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CFA's Message Board
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Subject: Thanks

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Date Posted: 16:53:59 12/31/03 Wed

I would just like to say thank you...the people here who left all the bad messeges doesn't know what our children go through. So for all of you who don't have anything nice to say...(I believe I speak for all the parents who live this nightmare everyday)...take it somewhere else we could care less what you think!!!! I think what cancer fund does is great...thanks a lot!!!!

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Subject: I'm looking for a puppy!

LuVada King
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Date Posted: 16:19:35 09/16/04 Thu

My brother-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in February. He began chemo immediately and has since taken five different types of treatment but none have been successful. He is now under the care of hospice.
He and my sister have a four year old daughter and two daughters from a previous marriage. He wants a dog for his daughters. Our whole family has been trying to find a blonde cocker spaniel, which is the kind of dog he wants. If you or anyone you know can help us, please let me know. We are not asking for anyone to give us the dog. We are willing to pay. We've been checking classifieds for weeks and have just been unable to make the right connection. Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you!

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Subject: Carcinoid tumor

Joyce (Concern)
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Date Posted: 08:25:40 11/20/07 Tue

My husband is diagnosed with carcinoid of the chest. The benign tumor is growing in his chest and heart. He received various treatments and we are thankful that thus far that the tumor is growing at a slow rate. Because he has lost alot of weight, surgery is out of the question. I would like to know if there are any others out there that have been diagnose with a carcinoid tumor of chest and how are they coping with it? Thank you for your patients and time. Be blessed.

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Subject: What smoking can do to you..

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Date Posted: 01:20:59 04/13/05 Wed

Cigarette smoking is the single greatest cause of lung cancer. Up to 90 percent of lung cancer patients are smokers, and most of the remainder have been exposed to secondhand smoke. The great majority of lung cancer cases could be prevented and thousands of lives could be saved each year if people quit smoking.
So if you have any plans of trying to get into smoking, think again…you don’t wanna mess up your life...

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Subject: cancer chatroom

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Date Posted: 13:34:50 09/03/07 Mon

there is a chatroom for cancer patients, survivors that
is open 24/7..its a great place to meet and chat..
we dont always talk about cancer, but there for great
support...go to

hope to see you there

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Subject: Breast cancer

Carolyn payne (Hopeful)
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Date Posted: 10:56:47 09/24/13 Tue

I have recieved three boxes of goods, from cancer fund of america, it makes me feel like christmas and my birthday all at once, and its so nice to know that someone out there cares. They have sent me stuff that i can use, so thank you so much for caring about people with cancer. Keep up the good work!!!!
Sincerally Thanks Carolyn Payne

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Subject: hello

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Date Posted: 14:30:41 09/29/03 Mon

Hello and welcome to CFA's message board. Feel free to post comments, questions, etc.

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Date Posted: 17:01:44 09/14/13 Sat

Your organization has truly been a blessing to me. the items that were sent is always enjoyed byme and my family including my grandchildren. Being 70 yrs old and a 4th stage lung cancer survivor and on a fixed income,many times I could not afford gifts for birthday or Christmas. BUT THE family items were more than enough and enjoyed by all.WE ALL SIT AND WATCH THE CD AND VHS MOVIES. It has drawn us closer since my diagnosis. The products I received always needful and timely. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you and the organization.

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Subject: Thankful

Kimberly (Humble)
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Date Posted: 12:28:25 09/13/13 Fri

I cannot say how much I a grateful for the services they have provided me. As a first time user I received some nice products and are thankful for that. There products are named brand. I think you are providing a good service to people that otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it. It is a costly thing with someone having cancer....

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Subject: Thankfulness

Jill Rude (Russell Rude)
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Date Posted: 15:38:26 09/12/13 Thu

To all our friends at CFA; Russell and I both wish to express our appreciation for the help and support you have provided. At a very difficult and unsettling time in our lives, it helps so much to know you are there for us in any way you can. Russell is in stage 4 of his battle with colon cancer and we both know that you are rooting for him to continue his fight. He has been in stage 4 for 5 years now and the doctors say he is an amazing patient. Be assured of our love and gratitude for all you continue to do for cancer patients and their families.

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Subject: Thank you!

Angelique Sanford (grateful)
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Date Posted: 09:54:44 09/09/13 Mon

For all that you have sent me since I've been in your program I thank you. Because of people like you I smile and it gives me strength to go on. My son enjoys the movies and i enjoy reading the books in my quiet time. Thank you so much for all you do!

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Subject: Giving thanks

Grateful Rose
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Date Posted: 09:23:41 09/08/13 Sun

Good day, I am so grateful to each and every one of you. The things that are sent to me are been put to use every day. Thank God that he as been blessing you all to be able to bless people like me, keep up the good work.

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Subject: Care Packages

Arlene Davis (Thank you)
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Date Posted: 16:26:33 09/07/13 Sat

These Care Packages are a wonderful gift from 'CFOA'
and are greatly appreciated and needed. What I don't need
I give away to someone else in need. Thank you so very much
and hope this program continues for a long time and Thank
you to the Donors who also make this possible.

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Subject: Thank you for all you do

Jessica Gutierrez
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Date Posted: 22:04:50 08/29/13 Thu

When a person is diagnosed with cancer there are so many emotions and problems to deal with. Your program is a blessing. You have supplied me with products I would have had to do without. I want to thank all of you for your hard work and dedication to helping people.

Again, thank you so very much.

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Subject: Thank You!

Cathy B
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Date Posted: 08:29:34 08/27/13 Tue

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the boxes of things we have received since we signed up for your program. The things in those boxes have really helped our family. My husband has both bladder and bone cancer stage four. We have enough to pay our regular bills but nothing over that for all the things like extra gas (to get to appointments), fresher food for my husband to eat, bed pads, disposable underwear, nutritious drinks, etc. We have received some of these in the boxes and it has really helped not to have to buy them. Thank you also for the extra's you have sent that really put a smile on the kids faces.

I read an article about them saying you was one of the worst Charities which is nothing but a lie. At least you try to help people with ordinary everyday things that no one else bothers with. Most of the big organizations such as the Red Cross and others do nothing but send you information. The United Cancer Society has paid my husbands co-pays for his pain meds but will not pay for his nausea pills which anyone with cancer knows he really needs when going through Chemo/Radiation. It truly angered me to read this as I have worked in Non-Profit and I know what people at the top of The Red Cross, United Way and many like it are making for a salary and it is in the millions!

Corporations throw mountains of things away every year they could donate to an organization like yours that you could distribute to people in need but most of them would rather not bother. For those of us who have been helped by you we thank you. For those of you who are judging this organization without knowing what you are even talking about, shame on you!

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Subject: We apprecaite CFA!

Barbara Fritz
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Date Posted: 14:30:30 08/23/13 Fri

Cancer Fund of America has been sending us care packages since my husband was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia). Out packages consists of clothing, breakfast drinks, books, movies, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, vitamins, bandages, etc. It has come to my attention that the media is scrutinizing this organization because they spend very little cash to aid others. Well, MEDIA, apparently you haven't talked to those of us who are benefiting from their program. They do things that families dealing with cancer don't have time or money to buy things in bulk. This organization purchases things in bulk as well as relying on donations. They have sent items to my home that we would have had to put on the "wait list" because chemo payments are so high. They think of the family as a whole, not just the patient. They understand that this is a family struggle. On top of my husband's CLL, we are raising a nephew with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, taking care of my older brother who has had a stroke and also have custody of an older nephew. This program has helped us tremendously. I have not had to buy toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and other hygiene items since they have started helping us. My FAS nephew has the multi-vitamins that he much needs and he gets to have the "chewy" kind which are very expensive in the store. Every bit of there help frees up some money that we would have to otherwise spend and we are able to put that money towards my husband's treatment. So, I hope that the MEDIA backs off and brings awareness that there are more programs like this needed. Cancer is a cruel disease that depletes the family of so many things that people take for granted. Thank you, CFA. The Fritz family appreciates you!

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Subject: cancercare package

nancy dellapiazza (thanks)
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Date Posted: 17:31:43 08/21/13 Wed

Thank you so much for your generous help.I use all of the products you have sent and feel blessed by having your support. The Cancer Fund of America is a sure sign that there are still good, caring and helpful people out there. d bless you all and thank you again.

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Subject: Thanks for all your help

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Date Posted: 15:32:49 08/21/13 Wed

Thank you so much for all the help you give me and my family. I lost my income because of my cancer so the box you send me every other month is an asset to myself and my family. I am hoping when this cancer is gone then I will be able to repay you in donations from myself. If this helps and makes me happy then it has to be making hundreds of other families feel the same. Again, thank you for all your help and the caring the organization and employees give to us.

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Subject: CFOA Mission

Wanda Moles (Thankful)
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Date Posted: 14:32:49 08/13/13 Tue

There is not much about cancer that is fun ---- with the exception of receiving your gift boxes! It is a little bright spot in our lives. It is so much fun to see what has been sent and how we will use your gifts. None ever go to waste. Items you give us are items we don't have to buy, leaving money for medications and other necessary needs. Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness.

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Subject: Cancer Boxes

Kathy Goudreau (Thankful)
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Date Posted: 13:06:35 08/13/13 Tue

I just want to say God Bless to all the people that work and volunteer in this organization. They do such work and ask nothing in return. The boxes they give out to me and so many other families come in so handy and are so greatly appreciated. So, please don't stop. God Bless you all again.

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Subject: Why I appreciate CFOA and the workers there.

Darlene (Frazier)
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Date Posted: 08:41:57 08/12/13 Mon

I sooo much care and appreciate the people at Cancer Fund of America for caring for us when we are feeling down and ill. I am a breast cancer survivor. CFOA gifted me with more then I could imagine, useful vitamins, nutrition drinks, toothpaste, this is just to name a few. The box is big and for the family which makes everyone look forward to the day we receive it. Chemo and other cancer drugs along with Doctor and Hospital bills mount up fast and I don't know about anyone else with Cancer but we were just plain broke. CFOA is truly a gift from God. I never could have afforded the lovely things they sent. Last Jan. I was diagnosed with throat cancer of the larynx, I can't talk, I whisper, I may be facing another surgery early this fall to have half my voicebox and a vocal cord removed. I am blessed to have faith in God to pull me through this. Right now I am encouraged that the Dr. can't see any cancer and I have improved. I have faith in CFOA as well, their mission provides needed financial relief from buying the things we need and can't afford. It truly cheered me up to receive the box and open it. Thanks so much Cancer Fund of America, you have helped me physically as well as emotionally, and lifted a burden from me. Sincerely, Darlene Frazier

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Subject: Thank you

Marshall Leverette (Pleased)
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Date Posted: 10:51:58 07/29/13 Mon

I would like to extend a arm load of thanks, love, and joy to your organization. You have been an angel to me in my time of need and despair. It's like Christmas for me when I receive your package. I can truly say it's one of the best highlights of my life, and I thank your organization so much. God bless CFOA!

