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Subject: .:.Of course you are, my lovely.:.

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Date Posted: 10:35:52 07/31/09 Fri
In reply to: tarot 's message, "not my problem" on 07:58:44 07/31/09 Fri

He watched her enter and small smile lit his lips. “Ello, baby.” He let the term fly loosely, knowing that this would signify the female’s status in the apartment. “Tarot, that’s my wife.” He nodded a head towards Alicia and let a small mental nudge brush his wife. It was filled with comments like, how was your day, I missed you, I love you, and things Tarot surely didn’t want to hear. He gestured to “Alicia, that’s Tarot. She has to stay with us for awhile. She’s not really a popular person right now, so be sure to be careful.” There was no need to warn her. Alicia had been dealing with this type of situational unrest since hitching to Zeth. Poor girl. There was no need to delve into personal matters of what exactly was going on. “Alicia, did you get anything snackishly yummy?” he peered into the closet bag, chewing his lip with thought. “Like maybe some cinnamon popcorn or little debbies?” he looked to her with a puppy like gaze. It was adorable how cute he could convert back to being needy. But don't mistake him for being weak. It was just easier to make Alicia take care of him.

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$ I'm Glad. I'd hate to get my mail here and never see it $Alicia20:07:07 08/04/09 Tue

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