now.

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[> Subject: Re: me

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Date Posted: 01:24:34 02/01/03 Sat

You're in my prayers, bro. Just be comforted in the fact that you worked ur butt off. you can't do anything more than try your best. i labored my butt off senior year in calc BC, but I got a C. I actually cried (yes, tears and al) in front of Ms. King (i think some students were still around, too), and man was that embarrassing. I was crushed, but look at me now! Boom! haha...

Ricky, just dust yourself off and try again.

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Subject: Last msg for today

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Date Posted: 00:09:00 01/31/03 Fri

hey fellas, this is my last posting for today. Hey James, I think Im a lock for that free dinner!! WOOHOO!!! hahahaha

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Subject: Im hurt

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Date Posted: 00:06:21 01/31/03 Fri

I think I mildly pulled the top part of my hamstring. I remember I pulled my hamstring in track, and that was a killer. Couldn't really do anything. Now it's intramural season and my hamstrings pulled. Sucks... anyone know how to heal it faster?

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Subject: What's up

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Date Posted: 00:04:12 01/31/03 Fri

What's up fellas?! How is everyone? We've been talking mostly about this trip, but how are you guys doing personnally??

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Subject: Rail passes

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Date Posted: 00:02:40 01/31/03 Fri

Dang!! Rail passes are so much! Why don't we just hitch hike or something? That'll be cool! Hitchhike across all of Europe. Think about how awesome that'll be!!!

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Subject: Europe thoughts, costs!

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Date Posted: 12:37:15 01/30/03 Thu

Okay, who wants to go to England and France? Cuz I know Ricky hasn't been there. Also, there are lots of things I haven't seen in France (i was only in paris, which was great for the most part..except for the pickpocket attempt). But if everyone's cool with not going to those places, I'll go with that. If we do go to England and France, we can just be more sensitive with our expenses.

as for airfare, it'll depend on where we fly to. Last summer, I flew to London for around 750 (round trip).

We'll sort of be roughing it (hostels and camping), so our accomodations shouldnt cost much.

As for food, we will mostly do cooking (i can bring a backpacking stove or 2) or make sandwiches -- that kind of thing. I figure lots of places will have cheap fast ethnic food. I know Paris has cheap delicious gyro joints. maybe we can limit ourselves to eating one or 2 nice restaurant meals in each country, so we don't miss out on the different cuisines.

train-rail passes aren't too expensive, from what I remember. I think the rail passes for 4 weeks shouldn't run over a few hundred (200-400 maybe? not sure)

lets see what the total pans out to:
~$800 Plane
~$500 Food (roughly 18 dollars a day, just my estimate)
~$300 Hostels (about 10 bucks a day)
~$400 Rail passes

Total: 2 grand. (those figures above are overestimated, too)

of course, if we decide to do museums, buy souvenirs, see shows, that stuff is extra.

2,000 seems a lot maybe, but guess what? I forked up ~$6000 for my study abroad program in England. And this trip is going to be even more fun than that one (cuz you guys will be there, of course =) )

ALRIGHT, that was lengthy. let me know what u guys think...

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Subject: Idea

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Date Posted: 00:20:20 01/30/03 Thu

My take on location is where we can get the most bang for the buck. Obviously money is a concern for all of us and I would seriously steer away from likes of England and France. These two places are great... but they also charge tourists an arm and a leg for everything. I personally would like to visit Italy and parts of Greece.(Historical Reasons) I did visit Vienna, Austria and it's as tourist friendly as a city can get. But the Euro is strong vs. the dollar and living expenses were astronomical. I would advice all of us to research the lonelyplanet site for general information and just some know how about backpacking in Europe. Cheers ~ I'm off to bed and will be awaiting my 4 midterms in a day.