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Subject: CFOA work

Kerry Leeper Brock, LISW-CP (Thanks)
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Date Posted: 13:16:42 07/22/13 Mon

As a hospice social worker, I have utilized the resources supplied by CFOA for the last 18 years in the three different hospices where I have worked. Through the CFOA, I have been able to supply hospice patients and their families with personal items such as lotion, soap and shampoo as well as clothing, books, DVDs and other items to enhance their quality of life. I am very thankful to CFOA that they provide practical items for patients to use. There are very few organizations out there that I can access to provide practical, everyday resources for needy and low income patients. CFOA is one that I use on a regular basis. I especially like it when I can get box fans and dietary supplements, such as the Carnation Instant Breakfast. Those are items that patients use all the time, but often cannot afford to buy themselves. Please continue to provide these necessary items for hospice patients. And thank you for your generosity!

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Date Posted: 13:07:50 07/21/13 Sun

We just want to express our gratification for what you are doing for us. Your program has enabled us to receive Carnation drinks for extra calories while chemo for cancer is occurring. Also thank you so much for the soaps, shampoos, vitamins, medical gloves / pads and so many other things you are sending every other month. These are huge to us as we have so many medical bills and can hardly afford anything else right now including groceries. One "set" of chemo treatments(a set covers several days of the month and may require more than one set per month)costs approx. $35,000 each. There is also all the doctor visits, labs, x-rays, tests, driving back and forth to treatment sites etc. etc. We have even been given clothes because the Chemo makes one extremely cold with bouts of warmth. Also some books and movies to use while in the treatment rooms. Did you know treatment times can be up to 8-9 hours a day? No, there is no research with these funds, but the help we receive from the Cancer Fund of America is a great blessing that helps us to get by and encourages us every time a box (and they are big)comes in the mail. Thank-you so much. Keep up the good work.

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Subject: Many thanks

shelly relyea (blessed)
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Date Posted: 09:55:03 07/19/13 Fri

Many thanks to your organization & people there working to help make our lives a little easier. I received my care package yesterday and it was packed with things i need. It takes some financial burden off my shoulders. God bless you all and the wonderful work you do. :)

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Subject: Donations

Sherry Starnes
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Date Posted: 08:03:56 07/17/13 Wed

Cancer Fund has helped our clients greatly. We receive nice items that helps with clients needs and they dont have to pay that extra expense each month.

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Date Posted: 07:47:52 07/17/13 Wed


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Subject: im a cancer patient

jennifer siford (mostly happy)
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Date Posted: 10:20:41 07/16/13 Tue

i received my first pkg from my name being sent by my fr office i so so appreciate all you have given me in my box it was so helpful and deeply appreciated with cancer money is tight because of medical excpeses this is a god sent thank you so much

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Subject: The Work that you Do!

Ms. Tee Moore (Love, Joy & Needs in a Box)
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Date Posted: 13:40:31 07/15/13 Mon

This is my first time posting a message. It is long 'overdue. I cannot thank you enough for the" Love and Joy" you send in a box. Everything you send is greatly appreciated and used. Through your generous service, I experience a treat to eat and entertainment for my soul and items that fit a personal need. I referred other cancer patients to CFOA.org. I am truly glad that you exist.

I felt even more compelled to write because of the negative feedback you have received from media. There is several ways to give. Your way of giving is different from most but is helping just the same. Many foundations that give money will only give it 1x or 2x a year. Your organization gives every other month as long as funding is available. Keep up the good work, it is greatly appreciated!

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Date Posted: 12:32:36 07/11/13 Thu

I, today received your box with supplies and while you surprised me I am very happy and grateful that someone at the CFOA thought about me. I can assure you that the items will be used and I appreciate the thoughtfulness put into packing this box - Cancer might be hurting but your love is making us happy .Continue to share the love
With love
Elma Moorgan

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Subject: Thank you for your generous supply box.

Sandra Murray (I am so grateful.)
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Date Posted: 17:57:08 07/10/13 Wed

Thank you so much for your generous box of supplies. They have helped me out so much. I suffered with colon cancer and now recuperating from surgery and wearing an ostomy pouch. I have enjoyed the books and movies. The clothing has really been helpful. All of the supplies help me out so much. Thank you again so much for your help.

Sandra Murray

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Subject: A thank -you to all involved in the Cancer Fund of America.

Nancy Newton (Happy and grateful)
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Date Posted: 10:47:21 07/09/13 Tue

I want to tank everyone who is involved with the Cancer Fund of America. I was diagnosed in July 2012 with breast cancer. Everyone has been so nice to me and so helpful.I live on a fixed income and the items sent to me in the box are so helpful to me and my family. On the day that the box is delivered.....it almost feels like Christmas or Birthdays. There are so many things included in the box that is helpful to me, that I would not be able to afford otherwise. Again thank you all and God Bless each and every one of you that is involved. I hope to be able to continue to receive my box .

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Subject: Donation

Lawrence Keen (?)
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Date Posted: 13:00:00 10/28/12 Sun

I received a phone call soliciting donations for your group. After some minutes on the phone, I reluctantly agreed to a donation. When the letter of reminder arrived, my wife quietly reminded me that we make substantial donations to M.D. Anderson here in the Houston area and That should be enough, so please dicount my donation as I will not be returning the request.

Thanks for your continued work.


Lawrence Keen
Pearland, Texas

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Sherlie Richardson
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Date Posted: 17:52:52 10/27/04 Wed

A Great Big "Thank You' and 'God Bless each and everyone of you, for all the good deeds that you are doing for people like myself and my 2 grandchildren. You are God sent, you really brighten up a lot of people, when you send the things that you send, all are greatly appreciated, and are put to a good use. I just recently found out that I have throat cancer, and the thyroid has to be taken out right away,due to cancer in thyroid, had brest removed 2 years ago, and have been in remission for a few month, then just found this out 4 months ago. One thing i would like to say to the ladies and men to , please have those breats exam, and please keep your doctors appointments,see your doctors regular,ya see this is what happen to me i was afraid to go back to the doctors, and when i started fainting,mind not clear, eyes swollen and red, , then when my heart started pounding, and i passed out at the store, i knew this was another sign from God above, cause see this was my 4th time of passing out, and when i was rushed to hospital, heart rate was 180/178. Thank you CFOA, you are wonderful people, and Angels sent from Heaven above, the way you all help us out.
God Bless Each and Everyone of You. Thanks for helping me out , without you i dont know what i would do, grandchildren look forward for packages to come,I a very low income and we look forward to getting the packages from you all.
God Bless all,

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Subject: how to handle about cancer

theresa craig (hurting)
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Date Posted: 13:05:53 05/09/13 Thu

my sister in law has stomach cancer and i am trying to deal with it and seems like things i trying to understand she is in stage 3 and i lost my mom to cancer and now her and seems there no support group by this is all scary to me. how does one handle this and deal with it plz hlp

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Subject: Canser Prevention Diet

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 14:15:22 03/06/13 Wed

Both general experience and accumulating results from scientific studies indicate that the lifestyle you have in a great degree determines your risk for getting cancer. The diet you consume can greatly reduce or greatly increase the risk for a cancer to start, and even influence the speed of growth for a manifest cancer.

The diet has however a somewhat different influence on different types of cancer, so it is useful to look up specific diet advices for cancers you have a special risk for. Here are however some general cancer preventive diet advices. These advices will also help you to avoid heart disease.


A diet with the aim of preventing cancer is generally the same as a diet to prevent heart disease and other diseases. Your general diet should be composed according to the following principles:

- Eat fish at least every second day. Also eat seafood and poultry.

- Eat at least 5 fruits or vegetable servings each day. Each piece should be of the size of an apple or carrot. They should preferably be eaten raw.

- Eat full corn bread, full corn cereals, peas, beans and potatoes.

- Do not eat much red meat.

- Avoid or reduce the amount of food that are industrially processed, artificially made or heavily fried.

- Eat just a moderate amount of fat. Provide that you are not over-weight.

- Ideally most fat you eat, should be of the type mono-unsaturated. You also need some poly-unsaturated fat of the types omega-3 and omega 6, but not too much of omega-6. The consumption of saturated fat should be moderate.

- In order to achieve a right fat balance, much of the fat supply should come from a blending of sources like olive, olive oil, rape oil, flax oil nuts, nut oil, almonds, sunflower, sunflower oil, fish and fish oil.

- Use only a moderate amount of soy oil and corn oil in the diet. Only using such oil types will give you too much poly-unsaturated fat of the omega-6-type, which will promote cancer growth.

- Use just a very moderate amount of fat sources like butter, coconut oil and palm oil. A high consumption of these fat sources gives you too much saturated fat.

- Avoid altogether fat that has been chemically altered, giving so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine, cookies, snacks, fast food and other pre-made food.

- Consume just a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.

- Have just a moderate consumption of alcohol but a certain alcohol consume is good. Some coffee or tea is good to drink each day.

- Use just a moderate amount of salt in the food. However, in warm weather and by hard physical work, you will need more salt.


Some specific foods or beverages seem to protect well against cancer, and some of these should be in your daily diet.

- Generally plants, fruits and spices with a strong colour or a strong taste have cancer preventing effects because of the contents of bioflavonids and other anti-oxidants.

- Kale, chia seeds, flax, turmenic, broccoli, cabbage, mustard, red pepper and cauliflower are plant materials with proven strong cancer preventing effects.

- Evidence points to the conclusion that green tea can help prevent cancer. Some studies have indicated that drinking coffee reduces the incidence of cancer. Red wine seems to be a good cancer preventive remedy.


A high enough consume of vitamins and minerals is essential for the ability of the body to protect itself against the development of cancers. Especially seems vitamin D to be an important factor. But a too high vitamin supply can give the opposite result for some cancer types. If you manage to follow the advices depicted above, you will not need much extra vitamin and mineral supply for this specific purpose.

Some evidence seem to indicate that a high consume of milk and diary products, and other products with a high calcium content, can promote prostate cancer and ovarian cancer, but it can on the other hand protect against bowel cancer. This gives a dilemma. But evidence also seems to indicate that enough vitamin D hinders this negative effect of diary products. In either case it does not seem to be a good idea to totally stop using diary products, since you also need a good calcium supply for other reasons.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. To read more about health topics and to find natural products for treatment of problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site:

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com">http://www.abicana.com</a>

To read more about lifestyle measures to prevent cancer, please go here:

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com/cancer_prevention.htm">http://www.abicana.com/cancer_prevention.htm</a>

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Subject: my soon to be husband is on deaths door

debbie (i wish i could win lottey to save him)
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Date Posted: 11:04:25 11/02/12 Fri

my husband has oropharyngeal cancer. icall him my husband cause we been toghter 6 years. but, is there anyone out there can tell me how to get help for him. he's had 3 stages of chemo and eight weeks of radition. now he's worse off than when he began. they want to give him more chemo, cause we can't get insurance to pay. he owned his own buisness, but ca't work any more. so he's on disability, i don't work to stay with him. so florida assistants could care less if he dies, i tried calling all cancer centers in flroida to get the surgery he needs but none will except the healthease they put him on. his pcp is a peditrian, he's 49 so tell me how this works? i'am asking for advice or what should i do where can i go? anyone got any ideas, HELP!!! god bless you all and stay strong!

