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Subject: Hmmm...

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Date Posted: 19:51:54 11/03/00 Fri
In reply to: James 's message, "Re: To James" on 00:05:20 11/03/00 Fri

NO ATF, DEA, Ect? What the hell J? Who do you think is going to run all those juristictions that our country needs? The cops sure as hell cant do it. The military is strikly forbidden to do it under the constitution (which sucks because I would have loved to raid WACO). As for FDA.... sure... go ahead and let companies decide if their drugs are up to stadards themselves... sure that wont be currupted by CEOs who want more money. These are needed services. Now I will say they could be run alot more efficitntly but with Librals in office, they never will be. Mainly because you have Janet "The Witch" Reno breathing down the ATF and not to mention the INS, necks every time a cuban slips into America or we use a "Incinerary" in a raid. She can piss up a rope if she even begins to think that she understands field ops. I wont go into that now.

I beleive that the Government should be molded as the Constitution states. Large enough to do the job but it should not be an influence in Americans day to day life as the Clinton / Gore administration is pushing to do. WE earn the money, we should be aloud to figure out how to spend it. Stop the money grubbing programs and start cutting the taxes down and let me invest my money into the American Ecomonmy.... how it was DESIGNED to work.

I am die hard republican and a bit to the right wing. Well more than a bit. The only thing I dont agree with conserv's on is the abortion issue. You could say I am a PRO-CONSTITUTIONALIST! But sometimes, very rarly, an orginization MUST be created to handle the securities of the country. The CIA wouldnt exist if we were true "by the book" constitutionalists. We would be commies right now if it wernt for the CIA.

So take what Ive said and think about it and see if you get my whole drift here.

Peace. T

> I'm not really a right winger Donny. I would have to
> put myself in the Libertarian catagory. That means
> economically I believe the government should stay out
> of the way and let freedom determine the economy.
> Freedom of choice, feedom of the market and let
> competition work its magic. But I also believe the
> government should not dictate to people how to run
> their lives. The government shouldn't take any stance
> on things like drugs, sex, marriage, you know things
> that nobody would give a crap about if they lived next
> door to you. So basically if it doesn't infringe on
> anybodys rights then it should be legal at least
> federally. State governments have the power to do
> something different if they want, besides they should
> have the power. Not the Federal gov't.
> Basically I beilieve the government should be
> streamlined and cut back to it's proper constitutional
> size. And yes that would mean no social security,
> medicare, welfare, FDA, DEA, ATF, Dept. of Education,
> and a whole bunch of other stupid government programs
> that do nothing but waste our money and resources. I
> believe in freedom and it's the only issue I will ovte
> on. Who will give me the most freedom? That's where I
> vote. Oh yeah, no EPA either!
> > James, from your posts I suspect you ride somewhere
> on
> > the right, but how far exactly do you place yourself.
> > I mean one instance you are talking about total
> > anarchy and no government, then you are talking to
> > Tommy (who should be an "abombination" to you) then
> > you are a Christian on top of that? What gives? How
> > would you best explain yourself in the political
> > spectrum of things?
> >
> > ~Donny~

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Subject Author Date
The Drug WarJames22:28:29 11/06/00 Mon
The ATFJames22:37:26 11/06/00 Mon
Dept of Education and FDAJames22:51:16 11/06/00 Mon

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