Subject: $ I'm Glad. I'd hate to get my mail here and never see it $ |
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Date Posted: 20:07:07 08/04/09 Tue
In reply to:
's message, ".:.Of course you are, my lovely.:." on 10:35:52 07/31/09 Fri

Alicia had felt the gaze on her – expected it really. Pale lips pulling into the soft smile she so prized herself for as she turned and began storing some of the non-refrigerated items. The mental brush caused a fuller smile to form, eyes of green and blue sparkling as she answered back without ever looking his direction. The mental words of love and missing echoed, along with the encounter with a rather annoying cashier in the town down the road. The girl had happened to think herself better looking and that there was no way she, Alicia, could be married to anyone of taste. So of course Alicia had taken the liberty to inform the cashier of the awesome sex she’d been given along with images of a tall, dark, and handsome stranger that she’d never be allowed to see his face or better yet hear his name. It’d been rather shallow and not something the former Alicia had ever thought of doing but the blonde female found herself with a few nasty traits of Brillian’s a time or two and she doubted the brunette had gotten away scott-clean either.
Coming back into focus, the last floating bag settled on the counter close to where Zeth was peering into its edge. “Hello.” Eyes turning towards the mentally fortitude female – yup she’d noticed the reinforcements and inwardly chuckled. Immortal, vampire, fairy, elf – whatever Alicia had experienced them all. Though never without consent…usually, the fact Tarot felt the need to protect herself around her caused Alicia to speak up on a topic she normally kept rather quiet. “If you spend your whole time trying to keep me out of your head, you’ll miss out on all the other things that go on around this town.” Tossing a bag of caramel popcorn towards Zeth she added, “I have no desire to know your past, unless you want to tell it, and I’m not bored to the point that I need snoop into another’s mind for entertainment.” Eying Zeth she chuckled. “He keeps me busy enough as it is.”
She’d caught the vibe to be careful and knew she’d probably have a tail a time or two; the good thing was that she came off dumb and ignorant when she was nothing of the sort. “There’s some trail mix and I also picked up some of the new synthetic blood.” She winced knowing he preferred the real thing. “Just in case we get any unwelcome guests.” Rather that be for them or Zeth after he’d dealt with them had yet to be seen. “More apples, along with some dipping, and more marshmallows.” Cheeks blushing at the latter mention though she kept the reason why blocked from all but Zeth.
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