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Subject: Thanks for your help and support

Brenda Franklin
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Date Posted: 05:28:56 10/16/12 Tue

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you and your staff for all the help I received. My last CT scan came back good and that is the reason I didn't send the new paper work back in for more help. It really helped me a lot and I would like to say once again I am so very proud of people like you all for the help and concern for the families going thru troubled and bad times like we have had or maybe in some cases still going thru.

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Subject: thank you for helping me

Judy Benjamin (thankful)
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Date Posted: 15:32:34 04/16/10 Fri

I would have done without alot of things had you all not helped me. Thank you so much. I have always had the highest regard for all the people working there, the other day I went to pick up my box and right in front of the doors, with only one door acessable because there was a brand new dark red Corvette parked there. When I ask about it I was told it was the boss. I was so shocked that he makes enough money to drive this car and that he parked RIGHT in front of the doors. I understand making a living, but you all are trying to help people in need. Maybe you could help more people that really need it instead of the BOSS being able to drive a brand new Corvette and have no more respect for others than to block the doors with his brand new car. I am sorry it just upset me because so many people like myself with cancer need help. You all help people with donations from people that don't have alot to give, and to see this just hurt me. You all have been wonderful to me, but I know people that could not get your help, now I think I know why. Thank you

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Subject: Thank you for your help!

Linda Gordon (joyful to still be alive)
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Date Posted: 18:11:20 10/13/12 Sat

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the gift boxes..When I first came down with Cancer, I got very little help from the Cancer people, but when I heard about you, you started sending me products that have been very useful, and saved me money..There are two other organizations that I want to tell the people about..The "Abbott" foundation (ensure). If you are low income they will send you three cases of Ensure, every three months..The American Cancer Society also provides this, but I was told they quit that about a year ago. Here is the number for The Abbott Foundation..1-800-222-6885. Call and they will send you an application, to see if you qualify for free Ensure.

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Subject: Hi. I am new to this site, so bare with me.

Melissa (Bittersweet)
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Date Posted: 11:06:35 08/25/12 Sat

Last year I was diagnosed with Stage II Astrocytoma-malignant brain tumor. So my Oncologist sent me to Shands in Gainsville for a biopsy and then for the removal. I was told I was going to need radiation afterwards, but the Neurosurgeon decided against it, and said to get my next MRI in a year! So I went back to my Oncologist here, and he put me on MRI's every 3-4 months. Well every MRI report was coming back saying that I had mild edema (but they didnt want to rule out that I was still healing). So I went to another Oncologist and had another MRI and the report came back bad. The same spot where the tumor was removed, there were2 larger ones than the 1st one and a nodule on the other side of my head. So she automatically put me on 7 weeks of radiation. She was going to put me on both Chemo and radiation, but wanted to wait on the chemo and see what happens with the radiation. I have lost all the hair on the frontal part of my head, so i got a wig, I wear bandanas and scarfs. On top of all this, my Mom just passed away on 8/5/2012 from complications from COPD. She wasn't able to leave any life insurance due to the fact that she was already receiving SSDI. So all I have for support is my sister and my Aunt who lives in Smyrna, TN. So I am trying to find anyone that can help me with fundraiser ideas for myself or know of any organizations that can help with financial assistance. I would be so every greatful! Thank you and God Bless,


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Subject: help from your organazation

Annette Hart (Hart)
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Date Posted: 20:57:55 07/26/12 Thu

The long fight for me is over (at least for now) and I am in remission. Without your help with the supplement drink, I would have lost way too much weight and gone a lot further down than I did. And then there's the boxes of goodies you sent. The practical things that helped much with household costs and the little surprises tucked in for the children; both were much needed and very helpful. Thank you so much for all the help and I hope if I ever once again need help that your organazation or at least ones similar are still around. Keep up the good work.

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Subject: Did not recieve gift box

Michael W. Brabbin (upset)
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Date Posted: 11:33:46 07/22/12 Sun

I sent in my order form by your web site back in May and have never recieved my gift box. Am I nolonger qualified? I go in tomarrow for a Mamogram to now see if I have Breast Cancer, besides the mouth and neck Cancer I have. I will send in another order form by mail on 7-23-12. Can you please tell me what is wrong? Thank You Sicerly Michael W. Brabbin

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Subject: Partnership

Breast and Cervical Cancer Education Awareness
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Date Posted: 06:11:28 07/13/12 Fri

We have a tow year old organization named Breast and Cervical Education Awereness (BECCEAP). what we do is to educate people on prevention and management of cancer by holding forums or workshop's in the institutions,highschools,churches and the comunity and we are looking for you an organization to partner with. thank you for reading our mail, God bless you.

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Subject: Breast Cancer (Double Mastectomy)

Leigh Green (Scared.)
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Date Posted: 20:24:27 06/08/12 Fri

I'm glad to find your site. Thanks.


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Subject: Thank you, Cancer Fund of America!

Cynthia Crosby (Joyful)
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Date Posted: 23:35:35 05/19/12 Sat

Thank you so much for the Carnation Breakfast drinks and the enrichment box with soap, blanket, Aveeno lotion, family DVD's and videos, etc. You are a blessing to me!
Praying God's best for you always as you help others in challenging circumstances.

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Subject: Cancer help

John M Everroad (scared)
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Date Posted: 12:34:39 04/12/12 Thu

Hi I am John Everroad 55 yrs old One month ago pea sized bump on left arm Had biopsy...confirmed squamacell
cancer...had surgery..removed...am now in radiation for 20 treatments I learned also I have a basal cell cancer on my face and have appt Mon for removal, the 16 of April. I am on food stamps and SSI disability...request any financial help for gas expenses going to my treatment center Who can I contact for this type of financial help??I live alone and have one parent who is elderly. Her phone nbr is 850 592 8353 Her Name is Sarah Everroad Thank you for any help that I might be able to receive

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Subject: Donations Received

Doreen Twarkins (thankful doreen)
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Date Posted: 08:50:27 04/12/12 Thu

I have been receiving the donation packages for a few months and I am very thankful. My family and I use all of the items you send me and we just want you to know that we appreciate everything.

Doreen Twarkins,
Atlanta, GA

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Subject: I have a brain tumor against my pituitary gland and need financial help!

Mark (depressed)
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Date Posted: 21:04:50 04/10/12 Tue

I found out I have a brain tumor 6.7mm in size in October 2011. My wife and I are with out a job, no unemployment benefits, have NO income, no insurance and the medicine I am taking is cabergoline. I take 4 pills a week, which cost me $18.00 for each pill, that is a total of $72.00 per week. I also have to take other medicines which are very expensive. I have search the web for help and called various organizations and seems like there are NONE in North Carolina. Can anyone PLEASE help us or at least get some information for organizations who help out people like us in NC???? We own our home and couple of cars and seems like because we own it we do not qualify for any help.

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Subject: Soliciting

Greg Q. (carefull)
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Date Posted: 19:14:39 04/09/12 Mon

I find your web site informable and well done. The problem is that when you have people calling for needed funds,
you should teach and encourage them to not show there opions of a conversation that they do not fully understand. Not to show any judgement by the sound of there voice or words toward a answer that may seem negitive to them. In my answer to this person I was not saying I would not donate, I was saying I have never heard of your organazation and I wanted to check you out. I may give in the future, members of my family have had cancer and my nephew does research on different types of cancer in Boston. With that, Have a good night, and a blest life.
May the ways of the Lord always be yours! Be Open! Love and try to understand always,especially when it seems it can't be understood! Have Faith in God and Yourself, and except those who can't and those who will.

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Subject: Cancer Fund

Wanda (greatful)
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Date Posted: 20:34:19 03/15/12 Thu

cancer fund you have been so good to me!
i can never thank you enough!
bless you!

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Subject: Breast Cancer

Linda Urbanek (sad, Linda)
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Date Posted: 19:27:56 03/02/12 Fri

My niece just found out 2 weeks ago that she has breast cancer. It is huge and getting bigger all the time. She is a single mom with 2 disabled children at home, due to the disability income of her children she can't get a medical card from SRS for her medical needs and she has to wait approximatly 3 months to see if she can get disability herself. Is there any groups out there that help pay for treatment on these cancer patients. She does not have the money to start treatments and they won't do any without the payments at time of service. This is her life we are speaking of. I wish I could pay for it for her but we aren't finanicaly able to do that. I would appreciate being notified if anyone knows of any groups to help her get the treatment she needs.

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Subject: Please Help me

Elly Hughes (Worried)
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Date Posted: 05:05:21 01/24/12 Tue

The first week of summer 2012, my son was diagnosed with cancer, Nasopharynngeal Carcinoma, a head and throuat cancer, and have been at MD Anderson the whole summer. We are now nearing the end of his treatments and are about to go back to Austin, problem is that I do not have a car to take him back and forth to Houston for his follow up visits. Please help me

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Subject: Looking for Financial Assistance for AAIII Brain Tumor

Mychael Scanlan (The Hopeful)
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Date Posted: 11:36:58 01/07/12 Sat

I have recently been diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytome III (11/23/11). I have no insurance or means to pay for the needed brain surgery and subsequent chemo/rad treatment. I live in North Florida and the nearest recommended facility is 300 miles away. I was evaluated and told by the oncologist that I need to have the surgery as soon as I can make financial arrangements. I've applied for state financial assistance under Medicaid and was denied. I am an American citizen and have worked. I am 23 years old and need assistance to pay for the needed travel, treatment, and prayerful recovery from this brain tumor. Any information or resources regarding financial assistance is greatly appreciated.

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Subject: Brain Tumor pation looking for support

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Date Posted: 07:50:22 08/15/04 Sun

I am currently being treated for a brain tumor call Chordomas. I have to go to L.A. to get my tumor removed twice in May and June of 2004. I am at my last stage of the treatment with radiation but I have to travel more than an hour each day. I have four children ages 13, 12, 5, and 3.

I have always been a survivor. It seems like throught my entire life I have to struggle with each step so that I can move ahead. At nine years old I saw the communist taking over of Laos and had to leave my dog behind so that we can escape to Thailand overnight. I was separated from my parents for almost a month in the refugee camps. At eleven I have to struggle with adjusting to the new language and culture in America.