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[> Subject: Re: Idea

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Date Posted: 12:22:06 01/30/03 Thu

4 in one DAY! OUCH! I hope they went well...

sounds like you've been keeping your foreign exchange knowledge updated -- good, we'll have an expert =)

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Subject: I love this forum

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Date Posted: 00:42:48 01/30/03 Thu

This forum's a great idea. Thanks for starting it James! Good way to keep in touch! 12 and counting!!

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[> Subject: Re: I love this forum

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Date Posted: 12:14:16 01/30/03 Thu

okay, that's like 3 times you've complimented me for doing it, davy!

think of something more original since you're gonna win the contest anyway!

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Subject: Summer trip

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Date Posted: 00:41:20 01/30/03 Thu

I guess the summer trip sounds good. Yeah, price is a big thing for me too. But, I also don't wanna go to some crappy place with nothing to do there. The tourist places seem to have the most things to do. But, gotta do research and see. Also, how much is the airfare?

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Subject: Spring break

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Date Posted: 00:40:02 01/30/03 Thu

My spring break is not during that time. Haha... So I will be in school. So anything like Mexico or Houston I can't do. You guys can go without me though.. it's alrihgt. Just make sure to bring me back some sourveniors!!

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Subject: hmmm

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Date Posted: 00:38:54 01/30/03 Thu

hmm.. interesting postings. Your belly's are strong.. mines getting weaker. But the rest of my bodies getting buffer. Im getting my hops back and feeling the quickness in my jump. Need to keep working and get my first step back. Scored 25 points in today's Intramural bball game!!
WOOHOO!!.. but we lost... booo..

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Subject: Wed - Chewy's thoughts

Michael Chui
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Date Posted: 22:28:33 01/28/03 Tue

Nice to hear from all of you!!! Like James, my belly is by far the strongest muscle alive. My Spring break should be the same as UCLA's. In terms of a trip... I think 4 weeks should be enough. I think we might get sick of looking at old buildings and missing homecooking. In terms of looking for good airfare. We should look through STA for potential airfares. Great rates for students! Also... we should think ahead in terms of location of our backpacking... where to and what is our priorities... just a thought.

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[> Subject: Re: Wed - Chewy's thoughts

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Date Posted: 23:33:25 01/28/03 Tue

okay, i will settle for 4 weeks =). we can cut out some of the minor countries. yes, we should talk about which countries we want to visit and what in each country we want to visit.

here's a list of countries I really recommend with estimates of how many days seem appropriate (lots are just kind of based on impression, since the only countries i've been to are england and france):
England/Scotland 4-6 days

France 4-6

Italy 5-7

Spain 3

Greece 3

Germany 1-2

Belgium 1-2

Switzerland 2-3

Austria 1-3

Any thoughts on these? any additions, subtractions?
I agree, STA is the way to go.

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Subject: Spring break

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Date Posted: 18:09:58 01/28/03 Tue

I agree with davy, I think it'll be too long for me if it's 6 weeks given my summer is not that long, but I don't think i'll lose my identity as long as I have my credit card =)

My spring break is march 8-16th if i include the weekends. want to meet in houston? i heard texan girls are pretty hot, and we can go check out yao ming's game.

mood right now: burnt out.

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Subject: Spring Break

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Date Posted: 11:41:20 01/28/03 Tue

wow, davy must be really buff, now. as for me, my belly is buff. it's so strong, it can eat food non-stop practically. yes, i'm proud.

Spring break for me is March 21-31. But since I probably won't be taking classes next quarter, I'll be on an indefinite break! woohoo! I propose a road trip; anybody feel like driving down into the heart of Mexico? Or maybe we can drive to NY? (I drive fast)
Does anyone already have plans?

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Subject: My day

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Date Posted: 00:31:37 01/28/03 Tue

My day was great. Had weight training and I did maxes and endurance test. Benched 155 lbs, 65 lbs-35 reps. Leg pressed 320 lbs, 130-30 reps. Im getting stronger.

Then I had bball and that was fun. Played 2on2. Got Ims tomorrow. Had class the rest of the day and celebrated my friends bday today by going to mccormicks. No drinking for me but the food's great! Hope everyones week goes smoothly.

