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Subject: not my problem

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Date Posted: 07:58:44 07/31/09 Fri
In reply to: Alicia 's message, "$ Am I Welcome In My Own Home? $" on 12:50:55 07/28/09 Tue

[[On my mum's account;; so no layout. Sorry for shortness, I need to hit the road soon]]

Tarot glanced up at the sound of the engine and the heavy, nauseating odor of gasoline, rubber and iron. Errrrgggh. She shook it off, sinking her teeth into the apple. That was better. She chewed and swallowed, her sharp white teeth tearing the fruit's flesh to pieces in seconds. With her detail-loving eyes she looked the other woman up and down, mentally balancing herself against her. She was probably Zeth's wife, so that took her down on the competition scale. Unless, of course, she wasn't the wife.

The hovering groceries, though, would say otherwise. How many mistresses went grocery shopping? None that she knew of. Tarot shifted away from Zeth. The female wasn't human (fully at least). She smelled of so many different things and her aura, or vibe or whatever the hell rational people called it was much too... off-kilter. Tarot reinforced the brick wall in her mind, lacing it with thorns.

Hopefully it wouldn't be taken as a challenge.

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.:.Of course you are, my lovely.:.Zeth10:35:52 07/31/09 Fri

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