My parents were always fighting too so I really never wanted to stay home as a teenager. I went to live with my brother in Madison in 9th grade because both of my older brother were attedning UW-Madison. I went to live with my sister in St. Paul in 10th grade. I went to live with my brother again in Ft. Worth, TX in 11th grade because one of my older brother was working for the U.S. Air Force. In 12th grade I went to live with my parents again in Detroit because my dad got laid off and have to take a job in Detroit. After my parents move back back to WI in 1986 I just travel the U.S. and really didn't care much about my college education anymore for a while. I lived in Fresno for a couple month, Denver, Milwaukee, and almost a year in Philadaphia (I help the Hmong there won their first Asian Soccer tournament). In the Winter of 1988 I met my wife and my life turn around again. We got married in the summer of 1989 and I went back to college along with my wife.

We both struggle in our college years because we also had two children. It was especailly hard when the kids are ill during final exam. I remember telling my wife that if we can make it through college than we can handle anything in life. A year after we both graduated I encourage my wife to go on into graduate school in Madison and I took a cleaning job that paid $8/hr to get us by. During that year in Madison we butcher pigs every two month to get us meat.

I know a lot of people all over and they are amazed that I don't smoke and don't use drug. I don't even like to drink beer. I have always consider my education and my health a main priority. Sometimes I am surprise by some kid in Appleton or Green Bay when they walk up to me and tell me that they wanted to be just like me when they grow up and I would tell them that they should be better than me when they grow up because my life suck.

I learned of my tumor after a soccer game. I was having double vision so I went to an eye doctor to have my eye check but the doctor told me that I didn't need glasses but recommended me to have an MRI. The MRI reveal that I have a tumor the size of an egg under my brain. I first went to Milwaukee to see a surgeon. The surgeon in Milwaukee recommended a surgery of cutting my brain open in order to get a bioxy of the tumor. I remember crying as I was driving back home. I have learn to survive in the street and I have struggle so my life can be better, but I didn't know how to deal with this tumor at all. The surgeon in Milwaukee warn me of the possibity of death too.

AFter I got home I founded the Skull Base Institute in L.A. and went there to get my tumor removed. 95-98% of my tumor was remove through the nose. I have been out of work for almost three month now and the radiation have really tire me out too. I have always help people out as a kid and as an adult. I have done volunteer work as a translator, fundraiser, board members. Even in Madison I volunteer to recruit inner city kids to join summer camps. In St. Paul I volunteer at Habitat for Humanity. In Detroit I volunteer to tutor Middle East student with history classes. In Manitowoc I volunteer to coach soccer, and fundraising for the Hmong New Year. Now that I am really in need of help there seems to be no place or no one that I can turn to other than my wife and kids. If there is a God it sure seems like he have lost my name on his list.

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Subject: A very big thankyou

kenneth parr jr. (surprised taken w/big thanks)
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Date Posted: 00:07:57 12/30/11 Fri

WOW!!!!was the 1st thing that came to my mind!It almost made me and my wife cry happy tears.what am I saying we did cry together.I've been a survivor for going on 20 years'of:brain tumors,bone,and curant lymphoma.All my 4 kids and 6 grandkids help me everyday to thank the lord i am still alive with them.thanks again for my package.forever greatful,kenneth parr jr.

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Subject: Monthly box not delivered for last 2 months. The one with the drinks diapers, gloves, and bed pads

Thelma Diane Jones (Sad)
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Date Posted: 16:33:46 12/21/11 Wed

4the past 2 months I have not received my boxes with the drinks, diapers, gloves and the bed pads. I really need those. I appreciate all the helpU help me with so 4. I'm am so thankful. They help me so much. And I thank U so much.

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Subject: Thank you so much!!

Lori Lucas (Joyful)
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Date Posted: 08:04:40 06/10/10 Thu

Thank you, Cancer Fund of America, for sending your care package to my patient last week!
She came in for her appt this morning with a huge grin on her face. She couldn't wait to tell me that she got your care package and it made her so happy! She went on and on about all the neat things you sent her, especially the hat and Foster Grant sunglasses. She loves her Carnation Instant Breakfasts and was impressed by all the other name-brand products you included.
I will certainly refer more patients to your service! You made her day and it was such a joy to see her so excited.
Thank you for all you do!
Lori Lucas
AnMed Health Cancer Center,
Anderson, South Carolina

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Subject: nutritional supplements suport

Enrique Simovich
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Date Posted: 14:19:28 09/27/10 Mon

My husband, Enrique Simovich, has lung cancer with metastasis in the column. He need nutritional supplement because his fragile health. I would thank you if you can supply the needed supplement. Carnation INS/B Plus Chocol / 250 ml.
Ensure Plus, or osmolite 1.5.
Hi is taking 4 units for day.
I thank you, it will be a big support for us
Sara Simovich

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Subject: thank you

betty endrina -cole
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Date Posted: 11:03:55 03/19/04 Fri

i would just like to thank your group for all the help our family has recived from you folks. since our sons relapse things have gotten tougher for us. cancer is bad enough the first time but the second time around its almost unbearable so thank you for the great packages you send! my son has such a big smile when he is digging through the boxes.. thank you again!!

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Subject: MCL Mantle cell lymphoma

John Zielinski (searching)
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Date Posted: 14:02:48 07/13/11 Wed

Has anyone found an alternative solution that appears
to have any posative affect on MCL. I have tried several alternatives.
Thanks for any information

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Subject: cured my melanoma stage 2

John Bails
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Date Posted: 01:29:15 07/09/11 Sat

If you would like to research this product I would highly recommend it www.cellpowerusa.com it oxygenates the blood and balances your ph. Cancer can't live in an alkaline body. I had a 4mm melanoma removed from my back May 3rd. The surgeon told me it would be $20k to remove the rest so I went back to my dermatologist and he did it for $1k at his clinic, thanks to the medical industry for the prices. I was prepared to fight it naturally but my mom insisted I get the rest removed. I got a ct/pet scan June 24 and they found NOTHING! Next check up is in 6 months but I'm sure I've killed it, only a ct scan next time... no more pain in the ass pet scans!. My white blood cells are good, liver enzymes clean too. Also www.healthforce.com I never believed it had spread and I told my doctors that as well. I wish industry would promote products that have cured others instead of telling us to wait for a drug that costs $120k a dose.

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Subject: medical bills

kim nulton (sad, lonely)
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Date Posted: 03:15:23 07/07/11 Thu

my dad is 76 he has two primary cancers lung nnon small cell and kidney, cfa has been a God send he is currently in the hospital from having kidney removed, does anyone know where we can get extra help with paying for hospital bills he is on a limited income from ss and pension. thank you for all your help cfa.

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Subject: Need help or info

Margie Johnson (worried)
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Date Posted: 09:09:08 06/06/11 Mon

I have a 27 yr old neice she 4 stages breast cancer and i was wondering if u know anyone that could help me send for her and a 18 month old i live in sacramento ca. i am new to all this so if i can get some info on who to talk to please contact me Margie Johnson margiej5309@yahoo.com Thanks,

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Subject: Thank you

Warren & Becky Welz (grateful)
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Date Posted: 06:35:35 05/10/11 Tue

I am currently being treated for colon/rectal cancer & days have been very difficult through my treatments. What a wonderful service you offer. I received a box from you with some great items in it. Being the family box it had some books I was able to share with my grandchildren which gave us some quality time together rather than worring about what is wrong with Papa.
I cannot thank you enough for the blessings you have given me.

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Subject: Cancer

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Date Posted: 17:11:47 04/23/11 Sat

To the Dearest Program, [on: 4-22-11]
I originally called to this program last year. I was so very reluctant about calling and letting “another person or program”, know I have something wrong that requires an” OOHH NNOOOO!!!”..... When you only want to connect to someone that can refer you or tell you what and how you can get the help that you need, without the comments {and preferably without the “pity –sounds!”}. During the Christmas Holidays : I was so very sad, heart-broken without my mom, angry at my family members for not having enough money to visit me for he holidays{ like I had money to visit them, okay}, frustrated about another holiday that’s here and I can’t cook the feast that I wanted to cook , .....{Really,...huh}!! ! Anything and everything to block out what was really going on with me. Alone on another holiday, no presents from anyone ,not enough food , bills ,no car, no job, not even a “ jerk” of a man to be angry at ! Basically, just the same as most people,... with the exception of having something wrong with me that no body or nothing can erase , except GOD ! On that Christmas Eve; ....A knock came to the door that I really wasn’t expecting! The Delivery Man from Fed-Ex came, as if he was Old Saint Nick himself! He brought me a box from this program, of things that I couldn’t believe I was receiving for free! It truly was such a Blessing of generosity, that I couldn’t believe this really suppose to come here for me! I asked him 2+ 3 times: “Are you sure this was supposed to come here for me?” He said, “YES,....AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!” I called to this program and left a message of such gratitude; that I still can’t understand, how it was possible to express those feelings without crying and feeling so Blessed! When I realized that there was a “box fan “ included, ...still bawling...I still asked, “If this was for me too?!” I received a second box on: Feb. 18th., 2011. Continuing feeling “Blessed and Highly Favored!” I realize that they’re only doing what they are required to do, because that’s the type of program that it is. It’s just that the boxes come when I least expect for them to arrive. Most of you know how bad our memory can be at times, and they show up when I would have all kinds of things on my mind. They are still very much appreciated though! After re-locating the number to the program; requested a “ Re-Order” , one of the workers told me about this website , suggested I check it out and maybe a note would be nice ! Ordinarily, I would not do this ,because I’m a very private person and I wouldn’t let anyone know that I need help ! If anyone is in “GOD’S FAVOR”, then they will want to bare witness to HIS Blessings!

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Subject: a niece in need

leticia Nelson (happy)
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Date Posted: 21:06:57 02/01/11 Tue

I have a niece who has a tumor in her neck. needs surgery, but she doen't have insurance. surgery and hospital will cost $200,000 at front. She doen't have this amount of money. is there a program that can help her financialy? Please guide us of some information or place.


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Subject: breast cancer

janet benoit (sad)
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Date Posted: 04:13:02 11/23/10 Tue

been diagnosed with stage1 cancer of breast. will be going on cemo and radation. need help on bills. no insurance. any suggestions on where to get help? send me a email. thank you for your help.

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Subject: Thank you

Becky Welz (Blessed)
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Date Posted: 06:02:50 03/25/11 Fri

My husband just received his first "surprise" box of items from you. He was diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer in Nov of this year. He had the surgery with reconnection and is going through chemo & radiation. He had been getting treatments 5 days a week until recently, they have had to stop the treatments for 2 weeks now due to his weak & painful condition. We are hoping to start them again soon. The box of things you sent were a huge boost to him. We both thank your organization for this & look forward to furture shipments. Thank you and know we do feel blessed from your kindness.