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Subject: Backpacking trip

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Date Posted: 00:28:51 01/28/03 Tue

The backpacking trip seems like a great idea. But 6 weeks is a long time. I think I would lose my identity if we'll gone for that long. j/k. How much do u think it'll cost?

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Subject: We should all get together

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Date Posted: 00:24:42 01/28/03 Tue

Hey, we should all get together sometime. Whens' ur spring breaks?!

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Subject: hey guys

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Date Posted: 00:22:40 01/28/03 Tue

This is an awesome idea. Thanks James!

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Subject: hello

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Date Posted: 22:21:51 01/27/03 Mon

wow, this message board is alive! ricky, how'd the anatomy test go? 20 hours of studying, straight??? i have to give u props for that. i've never studied more than 4-5 hours straight...the luxury of being a communications major. ahhh

ron, i won't be taking the lsat, mcat, or gre. i'm going to work, then after two years, possibly go to business school.

good to hear from ya, mike. update us more when u get the chance.

well, i had a good evening and i'm a litle tipsy. going to play some guitar now..

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Subject: My apologies

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Date Posted: 17:44:57 01/27/03 Mon

Once I read all the messages, I felt so bad about all the time that I've missed bonding with you guys. In regards of the trip... I will most certainly go if I have the chance. Some of you know that I've came back from Europe during Christmas break from visiting Audrey. I definitely think a backpacking trip is a great thing to pursue. I can gather lots of information from Audrey and various people that's done it. I hope that's given a good boost to our morale and the possibility of such a trip. =)

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Subject: Nice Message Board... !

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Date Posted: 17:27:26 01/27/03 Mon

Wow... I haven't even read a thing yet... but just the thought that we can communicate and post our experiences as we approach graduation is very exciting. I hope all of you have the best of semesters and quarters. I will be posting and getting updated with news from all of you. In the mean time, I have 4 midterms on Thursday. It's suppose to take a full 7 hours... but I will survive. God bless and I will see you all soon! ~

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Subject: Trip

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Date Posted: 03:28:58 01/27/03 Mon

Hey, good to see that everyone is active on the board, except mike so far.. guess what? it's 6:30am over here and i've just finished my 20 straight of studying for the day. What do i raelly care about human anatomy in detail as a dentist anywayz?
I definely hope everyone could do the backpack trip because it is a once in a lifetime experience, although 6 weeks seem like a long time for me as well considering my summer is 8 weeks and i have to see my family in the states and in taiwan as well. Perhaps 4 weeks or 5 weeks?

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Subject: hey

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Date Posted: 22:23:43 01/26/03 Sun

wow it is a good idea, this thing. someone get it to mike quick cuz i haven't heard anything from him forevers.

you guys post a lot.

nice to hear yer graduating james =) ... are you gonna take lsat or mcat, ged?

i wanna go backpacking, but my lifestyle, it seems, is one built upon money and the pursuit of it everyday...
i thought 1 week was a long time, but 6, dang i may have to cut it shorter than you guys this time and prolly won't ever have such crazy amounts of time until i'm a ceo of my own company. sigh. nonetheless i'm sure everything will be ok.

ok peace out for now. great idea doods.

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[> Subject: Re: hey

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Date Posted: 23:54:51 01/26/03 Sun

(This is directed at everyone)

Remember, this is the only time of our lives we'll be able to do something like backback in Europe for an extended amount of time. As a CEO, you'll have even less time to do things like that. (Imagine Ariella from Legacy just picking up and leaving for 6 weeks -- yeah, RIGHT!)

Also, consider the age factor -- once you've got a family not to mention weak knees, there's no way you're going to be able to get together with your buddies to go on a trip like this!

My underlying point: THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME SHOT! -- after this, many of us are starting full-time work. when you work, you're lucky if you get 2 weeks vacation time PER YEAR! I really hope I can do this trip with ALL of you, cause I know it will be so much fun that way.