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Subject: Thank you

Jessica (Grateful)
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Date Posted: 20:20:57 03/16/11 Wed

I want to applaud you.

Your mission to help so many people is beyond words. When you are told you have cancer, there are so many things to deal with, getting well can take second place.

Cancer Fund Of America makes a difference when it is needed most. It is good to know the are people who really care.

Thank you so very much.

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Subject: Benefit Auction

Virgil Thomas
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Date Posted: 06:27:08 02/18/11 Fri

If i can do a benefit auction for you folks in the Greensbor nc area or reasonable driving distance in nc give me a call, no charge 336-908-3746

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Subject: hello

laurie sandler
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Date Posted: 18:33:18 10/27/05 Thu

My sister, Kathy is 45 and is at the final stages of Lymphoma, Large b-cell, which is no longer treatable. She has 2 young children and a great husband. They need to know that others care in a community way. This is a horrible time for them. Doctors have told us she has only several weeks left. I don't know what I am asking for. We are doing all we can for them, but I know it is not enough...

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Subject: cancer

priscilla (sad)
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Date Posted: 22:35:16 12/28/10 Tue

I have a friend I work with and her wife has cancer really bad I see her in tears at work , Even though she tries to stay strong she has a lot on her plate both her parents have dementia and she takes care of them and her wife who has been through hell and back with chemo . They are gonna try to appeal not getting social security but I don't know how much time she has till she loses the house . She is a very good person and a strong worker I wish I could help her but I just get by for my family please let me know if there is anyone I could call to speed up the process so they get some kind of income

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Subject: funds for funeral cost

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Date Posted: 09:03:54 12/22/10 Wed

my name is heather im from bakersfield ca my uncle pasted early this morning hes been battling cancer for a while now but his children have no money to for a funeral and this is te last thing they want to be thinkng about so myu question is are there any funds or organization that can help cover part of the cost.

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Subject: The Breast Cancer Library.com

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Date Posted: 20:26:49 12/14/10 Tue

I would like to know if I can place your home page link on my website: www.thebreastcancerlibrary.com?

It will be placed on the Donate/Resources Tab.

The Breast Cancer Library

p.s. did not see another location to send an email

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Subject: Need help

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Date Posted: 16:47:49 12/11/10 Sat

I am very desperated. My sister has brain tumor. She's in my country Afrika.She supposed to have a brain surgery.
And i am very scared to let her do it overthere.They don't have all the requirements. My father passed away on September and my mom followed on November. I cannot afford to bring her here, where she can get i know a good treatment. I don't know where to go or who to contact to get help.May be you can guide me if you receive this message.

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Subject: Need reliable car for traveling to cancer treatment center

Susan Springstead (Hopeful)
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Date Posted: 17:11:17 11/27/10 Sat

Hello, My husband was diagnosed with brain and lung cancer, he is currently getting treatment at the Cancer center of America in Illinois, we live in Michigan and do not have reliable transportation to travel to Illinois. Our trip was paid for one time only. We have many more trips to go before the cancer is beat. If any one knows of anyone who lives in Michigan that has an extra reliable vehicle please send me an email. Thank you
Susan Springstead

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Subject: Please help me stay alive & go home

Kathianne Thurston (Desperate)
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Date Posted: 20:38:59 11/17/10 Wed

I am asking people for $$$, cuz I don't work & have no $$$ 2 go home or buy my possible cure. I normally do not like to ask for any help, but I am desperate now. I have aggressive invasive malignant incurable metastatic disease. Breast Cancer came back in my lower lumbar spine & spread to my pelvis. 2 herniated discs, Sciatica, also Incurable Osteo-Athritis though my entire skeleton. Wouldn't you be? I get if you don't live it u will never understand it. If you cannot help, plz just spread the word for me...PLZ DO NOT CRITICIZE OR JUDGE ME...i used to work, made decent $ too, then I got the call. My dream life what shattered in a moment after here the words, "Malignant" & "I'm So Sorry". WELL I AM GOING THROUGH THE BIGGEST FIGHT OF MY LIFE TO GET HEALTHIER, SO I CAN LIVE LONGER & LIVE OUT MY LIFE BACK HOME WHERE I BELONG. Thanks for your possible Help!

Kathianne Thurston, P.O.Box 75703, CS, CO 80970

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Subject: Loss of a loved one

Angie (sad)
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Date Posted: 12:10:08 10/21/10 Thu

I recently lost my g grandma in july 2010 of liver cancer. It was very hard and still is for us. We have passed for several losses in the past yrs due to cancer. All my family members have had some kind of cancer. That is why I understand all the families that have or are going through this awful experience. I will make my gift donations of any amounts possible and hopefully each of us that do even if it's not much can make some difference.

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Subject: I don't known if I can hold on anymore

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Date Posted: 16:31:27 10/01/05 Sat

My exhusband is the hospital for months now slowly dieing from three strokes a heart attack and prostate cancer. I can not offer him any treatments they have stop working. The hospital wants everything I own because the Insurance is not covering everything and they are stopping me from hospicing him so he is sruffing. We just lost our oldest child I could not tell him because is so sick so I had to do the funeral alone it was so hard I can not begain to tell you how that was. Since my exhusband cannot be saved his brain is so damaged from the strokesand the cancer is in all his bones,lungs and through out his body I'm ready to let him go now. As pre his living will I just don't want him to bein pain or suffering any more.Last year I lost my twin sister and had to do her funeral alone and still have a hole in my heart from that.these hospital workers are like a football tag teem always trying tell me were to file for medicade seening me all over the place telling they will take gardenship of my exhusband I have power of attorney now. I just don't know where I can go for help and get them out of my hair. He may be my exhusband but he is a person. And I know what he wants. I feel so alone sometimes because knowone can under stand why United Health Care will not cover the bill I am putting appeals for that even though I'm not sure how to do it but I have to try.As sick as he is its for him to move to the next life. He needs hospice in the hospital. It seems like the case workers have more control than I do.I am the power of attorney I'm supposed to be the one that says what happens. I have great doctors for him that I know over twenty years they have been there every step of the way but they ordered hospice last thursday to start. And it is still not done. I guess I have one question how do I the only one in this world that knows what he wants. I have his living will and we talked about so long a go. Have do I give him the comfort and dignitty he needs with so many people in my way? He is to the point of going to the bathroom on his self,he can bearly walk, he cannot talk, or write,he is mind is like a five year old child,he can not shower or anything by hisself. He also has namonua in his lungs. This hospital will not be happy until I have lost everything and me and my childern and my twin sisters childern are living on the streets. I just don't under stand how they can go over me and my doctors heads and stop his hospice care. This is not right, this is sick to make a person suffer like this. I get so depressed I can't goto the hospital that much any more. Every time I go I can't crying because of the loss of our oldest child and not being able to tell him. And look at this shell of a man so thin and sick and I nkow its time for him to mve on. But they keep getting in my way.His PSA count was way over 5,300 and they said he had the cancer 5 years or my be longer before we found it.So there not much I couid at that point. But watch and weight and now I can see it when I look in his eyes I can see he is tired and wants to go. On theup side our son will be waiting for him when getts there. He passed on Sept. 8th,my twin on Sept. 21st last year. My sprit is strong but my body is tired.Takes for letting me vent I just don't nkow what to do. Janet

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Kenneth Alejandro
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Date Posted: 21:25:26 08/31/10 Tue

hello there!
Im Kenneth David E. Alejandro,Im 14 years old,from Philippines.I just wondering if you can help me in my disease because i have Leukemia.And i dont know where can i ask help.My mom is just a housekeeper.So she cant afford those therapies for me.And my Mom have some symtoms of Colon cancer.So we are so Sad that both of us have Cancer.And there no are free therapies for us.We are just poor we cant afford those therapies.So im here to ask some help.ok bye


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Subject: Thanks

Fran Vecchio
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Date Posted: 15:27:35 07/14/10 Wed

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for our care package.

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Subject: Thank YOU!!

Becky (grateful)
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Date Posted: 00:39:41 07/11/10 Sun

My husband's story can be found here: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.carepages.com/carepages/CoachRobertLaSalle">http://www.carepages.com/carepages/CoachRobertLaSalle</a>

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the care package that was recently sent to us. There were so many helpful items in it but especially the Carnation Instant Breakfast drinks! My husband has been having a problem keeping weight on (esophageal cancer) and the drinks have really helped with his nutrition.

Also, there were some DVD's in the package... we have a five year old grandchild who is with us a LOT of the time and she LOVES them! Thank you so much for that! She doesn't really understand what is going on with her Papa... she just knows he is sick. Five year olds should not have to worry... but she does. The DVDs give her something else to think about!

Everything in the care package was wonderful (lots of personal care items, latex gloves, etc).

I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate your service and how helpful it is!

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Subject: Toys for cancer children in Bombay

Vincent Nazareth, Chairman, Crusade Against Tobacco
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Date Posted: 06:42:32 06/22/10 Tue

Will it be possible for someone to donate new toys to be distributed to cancer children in Bombay, India


(Vincent Nazareth)

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Date Posted: 18:52:18 05/17/10 Mon

i have been fighting skin cancer since i was about 7. im now 26 and it has progressed throughout my body. its a day to day struggle and it is difficult. i am mainly writing this cause i wanna express myself and also say that disability payments are only covering rent. i have been finding ways to make it but wanna know if there are peolpe out there that offer support to those who really need it? please let me know who and how to contact them. Thanks

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Subject: pray

victor charles (my sister was attacked by breast cancer)
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Date Posted: 10:39:46 05/14/10 Fri

my sister has attacked by breast cancer.i am really mourning because she has no child.god has not given to her givebirth.she has taken care since i was child.i dont like my mother,i like my sister very much.she has spent her life for us(me).this is beging stage.so kindly pray for my sister god bless her.

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Subject: My Grandmother

Deanna Raines
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Date Posted: 11:36:12 04/16/10 Fri

Hi, my name is Deanna Raines. My grandmother is a cancer pacient. My mother cares for her full time. This leaves her unable to work. She has 2 other small children in the home as well. I help them as often as possible with fuel and other funds but its not enough. I was wondering if anyone knew of any ways to get help with getting a check for these things. Thank you for your time.

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Subject: Please, help Anastasia!

Nick Markin
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Date Posted: 01:18:11 11/30/05 Wed

The LOGINOV family from Ust’-Barguzin (near Lake Baikal), Russia.
Their elder daughter Anastasia, 5 was diagnosed a cancer.
In May, 2005 the parents (Sergey and Olga) have noticed that Anastasia’s left eye began swelling. They took Anastasia (Nastya) to a local doctor in the village. The doctor suspected there was a malignant swelling and sent them to a regional hospital in Ulan-Ude. The doctor in Ulan-Ude suggested that it was a maxillary sinusitis, which caused a swelling and began to treat her for the cause. After two weeks they noticed an aggravation and decided to send her to Krasnoyarsk to define more precisely the cause. The doctor in Krasnoyarsk removed a part of the tumor for the examination on the 19th of July. He has made a diagnosis: rabdomio-sarcoma and sent the Loginovs back to Ulan-Ude for a course of chemotherapy. (The doctors in Krasnoyarsk gave a very little chance for healing, or even survival!!!)

By that moment the tumor grew a big size. Practically the eye went out of its place (orbit) so the lid would not close. In Ulan-Ude they made a tomography, then 4 courses of chemotherapy, then tomography again and sent them to Moscow. Chemotherapy gave a positive result, although swelling did not disappear at all. In Moscow at this moment the doctors are discussing a possibility of having another surgery (very complicated) to remove the tumor completely and the further treatment, using radiation and chemotherapy in Moscow. The doctors in Moscow think of two ways: the first one would be through the eye lid and it will damage the eye; the second would be through the skull which is dangerous anyway.
They need a place to rent while staying here in Moscow - $US10 would pay 1 night for one person.
Your $US 50 a week would pay her medicines.

Nick Markin, Vice President, Non Profit Partnership Cultural and Educational Society “Rostok” a registered charity in Russia

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Subject: MOTHER

Patricia A. Leach (SAD)
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Date Posted: 08:06:41 09/08/06 Fri

My mother has a brain tumor she has had radiation. She is not the woman she use to be. She is 79 and has lost alot of hr abilities to do the things she loved to do mainly getting around , gardening and just going like she used to it has affected he eyesight too.
She lives at 1203 Woodland Drive dothan, Al. 36303
Her name is Doris Hall wonderful, sweet, loving use to be full of life woman, struggling to be that still. Please pray for her

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Subject: need to print application

Diane Estep (distressed)
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Date Posted: 16:00:10 01/12/09 Mon

I need to have the application to apply for help with supplies. When I click on the spot to get this, nothing happens. Please help me.
Thank you,

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Subject: fundraising question

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Date Posted: 14:48:38 06/14/07 Thu

Hello. My friend's 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous brain tumor.

Some friends, & family have joined together to organize a fundraiser for the family. We are setting up a website to buy tickets for the event; and we to set up a donate now button to the site.

I believe we have to get an EIN number.

Can you tell me what type of account the family should set up. Should it me a trust in the child's name or a small business (non corporation account)?

Please let me know your thoughts

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Date Posted: 00:51:49 02/17/05 Thu

God Bless You All!!!!
I am a sister of a 4 yrs. old cancer patient Eliseo "raprap" Robles....We are asking you to please open your heart for this baby for he is a real fighter and continue to bear all the pain he had been through for the past 7 months .He was diagnose of RHABDOMYOSARCOMA...Got big lump onthe right side of his head and he experience a fountain bleeding everytime he cry or scared because some veins on his head ruptured...He will undergo a Linear Accelaration Theraphy but we are so poor to handle the expenses..We are i PHILIPPINE CHILDREN MEDICAL CENTER
Quezon Avenue,Quezon City Philippines 1100. We had a contact number (63)(2)434-8004 /639216523711 /639102360815 /639216195230.
Thank You so much . God will greatly BLESS you in return.

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Subject: Financial or in-kind assistance for child with cancer?

Jason Church (Optimistic)
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Date Posted: 09:07:20 08/05/07 Sun

We recently learned that my 15 year old son has osteosarcoma, he has a cancerous tumor on his right shin just below the knee. He started chemo last week. 9 months of treatment ahead of us and my wife had to take a leave of absence from work to take care of him.

Curious if any of you have experience or ideas on how companies or other organizations may be able to help. For example, we could use help with a laptop since the hospital has wireless connectivity and Josh is pretty bored. A reliable car to get to and from doctor visits (and for when he turns 16 next April) - A better cell phone for Josh to text message with his friends - A high speed internet connection at home - a HEPA UV air cleaner for his room - school tutoring resources. Or other resources to help a family? Thanks for any advice or leads.

He has a blog at www.caringbridge.org/visit/joshchurch

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Subject: much appreciated products

judy williams
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Date Posted: 14:05:48 02/07/10 Sun


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Subject: financial hep

Raj bai Shah
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Date Posted: 15:32:44 01/13/10 Wed

My father is non a us citizen, but he is living with us since three months , he came here on visa and brought his money $12,000.00. He Suffering from Cancer ,he is under treatment in Corpus christi cancer center. He had his five cycles of chemo done. At this point his Cancer is not under control yet , his doctor told him, he has to start expensive treatment next. untill so far my dad had spend all of his money , now he had no money left. is there any way your departt can help him financially for further treatment.
Rajbai Shah
D/O Abdul Rehamn Palijo
cell # 361-687-4622
i have green card

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Subject: Re: Thanks for the Help.

Wanda Head (So Thankful)
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Date Posted: 11:31:07 01/05/10 Tue

I was diagnosed with colon cancer, stage 3, on August 31 or their abouts. I have tried to get asst. with differant programs for food and asst. with med's. No luck, but cfa helped me and I give thanks for this program and the gifts they sent me. I hope I am able to give back to them when I get well. Thanks again cfa. Wanda

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Subject: CFA response

James T. Reynolds, Sr
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Date Posted: 09:00:09 02/15/08 Fri

I am James T. Reynolds, Sr. I am President of CFA and this past February 1, 2008 I passed my 37th year in this work.
I can assure you CFA is a legitimate IRS 501 (c) (3) non profit and tax exempt organization. As such, CFA is registered across the US with various regulatory agencies, has an independent audit conducted each year and files an IRS 990 each year with the federal government.

CFA maintains from 30 to 50 tractor trailer loads of some 200 various new commodities which are distributed daily to cancer patients, hospices, other non-profit health care providers, and organizations who care for infants, the ill and needy. CFA provides products free including shipping to thousands of individuals each year. Yes we are real, we are legitimate and do help others.

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Subject: a huge thank you

linda isaacs (happy)
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Date Posted: 06:52:28 12/14/09 Mon

i want to thank you sooo much for a care package that arrived during a gloomy day, both the weather and me. just being occupied discovering delightful gifts perked me right up. thank you all and happy holidays to all. linda isaacs

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Subject: package received was opened, items removed

charles barnslater
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Date Posted: 17:00:21 11/11/09 Wed

a box was delivered by a man in a white van, it had been opened.the case of milk was placed over in the big box.items had been taken. federal express nor ups delivered this box. my father will call to inform you of this incident. thank you. what you and others do for cancer patients is a blessing,i hope and pray that no one is soo cold to do this type of thing to a sick person.

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Subject: thanks!!!!

Ariel Pittman (thankful)
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Date Posted: 06:05:24 10/15/09 Thu

i just wanna say that you all have been great!!! you've helped me out alot...didnt know what to do i could never find any help i dont have insurance they canceled it on me couldnt get short term disability they turned me down also even though i worked 2 jobs since i got out of high school but i just recently graduated im 19 yrs young...so thanks for helping me the box of stuff really helped me out since im not working right now.. so THANK YOU!!!! =)

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Date Posted: 11:09:06 09/27/09 Sun



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Subject: Thank you CFA & a question.

Carla Arms
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Date Posted: 02:43:48 09/26/09 Sat

First we want to thank CFA for the packages we've received,they help alot now that money is tight. My husband was in great health. Then he was diagnosed with stage 3-4 Rectal cancer and is just 41. They removed the cancer but it had already spread to some lymphnodes & his liver. Please pray for him. His name is Earl Arms. We have two children a boy 17 and a girl 7. I still have faith that he will be ok eventhough I know how serious this is,but people tell me Im in denial. I think trying to stay positive for my husband and kids sake isn't wrong. What do I say to family & friends when they tell me this?

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Subject: Inquery about customer services

Rebecca Breedlove (just wondering)
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Date Posted: 07:25:11 09/24/09 Thu

I have tried to get client pkgs since may and still have not received anything..i wrote and emailed several times and i provided medical documentation as well as i have medic-alert available....why have i been stopped from the program after more than 4 years???

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Subject: My sister has breast cancer

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Date Posted: 22:52:45 10/30/08 Thu

I found this board looking for someone to talk to.Reading everyones stories makes me feel "not alone". In 2003 my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was a single mother of two girls and faught very hard. She also has Lupus which makes it harder to heal. The doctors removed both breast. And only did radiation.They didn't do chemo. And today I recieved the worst news "her cancer is back". This time it is in her bones all over her body. She called me crying and I felt like their is not a thing I can do about it.I started crying I couln't stay strong for her. I don't know what to do. They are talking about sending her to some place called somthing Anderson in houston,Tx. We live in Mississippi. I don't want her to be so far away from me. I want be able to jump up if she needs me. I don't know how to deal with this pain I'm feeling. I want to spend every minute of the day with her. I can't stop thinking of her,loving her and crying for her. Does the pain ever get better? How can I help her? How can I be strong for her? What do I do? Tawana

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Subject: My Grandson

TJ (Sad)
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Date Posted: 09:53:00 08/21/09 Fri

My grandson has been diagnosed with a brain tumor {glioblastoma}. It has been two months of a roller coaster ride for our family. He is seven years old and spent his seventh birthday in a coma after 13 hrs of surgery. They are given us little hope. But we trust in God. There have been so many prayers prayed for TJ that I know God is listening. I have so many questions regarding how to get help. Our town has been so supportive with donations to help pay the bills while my son is on a leave of absence. This is the only money they have coming in. We were told today that TJ will be coming home from Cinti Childrens Hospital in two weeks. They don't have dependable transportation for him. He will need to been transported three times a week for therapy 120 miles from home. If anyone knows of any help would you please e-mail me and let me know. I know we all have needs I am not trying to be selfish, I am just desperate.
Thank you and God Bless

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Subject: I can help improve your funding program

Joe Napolitano
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Date Posted: 06:58:04 06/03/09 Wed

One of your field supervisors asked me to contact you bacause I can offer your organization a very low cost customer loyalty card that you can use in 6 or more effective ways to induce people to support your cause or increase your funding. When a person has this card all they really have to do is a very little amount of paper work, agree to buy $100/month of food and gas from the places they already buy their food and gas from and they will be rewarded with two $25 fully paid up Visa cards for one year - That is $600 per year. We can vary the amount of the card if desired and can also offer a prescription card in place of either the gas or food card for people that buy a lot of prescriptions. The parent firm that offers this product has a Better Business Burerau rating of A.