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Subject: lets see if I can post another one

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Date Posted: 20:03:51 01/26/03 Sun

lets see if I can post another one

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Subject: My week

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Date Posted: 20:01:53 01/26/03 Sun

My week was great last weekend. I went on a retreat, and I must say, there IS a God. The things that I've seen, the lives that have been changed, just incredible.

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Subject: Backpacking seems fun

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Date Posted: 20:00:28 01/26/03 Sun

Backpacking seems like an awesome idea. My folks want me to go to China to work or something, but we'll see. Keep me updated on what you guys think about it.

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Subject: super bowl

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Date Posted: 19:57:29 01/26/03 Sun

Super Bowl was awesome!! I knew the Bucs would win. Oakland had to establish a running game, but they didn't do it. with Nickel coverage practically all game, very hard to throw against it.

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Subject: hey all

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Date Posted: 19:56:18 01/26/03 Sun

wuts up guys? This is a great idea James. Im looking forward to reading all of your msg's

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Subject: cheesy super bowl

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Date Posted: 19:40:49 01/26/03 Sun

"super"-bowl...pleeease. rich gannon threw more passes to the other team than to his own. i was laughing at the end, cause I knew there was going to be at least one more interception -- voila, there it was.

i napped through most of the game, though. matrix 2 looks pretty awesome (the trailer aired). neo is pretty much going to be Superman.

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Subject: my life in a nutshell

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Date Posted: 23:53:50 01/25/03 Sat

hi guys.

I don't know if i told anyone, but this will likely be my last quarter as a bruin. I'm getting flunked out due to AP. J/k -- I'll be done with all the requirements. So far, I've applied to a few jobs with no success yet. I want to get into entry-level management...(it's kind of hard with a freakin communications major)

I'm excited about this SUMMER! Who's going to be able to go? I know Ricky and Mike want to do to the backpacking trip to Europe. How about Davy and Ron? You guys should really try to come -- from everyone that's done this before I've heard that it's an unforgettable experience. It will be FUUUUN. I will graduate around June 15th or so, so I am free to go after that. How long is the ideal length of the trip? I'm thinking around 6 weeks. I think anything less would force us to leave out some meaningful places.

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Subject: My schedule

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Date Posted: 23:36:20 01/25/03 Sat

First of all thank you James for setting up the board.

My last day of finals will be June 19th. That's all I know as of right now. (let's pray that I don't fail and have to retake stuff during the summer)

updates, school is getting crazy, I am at school everyday 8 to 5, and then I hit the lab or the library afterwards. Every friday nite me and some of my dental school friends would hit the gym to play some ball though, so I am somewhat in shape. Let's see, today is Saturday and guess what? I still have school, got out at 7pm. and i get to do it again tomorrow!! whoohoo. and again monday, and tuesday....this is hell week.....hope you are having fun for me out there in the sunny state.

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Subject: PRIZE for first person to reach 20 posts!

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Date Posted: 23:26:42 01/25/03 Sat

OKAY, I will treat whoever gets to 20 posts first (limit 4 posts a day) to the restaurant of their choosing!

Hopefully, we can use this board to keep each other updated on the events of our lives. We can also just shoot the breeze or whatever -- i've taken the URL out of the atomicboards directory so it's pretty much a private board unless u guys share the URL with other ppl. SO, post away.

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Subject: Hi! What this board is for:

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Date Posted: 23:24:18 01/25/03 Sat

Hi guys, welcome to "The Den."

I thought that with all of us scattered about the United States (Actually, Ricky is the only one out of state =P), this would be a convenient way for us to stay in touch.

Also, several of us have talked about backpacking in Europe this summer -- I'm thinking that this messageboard might prove useful as a medium for the planning process. Just post your ideas, your schedules, etc. here. Don't be shyyyy...we need to get cracking on this! Start posting!

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