Ways you can benefit from this card are:
1- Offer the card free to people that donate a certain dollar amount to your organization. I can sell your organization the card at a low cost so that you could give the card to people that give say $50 or more or whatever level you set - This is a win win for you and the donor - why wouldn't they do it? It is getting paid to donate.
2- You can also give the card to people that will pledge to give back to you their monthly visa cards so that at no cost to them they can supoport you at the rate of $50/month for the entire year. It is important to get continuous funding throughout the year.
3-If you wanted to stay more at arms length I can sell cards directly to your donors at designated sites on a given day for $20 per card and they can pledge their visa cards to you throughout the year.
4- You can give the cards to employees and have them pledge to give you the monthly visa cards or use it as a form of a wage increase for employees or to reward an employee.
5-You can give the card to people with cancer that you want to help and essentially support them at the rate of $50/month for a really low cost to you. This is really efficient funding.
6-You can use the visa cards pledged to you for any purpose you want like even fund research and the like.

I suspect you will come up with other good ideas on how to make this card work for your organization.

We can have the cards identify your organization logo or web site and contact number on the certificates and the monthly vouchers used to send in the receipts to remind people throughout the year who gave them the cards. You should note we only allow one such double card per household so you need to get to people that do not already have a card. We are just starting the program so now is the time to be first to take advantage of the funding gains you may receive from this program.

I can send you more detailed information by E-mail or wopuld be happy to meet with you to discuss the program in greater detail and actually show you the card.

If you go to www.gasandgrocerydepot.com and enter 4D9CH in the promo code area you will go to a link that shows a 2 minute video and has my contact information. You will see that the program was designed for helping retail businesses increase their sales, but I believe it has great value to help organizations such as yours.

I hope to hear from you.

Joe Napolitano

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Date Posted: 18:07:08 04/21/09 Tue

Hi, friends I am ADITYA MANNA, President of a rural Society “NARIKELDAHA PRAYAS” from West Bengal. I would like to know from you all, whether there is any organizations or trusts in or around India which offers fund for Cancer Patients. My surrounded 29 patients are battling with this disease and there are short of funds. So if there is any organizations or trust offering funds, please inform me at the earlies, as its very very urgent.


INDIA, 721642

Email address: adityamanna101@yahoo.co.in

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Subject: family memebers w/cancer in 6 days

Linda Doyle (frozen)
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Date Posted: 22:40:02 03/04/09 Wed

Lat Friday my aunt died. Five days ago my mother was diagnosed w/pacreatic cencer (surgery not an option), last night my brother diagnosed with esophagis & lymph node cancer, other brother died of cancer 4 years ago. This is too much in one week for me to handle.

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Subject: research

Eva Holapa
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Date Posted: 12:13:29 02/28/06 Tue

i am doing a school paper on justifying the need for more funding to go into cancer research. if you have any information related to this topic or stories that you would like to share i would greatly appreciate it. thank you very much. ~eva holapa, waimanalo hawaii, kaiser high school.

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Subject: help help to a young cancer patient

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Date Posted: 00:25:21 11/01/06 Wed


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Date Posted: 10:34:32 06/25/08 Wed


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Subject: Raising money for cfoa

Sean Young (Happy and pumped up about raising money)
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Date Posted: 20:22:17 06/14/08 Sat

My name is Sean Young. I am a former Univ. of Tennessee football player. My football career is over for me, but I feel the need to give back to my community. Cancer has touched someone in there life one time or another. My family has lost members to cancer in every generation to this disease. This is why i'm going to put on the frist Sean Young's Golfing for Cancer with Cancer Fund of America Inc., on July 19th at Royal Oaks Golf Club in Maryville, TN. All proceeds are going to CFOA. We already are seeing a great support from local sponsors and national sponsors, but still need more sponsors and donations. I'm looking forward to seeing how much money we can raise together. Love is what gives people hope. Lets come together and give hope to all cancer victims. Please come out and support Sean Young's Golfing for Cancer and Cancer Fund of America, Inc; event.If you have any questions, donations or sponsorships contact the knoxville(Tennessee) branch.

Always give hope and love to others,

Sean Young

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Subject: cameron's battle for life

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Date Posted: 09:06:47 05/10/08 Sat

hello and thank god i am able to reach you. I am a single mom of 24 yrs of age and my son has just been diagnosed with wilm's tumor. i am now having to live this new journey and am learning of how others' compassion and love changes lives! I am writing because i want to ask if there is any help with gettinga car from the car donation. I have no transportation for my sons upcoming treatments and with the price of gas and limited work schduling i need a vehicle. treatment center is 2 hours away and i have 18 weeks. I'm desperate for anyone could help me. thank you so much. this is very hard for me because i've never had to ask for anything in my life! karen

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Subject: Thank you Cancer Fund of America

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Date Posted: 15:48:56 02/08/08 Fri

We received our first box last week. I found this site by chance when I was looking for financial aid on the internet due to not getting any support at all. I know by reading these messages that there are many more people out there struggling with a family member who has cancer. I came to the US with my daughter last April 07, just two weeks later my daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia. My husband works but his hours have been cut. I cannot work due to caring for my daughter. We dont get any financial aid at all due to the fact that she is not US citizen or been in the US for 5 years. Her biological father does not pay support and denied her. So i went to child support agency and they have taken it into their hands. He made us do a DNA test, I knew and he knows he is her biological father. He just dont want to support his daugher. We have got behind in all the bills etc and have been struggling to put food on the table so that my daughter can have a healthy diet to help her recovery better from the cancer. She has shown such courage and strength more than her so called father has. This little girl still laughs and wants to do what all kids do but she cant. There are days when she is really weak and poorly and it hurts me that I cannot provide for her as I use too. I hope that her father is made to pay so that I can make her have a normal childhood as possible. We cant even go to the movies or by her a pair of jeans or anything. This is hard for us as I know it is hard for a lot of you. But I pray it will get better for my family and beleive in my heart that it will.
I just wanted to say a big big thank you to Cancer Fund for sending the box. My daughter looks forward to the next.

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Subject: Benefit for Ramona Bond- Her Cancer Has Returned...

Natalia (;-()
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Date Posted: 16:09:04 02/01/08 Fri

I am posting this to let people know of a benefit that is coming up for Ramona Bond. She beat cancer once, now she is facing it again. The doctors give her six month to a year to live. We, her friends, are trying to raise some money to help her family with the overwhelming bills. We are having a benefit for Ramona at the VFW in South St Paul, MN, on Concord St...(651-455-1505) It will be held on June 7th, 2008 - 12 Noon to 4PM... that is the soonest we could get the space there at the VFW. We plan to have a Silent Auction, and possibly some handmade crafts for sale, along with food and drinks. Come One, Come All...Ramona is one of the most inspirational people you'll ever know in this world. If anyone can contribute items for the auction/sale, that would be great. Also, we've set up a Paypal account where donations can be made. Go to Paypay...enter in the following email address: ncmcats@yahoo.com Any donations will be dearly appreciated. Also, we are setting up a bank account at Bank Forward where donations can be sent in, as well. Will post that information ASAP. Any questions or need of information, please call 651-216-4087 or 651-231-8824 OR email us at ncmcats@yahoo.com Thank You So Much.

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Subject: hair

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Date Posted: 15:29:56 03/01/06 Wed

i have 18 inches of hair i just cut off. ware can i send it or doues any one need it?

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Subject: Medullary Thyroid Cancer

Charlene (hopefull)
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Date Posted: 10:11:14 12/28/07 Fri

In the summer of 06 my husband was diagnosed w/cancer. It took the doctors 6 months to find out exactly what kind of cancer he has. He was diagnosed w/Medullary Thyroid Cancer. He's had two major surgeries which the first they basically removed his right side of hte neck. They removed the major artery and all the lymph nodes and some muscles and nerves. He cant raise his right arm straight up but he can still move it. ON the left side they removed some of the lymph nodes and a piece of his left vocal cord. He will have surgery this Jan to fix that because he has difficulty swallowing/breathing at times. I would like to meet other people or thier families who have this type of cancer and see how they are coping w/it and what has happend to them since they've been diagnosed.

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Subject: Looking For Support Group In Maryland

Jacki (Seeking support group)
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Date Posted: 05:39:07 12/28/07 Fri

My husband had to have his voicebox removed because of throat cancer. He is often depressed and resents having this surgery. I looking for a support group for him in
Baltimore, MD.. Thank-you. Jackie

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Subject: a child dieing with cancer

her name is jeanine sheridan (she is the daughter of my childhood friend)
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Date Posted: 20:42:16 12/14/07 Fri

she got her first brain tumor at 16,then they got it out. at 18,it came back ,too far down to operate. after her chemo was done,the tumors spread like wild fire.now she is with hospis. i cant imagine what the parents are going thru. i have three healthy adult girls. and i will pray for all of you who are going thru such tragedies.some day maybe the reason for this horrible tragedy will surface,but i doubt it. why cant they find the cure by now. we dont hear about aids much,now its cancer more than ever.i hate to think it is for money.if that were so,this would definately be hell.i will pray for all of you. mary

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Subject: husband with brain cancer

bobby bounds
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Date Posted: 08:55:50 09/19/07 Wed

My husband has brain cancer and has been a recipient of Cancer Fund of America for quite a while. We have a son who lives in New York and he is coming down to Texas to see his dad and I noticed that you can now book flights through Cancer Fund of America, so I just now made his reservations. We are glad to know a portion of the proceeds go to this program that has helped my family so much. God bless you all.
Cindy Bounds

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Subject: My Kids

Dawn (Respect)
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Date Posted: 16:41:28 09/06/07 Thu

I have been fighting cancer for 11 years and along my daughter now 16 and my son now13 has helped me all through this. Thay are never mad when they do not get much for their birthdays in Oct. or much for x-mas. I have a lot of respect for them and this year i would love to give them more to say thank you.

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Subject: "Comic" Funky Winkerbean

Eleanor Wagenseller (outraged)
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Date Posted: 12:23:17 08/10/07 Fri

I am the mother of a breast cancer patient who is in stage four cancer. She has three young children. She is receiving new drugs and we pray for her recovery. Every morning her children read the comics, this has always been a part of their ritual since they could read. Funky Winterbean, a daily comic featured in many papers, has chosen to write about a young mother with breast cancer who went through several stages and is now obviously preparing for death. In my opinion this subject should not be a part of the daily fun pages that children read for amusement. This frightens both mother and children who have enough stress in their lives without having this subject result in such tragic circumstances. Please express your feelings about this to the publishers of the newspapers
who carry this "comic". I am trying to bring attention to this in every possible way so that the artist will consider the harm this is causing and re-think his ending. Thank you.

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Subject: Paying For Med's

Bob Dryman
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Date Posted: 19:05:21 12/16/06 Sat

My wife is taking chemo she got a scrip. for med's to help her from not getting so sick after her treatments. The med's cost $1,300 for 20 pills. I'm disabled but still make a fair amount of money, but we have alot of bills to pay and now with her cancer operation and chemo treatments more bills are coming in. She has insurance but they only pay $500.00 of the $1,300. Does anyone know where we could get any help paying for her med's. Thanks and God bless you all. Bob & Luann

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Subject: need your e-mail address

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Date Posted: 18:02:39 07/08/07 Sun

please forward me your e-mail address or some way in which i can get a better copy of the receipt for the donation of my car. the faxed copy i received is rather fuzzy.

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Subject: THANKS

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Date Posted: 13:43:55 05/25/04 Tue


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Subject: Lotion and bath products wanted

Linda Kellogg
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Date Posted: 14:33:58 11/08/06 Wed

I would like to send you some lotion or bath products -- please email me to give me you address....Linda

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Subject: Rare cancer

Billie Jo Hess
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Date Posted: 05:43:29 10/30/06 Mon

My mother, who I love very much, has been diagnosed with cancer. The thing is she was diagnosed with lung cancer in her throat. The doctors cut out as much of the cancer as they could.Then they sent a piece to the patolgist.Now she has lung and skin cancer in her throat. John Hopkins, in Maryland, said this is very rare.They have only ever heard of two other cases in the world.Well now she starts chemo. and radiation on Nov.1st. She wants to keep working, because the bills don't stop comming just because your sick. I'm not sure she will be able to keep working. Can anybody tell me if there is some kind of fund to help people with this kind of problem? Thanks for reading this. God Bless.

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Subject: BC conference

Caroline Dautrich
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Date Posted: 17:49:55 10/17/06 Tue

I am a bc survivor and just learned of Living Beyond Breast Cancer (www.lbbc.org). They are having a Nov.4th conference in Philadelphia and are providing travel scholarships. Worth a look.

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Subject: Tree

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Date Posted: 14:22:34 11/03/05 Thu

I am a 25 year old woman whos husband is 26 and was diagnosed with cancer we have three small children.We are struggling to make it could anyone give me any advice to where I could get some finicial assistance.

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Subject: dropshippers for it

dropshippers for it
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Date Posted: 08:16:39 06/23/06 Fri

Sehr guten site. Alles arbeitet deutlich, schon eben storungsfrei. Wer machte? Vielleicht vom Weg?

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Subject: Revlimid for Myeloma

Gemma B
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Date Posted: 11:35:06 07/21/05 Thu

My father in law has advanced Multiple Myeloma (blood cancer) and is rapidly running out of treatments as his drugs have stopped working. He was due to get Revlimid today but his doctor has said that it is not available in the UK for 8 more weeks. He has a very agressive form of cancer and I am afraid that he will die if I cannot get this drug for him in the next week or two. If anyone has access to this drug in the states or knows who I can get it directly from please email me. He is only 58 and I am desperate for him not to die. He is a very loved man and I really want to help him and his family.
Many thanks for any advice or help

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Subject: fibromyalgia diet

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Date Posted: 07:42:32 02/13/06 Mon

Hope to see more and more in the future. Keep up the good work! Good luck! <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://fibromyalgia.fbhosting.com">fibromyalgia diet</a> .

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Subject: financial help

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Date Posted: 12:00:25 11/09/05 Wed

My husbamd is diognosed having tumor and carsinoma in esophagus. can any one guide me best place to for treatment and some helpful for getting fincial help for the treatment

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Subject: cancer help

louise oconnor
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Date Posted: 23:35:44 01/29/06 Sun

i am wondering how i could get in touch with a cosmetic company who would share maybe lotion shower gel etc.i am in the last stage of lymphoma non-hogdkins.i cannot afford these items and i miss them so.i dont care if the bottle is bent or the box is torn i could make myself look and feel better.i was a nurse for 32yrs.i always gave to the cancer funds.this may not sound like even big enough to bother with but to me it is a big thing.i have tried avon and mary kay.god bless you.

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Subject: just to sy thank you

herman hazelton
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Date Posted: 10:41:07 11/21/05 Mon

thank u so much cfa. i love the new look. thank you for your support. the products u sends, really helps out a lot. thanks again.

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Subject: *cancer* trying not to fret

tricia alexander
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Date Posted: 08:47:03 11/14/05 Mon

hello everyone thank you for taking the time to read my post. my mother with whom i love very much has been diagnosed with "anal canal cancer". We have accepted what is going on and now are looking for some answers. My mother is a very reserved professional woman so chatting with others that suffer probably isnt going to be her thing.. BUT IT IS MINE. I would like to know from anyone that is willing to take their time to let me know how chemo/radiation went for them.. things to expect, medicines that have helped. They said her cancer is 90% treatable but she still is going to have to do the chemo/radiation. Thank you for taking your time and may god bless you and your loved ones.

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Subject: morons

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Date Posted: 13:02:10 08/19/05 Fri


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Subject: Assistance for Employment

Shabbir Ahmed
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Date Posted: 16:34:29 08/14/04 Sat

I am a parent of a 4 year old, child Shahzeb Ahmed suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) since February of this year. This is a child who is a US citizen by birth. Rest of our family that includes my wife and a ten year old daughter are non – US citizens and have Indian citizenship.

We brought Shahzeb to US on February 26, 2004 after he was diagnosed with ALL in India. He is currently under the care of the Oncology group at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA. As per his physicians Shahzeb will require a long – term treatment and follow up. As we all know that US has the best Healthcare in the world and that is the reason we have decided to get Shahzeb treated here in US. Besides, due to the high risk of infection in traveling and staying in India we would stay here in US so that he gets the best care possible in a friendly environment.

We are currently staying with wife’s brother and his family. It is becoming increasingly difficult to cope up with the financial and emotional stress that comes with thism kind of situation. Needless to say that we will need to support ourselves and become independent. Unfortunately, because we are on visitor’s visa, we do not have authorization to work or a work permit. I have been trying to contact the employers and apply for jobs that fits my skills, but have been unsuccessful till now. Normally the US Immigration requires that the individual has a sponsorship from an employer in US in order for them to grant a work permit.

I am therefore, writing this to explore the possibilities of getting some assistance to find an employer or a position within an organization that can utilize my skills so that I can provide support and independence to my family in this difficult situation.

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Boryana D.
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Date Posted: 16:05:58 10/24/03 Fri

The beautiful orange CALENDULA is one of the less popular herbs in our society. It has had a long history of safe use as both medicine and food, mostly as a remedy for skin problems. Recent research, however, suggests that it may inhibit HIV-1, tumors, and the "lycopene" found in it, is beneficial to prostate health. For more research on Calendula, go to: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.warwicktea.com">http://www.warwicktea.com</a>


It is the main ingredient of the Warwick herbal tea. A natural blood cleanser, the Warwick Tea gently stimulates the immune system, promoting lymphatic drainage, detoxifying the body and helping it fight serious illnesses.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, go to: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.warwicktea.com">http://www.warwicktea.com</a>

Health Consultant: Boryana Dimitrova

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Charles Smallwood
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Date Posted: 19:28:41 07/22/05 Fri

I would like to publicly thank everyone at the Cancer Fund of America for the support they have given to our family for most of the last 2 years as my wife Julie was fighting her battle with lung and brain cancer. Her battle ended when she passed away last Saturday (July 16), however, knowing that we didn't have to worry how we were going to get some of the things we needed regularly certainly took some of the stress away from her and certainly extended the time that we had together.

Thank you so much,

Chuck Smallwood

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Subject: Cancer

Untitled age:12
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Date Posted: 11:21:33 05/03/05 Tue

A few years ago my mom went through somthing terrible. Her best friend died of Cancer at the early age of 32. Not only did my mom cry I did too. The fact that another person had died of cancer made me cry and fill with rage. Since then i have become more giving and have givin a total of $2,321 to Cancer assosiations around the Nation. When I grow up I plan to become A medical scientist to find a cure for Cancer And diabetis Which my grandmother currently is suffering from.

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Subject: thank you so very much

christine velasco
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Date Posted: 09:00:09 04/25/05 Mon

CFOA is very helpful to my family. when the boxes arrive I wait to open them till the kids get home from school. They sit around around the boxes like they are christmas trees. It just puts a big smile on their faces. I have an 11 year old with a brain tumor called juvinile pilocytic astrocytoma. Chemo therapy didnt help, next is radiation. She gets MRI'S every 3 months (2 hours away) and shes her oncologist every 3 months (5 hours away 1 way). the shampoos and all the soaps and just everything helps so very much as we struggle with money cause of bills and travel expenses. Thank you again for donating and if we ever win the lottery I will be sure to send you lots of money. From the velascos

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Subject: cfoa

mrs pope
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Date Posted: 14:52:50 02/25/05 Fri

thank you for all your organization has done for me and my family. I see alot of angry people leaving messages but you know they just have not actually needed the help that cancer patients and there familys realy need, and i can tell you the help from cfoa is real and very helpful.

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Subject: You are fantastic

Lorraine Romano
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Date Posted: 00:46:42 02/01/05 Tue

Thankyou so much for everything you do to help us cancer patients.You are truly Angels working for god. I don't know what i would do without your help. My grandchild also love it when the box you send shows up at my door. Give yourselves a pat on the back, because you deserve it. Thankyou so much.

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Date Posted: 01:00:10 01/08/05 Sat


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Subject: my wonderful gifts

ki johnson
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Date Posted: 18:06:58 04/08/04 Thu

I would just like to say God bless each and everyone of you. when I received my boxes I felt like iy was christmas and we really need alot of the items. God sent me my angels through cancer fund of america. God bless you.
kim johnson

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Subject: Thank you CFOA!!

Lauren Jordan
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Date Posted: 08:54:56 08/16/04 Mon

Thank you for your packages and money you send my family each month. It really comes in handy. When you are away from home (like we are) it really helps your spirit to know that people do care.
As for the people that have complained, they should be ashamed. They all should take a long walk in someone elses shoes before critisizing others.
How does a family that is in need of a vehicle get help with the donated vehicles? I am a single mother of 3 and I totaled my car a few months ago. I can't afford a new car and was wanting a good used one. If anyone has any information, please contact me on this...HELP!!!
Thank you again for all your help.
Lauren Jordan and son.

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Subject: my wonderful gifts

ki johnson
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Date Posted: 18:30:31 04/08/04 Thu

I would just like to say God bless each and everyone of you. when I received my boxes I felt like iy was christmas and we really need alot of the items. God sent me my angels through cancer fund of america. God bless you.
kim johnson

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Subject: new look

lee hancock
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Date Posted: 23:43:55 11/07/03 Fri

I like the new look of CFA and it is easier to read. You are doing a great service for many people thank you and God bless.

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Subject: Cancer

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Date Posted: 14:58:31 11/03/03 Mon

I really enjoy this cancer site. It is always very informative! Thanks so much for caring CFA!!

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